Will Tsarnaev testify at his Boston Bombing trial? Oh that's right - your govt removed his larynx

Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.


may 1 2013
Dzhokhar Has his Larynx Removed, at Israeli Hospital

They grabbed DT from the boat. In this video, an eyewitness (at the 4:50 mark) SWAT team member Campbell describes the throat wound. He calls it a small cut, like a knife cut. Various accounts describe some massive shoot-out, so let’s emphasise that the suspect was not armed: “The suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials” Washington Post.

Then he was taken into a Jewish hospital, Beth Israel – which was far away from Watertown where the race finished, compared to othernearby but non-Jewish hospitals: …he “ may never speak again, according to the Israeli director of the Boston hospital where Tsarnaev is being treated.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered in the boat and then had his larynx removed in the Israeli hospital – Jim Stone. After that, he was taken straight to prison - a patsy must not be allowed to communicate with anyone.

LOL a Muslim caught on cameras all over the place, yet it must be a Israeli conspiracy, because the Jewish (not Israeli you little cock-sucker) hospital which is under FEDERAL MANDATE to treat anyone who comes to the emergency room. I guarantee the hospital would have wanted to send him away instead of rendering him free service. They would have liked (as I would have) to let him die then to SAFE HIS LIFE!!!
I did look it up and you are right it was a Jewish hospital, GHook, but it was not "Israeli" and the insinuation was highly insulting. No doubt the family requested he be cared for at that particular hospital because it had the very best doctors, care available. The Jewish doctors are famous for their impartial bedside manner having treated many Muslims who said later - they treated us no differently then if we had been Jewish. That is something the Jewish doctors should be commended for.
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.

What the Boston PD should have done was fill that boat with so many bullet holes that it won't float in a puddle. The fact that this SOB was taken alive and not killed on the spot has DISGUSTED me for almost 2 years.
Is that true? I didn't hear that story. (the FBI agents)

Since doing a search is too complicated for you - here

2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev s Arrest FALL Out of Helicopter and Die - 12160

The FBI Hostage Rescue Team has more than 90 Operators. There's no indication that these two specifically had anything to do with the Boston Bombing case. In fact, the last operation of note that one of the two Operators was cited to have been involved in was this:

Ala. hostage victim taken to hospital suspect dead

Which occurred before the Boston Bombing. Given how prominant the Boston Bombing case was, it seems highly unlikely that a kidnapping case from February would be the last case cited for that Operator if he had been involved in Boston.

The only sources that indicate that these two agents were in Boston during the apprehension of Tzarnaev are conspiracy websites, all citing the same unsourced R seau Voltaire article. Which isn't backed by anything.

Its a classic conspiracy circle jerk.
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Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.

What the Boston PD should have done was fill that boat with so many bullet holes that it won't float in a puddle. The fact that this SOB was taken alive and not killed on the spot has DISGUSTED me for almost 2 years.

It doesn't disgust me. What makes us better than the bombers is that we follow a system of laws, rights and protections. And we enforce those even when the suspect is accused of something truly heinous.

And I especially respect our adherence to this system of ethics when the temptation to violate it is particularly strong, as it was after the Boston Bombing.
Is that true? I didn't hear that story. (the FBI agents)

Since doing a search is too complicated for you - here

2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev s Arrest FALL Out of Helicopter and Die - 12160

Sounds like they knew too much. It is just about impossible that this was an accident. I believe they were murdered. Interesting that the young man had his larynx removed. Sounds suspicious to me.

How is it 'impossible'? There was a similar helicopter accident with the exact same ship in 2009. The Operators will tell you that the job and training they do is very dangerous. And being hurt in very dangerous training isn't 'impossible'. Quite the opposite. Given a long enough time line, its inevitable.

Which is why we admire these men so much. They're willing to take that risk and make those sacrifices on our behalf.
You are mistaken. He wasn't in an Israeli Hospital. ( he was operated on here in the USA )

I didn't say the hospital was in israel. It's called Beth-Israel hospital and it's here in america but is controlled by israel.

Evidently your info is BS as Tsarnaev is fully recovered and can testify if he so chooses. Any chance you will provide a link to the evil Israeli-hospital connection you claim or is that just more BS?
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.

What the Boston PD should have done was fill that boat with so many bullet holes that it won't float in a puddle. The fact that this SOB was taken alive and not killed on the spot has DISGUSTED me for almost 2 years.

The LORD is very merciful. He gave the young man an opportunity to repent. You should see that as a sign of God's goodness, Anathema.
Why do you have to lie like this? Israeli hospitals and removed larynxes. Why? You have to know that someone is going to look it up.

And so with his story fully exposed as lame Nazi BS the only question is: why must SS lie?
You are mistaken. He wasn't in an Israeli Hospital. ( he was operated on here in the USA )

I didn't say the hospital was in israel. It's called Beth-Israel hospital and it's here in america but is controlled by israel.

Evidently your info is BS as Tsarnaev is fully recovered and can testify if he so chooses. Any chance you will provide a link to the evil Israeli-hospital connection you claim or is that just more BS?

If the young man had Jewish doctors looking after him it was truly the goodness of God - once again in action. Jewish doctors are among the very, very best. The LORD is good - even to those who do not deserve it.
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.


may 1 2013
Dzhokhar Has his Larynx Removed, at Israeli Hospital

They grabbed DT from the boat. In this video, an eyewitness (at the 4:50 mark) SWAT team member Campbell describes the throat wound. He calls it a small cut, like a knife cut. Various accounts describe some massive shoot-out, so let’s emphasise that the suspect was not armed: “The suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials” Washington Post.

Then he was taken into a Jewish hospital, Beth Israel – which was far away from Watertown where the race finished, compared to othernearby but non-Jewish hospitals: …he “ may never speak again, according to the Israeli director of the Boston hospital where Tsarnaev is being treated.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered in the boat and then had his larynx removed in the Israeli hospital – Jim Stone. After that, he was taken straight to prison - a patsy must not be allowed to communicate with anyone.

wow...cool...another wingnut conspiracy theory.

he was shot in the throat. he spoke after. no one removed his larynx.

but i particularly like the snipe at jews.

So his larynx was not removed, Jillian? Amazing! Is there anything at all accurate to this story???!

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