Windows 7


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
So far I am actually impressed, and pleasantly surprised, with Windows 7 as a whole. There are some annoying little "pop up helpers" I'm trying to find out how to do away with but overall it's a very clean operating system. There was an issue with windows explorer (not Internet explorer) freezing up but found an online fix at Microsoft. The Media Center Software is great and easy to use and they've made it extremely simple to connect to a projector. Still playing with it.
The one real issue I have is Windows 7 does not play well with other operating systems, I need a win 7 installation or upgrade disc to repair Win 7 in a dual boot with Ubuntu (or any Linux distro) because of Windows propensity to set itself up as the only bootable OS and this feature becomes corrupted when adding a different OS, making Windows unbootable. :evil:
I've had Windows 7 for a little over a year now and I've had no problems with it. IE is another story. It does freeze a lot, not sure why, and it is fustrating. I installed Chrome and it seems to be a lot better at not freezing but had to sacrifice some gadgets. What was the fix you found for IE? Was it IE8? That is the version I am usuing.
So far I am actually impressed, and pleasantly surprised, with Windows 7 as a whole. There are some annoying little "pop up helpers" I'm trying to find out how to do away with but overall it's a very clean operating system. There was an issue with windows explorer (not Internet explorer) freezing up but found an online fix at Microsoft. The Media Center Software is great and easy to use and they've made it extremely simple to connect to a projector. Still playing with it.
The one real issue I have is Windows 7 does not play well with other operating systems, I need a win 7 installation or upgrade disc to repair Win 7 in a dual boot with Ubuntu (or any Linux distro) because of Windows propensity to set itself up as the only bootable OS and this feature becomes corrupted when adding a different OS, making Windows unbootable. :evil:
I bought a new Compaq Presario Desktop PC with Windows 7 on it back in September or October.

It took a little getting used to, but so far it's been smooth sailing. At first there was some of those annoying "pop up helpers", but sorry, I don't remember how I disabled them. Actually, I think they might have just stopped on their own after a while.

My favorite internet browser (Avant) has crashed twice, but the same browser used to crash pretty regularly on my old system with XP. So I can't really complain about that.

So far it seems to be more stable than XP was. Explorer hasn't crashed yet (knocks on wood).
I've had Windows 7 for a little over a year now and I've had no problems with it. IE is another story. It does freeze a lot, not sure why, and it is fustrating. I installed Chrome and it seems to be a lot better at not freezing but had to sacrifice some gadgets. What was the fix you found for IE? Was it IE8? That is the version I am usuing.

It was windows explorer, not Internet Explorer, I don't use IE I use Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
The problem is that IE has compatibility issues with its old proprietary html 4 coding and the new hardware use of graphics for html 5 and the new M$ interpretation using hardware shadow registers. The idea of interpreting while compiling for next time use is brilliant. It's quite like the branch predication first used in P4 and Centrino enabled processors. So why not make use of it in script interpretation whilst the browser is formatting the current page. The registers can be created and the pathways determined by the additional processor units.

IE 9 should be quite good and these crashes are supposed to be a thing of the past. You know, like FF is now :)

I find it far superior to purchase a couple of drives and dual boot rather than multiple OS's spread across partitions. With the price of hard drives so low now, it is such a simple thing.

I run 2 X 60GB SSD (RAID0) and 2 X 1TB IDE (RAID0) and am able to dual boot from BIOS. I image the cloned RAID0 drive every three months for the SSD's.

In that way, even if a drive fails, you have the other boot drive.
So, is it just Windows Explorer that was freezing up on you or the entire system?
My new Dell locks up frequently. I'll check out that Mircrosoft site.

You can do a fresh OEM install with your OEM key. It's the best and cleanest way to have a fast system. The OEM factory install will be quite a bit slower and they have bundled a lot of necessary software that even when removed serves to bloat the registry, etc.

I bet your problems will be over.

If you ever need an optical disk for that OEM distro key, just PM me and I'll help you.
I use a Win-7 machine at work. It is a vast improvement over the geriatric XP - I refused an upgrade to Vista. It's still not a Mac, but it doesn't make me want to take a sledgehammer to it.
I use a Win-7 machine at work. It is a vast improvement over the geriatric XP - I refused an upgrade to Vista. It's still not a Mac, but it doesn't make me want to take a sledgehammer to it.

Oh, Billy boy tried from Day 1. :)
I hate the new Office for Windows 7, or at least Excel. I could fly around on Excel on XP. I think they've made it less dynamic.

Autcad and other major programs are following with the XML envelope. Take a look at Autocad 2011 and you will see this. The same has followed with M$ C# and other major languages.

It's standard and so simple. Programmers can create complete software customizations without having to run to libraries. The content is database driven, so it is likely that you are not used to the new major version change and this is what is slowing you down.

However, if you miss the "File Bar" there is an utility that will bring it back for Office 2010.
I hate the new Office for Windows 7, or at least Excel. I could fly around on Excel on XP. I think they've made it less dynamic.

Just over a year ago I finally bought my wife Office 2007, she uses it at work and trains others to use it. Well I've been using Office 2000 forever and the other day she asked me to send a document from her laptop to her desktop. I opened it up, took one look, left it open and told her she was going to have to do it. :lol:
I love W7. Forget how long it has been since I built my computer...but definitely less than a year.
I also upgraded my laptop from Vista to problems..

LOVE the themes and all too.

I don't use IE. Never even let it set up.

FF has been driving me nuts lately though. Well, really it is iGoogle. Use it for my home page, and seems that daily it logs out..I have to log back in.
When that happens, it makes me have to log back into all things..such as forums. VERY annoying.

Anyone use iGoogle and have that problem?? From the little research I have done, it supposedly has to do with cookies/files I may need to go in and delete. Bleh
I love W7. Forget how long it has been since I built my computer...but definitely less than a year.
I also upgraded my laptop from Vista to problems..

LOVE the themes and all too.

I don't use IE. Never even let it set up.

FF has been driving me nuts lately though. Well, really it is iGoogle. Use it for my home page, and seems that daily it logs out..I have to log back in.
When that happens, it makes me have to log back into all things..such as forums. VERY annoying.

Anyone use iGoogle and have that problem?? From the little research I have done, it supposedly has to do with cookies/files I may need to go in and delete. Bleh

Don't know about iGoole, hell, never heard of it but it's probably a setting in Firefox ya need to change.
What's funny is I have no real problems with Win 7 but I really miss the simplicity and look of Linux.
I love W7. Forget how long it has been since I built my computer...but definitely less than a year.
I also upgraded my laptop from Vista to problems..

LOVE the themes and all too.

I don't use IE. Never even let it set up.

FF has been driving me nuts lately though. Well, really it is iGoogle. Use it for my home page, and seems that daily it logs out..I have to log back in.
When that happens, it makes me have to log back into all things..such as forums. VERY annoying.

Anyone use iGoogle and have that problem?? From the little research I have done, it supposedly has to do with cookies/files I may need to go in and delete. Bleh

Don't know about iGoole, hell, never heard of it but it's probably a setting in Firefox ya need to change.
What's funny is I have no real problems with Win 7 but I really miss the simplicity and look of Linux.

iGoogle is a customizable homepage, and I really like it a lot. May be a setting in FF, but which setting is what I don't know.
I love W7. Forget how long it has been since I built my computer...but definitely less than a year.
I also upgraded my laptop from Vista to problems..

LOVE the themes and all too.

I don't use IE. Never even let it set up.

FF has been driving me nuts lately though. Well, really it is iGoogle. Use it for my home page, and seems that daily it logs out..I have to log back in.
When that happens, it makes me have to log back into all things..such as forums. VERY annoying.

Anyone use iGoogle and have that problem?? From the little research I have done, it supposedly has to do with cookies/files I may need to go in and delete. Bleh

Don't know about iGoole, hell, never heard of it but it's probably a setting in Firefox ya need to change.
What's funny is I have no real problems with Win 7 but I really miss the simplicity and look of Linux.

iGoogle is a customizable homepage, and I really like it a lot. May be a setting in FF, but which setting is what I don't know.

Restore the mode. Right click on your Firefox link, choose "Properties" and add -safe-mode after the last "

Double click the link and accept safe mode restoration. Then remove the -safe mode from the link.

This will remove all customizations and will reset you to the original. I don't use iGoogle. Just google as a web page.

iGoogle mines you for browsing data. Not you personally, just your habits. So does Google if you sign in. I don't do either.

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