Will This SInk Obamacare?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Halbig v Sibelius is a case that challenges this administration's cavalier attitude to the law. The law specifies that only people signing up on state exchanges are eligible for subsidies. HHS simply rewrote the law to include those who signed up on Healthcare.gov, the federal website. That is nowhere part of the law. Here is the incomparable staff of the Journal describing this affront to the rule of law. And 10 to 1 the first 3 lib posters will never read the article.
ObamaCare's Latest Legal Challenge - WSJ.com

The Affordable Care Act—at least the version that passed in 2010—instructed the states to establish insurance exchanges, and if they didn't the Health and Human Services Department was authorized to build federal exchanges. The law says that subsidies will be available only to people who enroll "through an Exchange established by the State." The question in Halbig is whether these taxpayer subsidies can be distributed through the federal exchanges, as the Administration insists.

Prior to passage, Democrats were divided over the structure of the exchanges, with liberals favoring a national clearinghouse and moderates state control. The federalists won and conditioned the subsidies on state-based exchanges.

This was no accident. The federal government cannot commandeer the sovereign states under the Constitution, so Democrats created an incentive for Governors to participate voluntarily. If they didn't cooperate by taking the quid of the exchanges, they would deny their constituents the quo of eligibility to claim billions of dollars worth of benefits. The other Democratic goal was to have the states share in the workload of implementation, instead of concentrating everything within HHS.

But also prior to passage, Democrats were convinced that the ObamaCare opposition would melt away as Americans learned to love the law. That did not happen. Some 34 states opted out, and two others couldn't meet all the HHS mandates by deadline. So the Administration faced a choice: HHS could either obey the law, deny subsidies to the two-thirds of the U.S. population living in states with federal exchanges and thus greatly diminish Mr. Obama's legacy project. Or it could improvise a workaround—which is what it did.

In 2012, HHS and the Internal Revenue Service arrogated to themselves the power to rewrite the law and published a regulation simply decreeing that subsidies would be available through the federal exchanges too. The IRS devoted only a single paragraph to its deviation from the statute, even though the "established by a State" language appears nine times in the law's text. The rule claims that an exchange established on behalf of a state is a "federally established state-established exchange," as if HHS is the 51st state.

Careful spadework into ObamaCare's legislative history by Case Western Reserve law professor Jonathan Adler and Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute has demonstrated that this jackalope rule-making was contrary to Congress's intent. For example, the bill appropriated a mere $304 million for HHS to run exchanges. The actual cost turned out to be $3.3 billion as state after state dropped out.

Much more at the source.
It won;t matter because Obamacare is not really a law... It's an ever changing idea, an idea that changes to make people happy when people become unhappy with the old version of that same idea.
It won;t matter because Obamacare is not really a law...

Actually, it is really a law.

But the Supremes will probably let it slide, as they let the mandate slide. They simply announced that, while the mandate was clearly unconstitutional, it didn't really mean what it said about penalizing people for not signing up. It really meant "tax" people for not signing up... even though it clearly said "penalty" everywhere in its text, and not "tax". Then the court re-wrote it to say "tax", and declared it constitutional.

So the same Court will say that, even though it says "state exchanges", it really means "state and Federal exchanges". Then they will rewrite it to say "State and Federal", and announce it now means that.

The idea of letting the people vote on the law with those changes, is what they absolutely WON'T do.
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So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance since they are forced to sign up for health insurance through the federal exchange because of their GOP legislatures.

This means people who live in red states will be paying more out of their pockets for health insurance than those who live in blue states.

Hmmm. I just can't see THAT backfiring on the GOP! :lol:
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Here's what they should do on the federal health insurance exchange:

After a person fills out their information, the web site should say something like, "Your out of pocket cost for your family's insurance is going to be $329 a month. Too bad you don't live in a state with a health insurance exchange. Your cost would only be $100."

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So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance

No, that's the Democrats' position. They wrote the law that way, and ignored and derided all GOP attempts to change it or get rid of it.

I'm not surprised the Democrats are bending over backward to rewrite history now, almost before it's history. Now they have to answer to the voters for what they've done, and are naturally looking for anyone to blame except themselves.

Taking responsibility for their own acts, is nowhere in their game plan, and never has been.
So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance

No, that's the Democrats' position. They wrote the law that way, and ignored and derided all GOP attempts to change it or get rid of it.

I'm not surprised the Democrats are bending over backward to rewrite history now, almost before it's history. Now they have to answer to the voters for what they've done, and are naturally looking for anyone to blame except themselves.

Taking responsibility for their own acts, is nowhere in their game plan, and never has been.
Indeed. They're panicked. ObamaCare is the albatross around their necks that is sinking them. They can't escape it no matter how many times they try to rewrite the truth. They think people that are losing their plans, and their care they had are just stupid and making shit up. Dingy Harry Reid said as much...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdkpMZly2yo]Harry Reid Calls ObamaCare Victims Liars - YouTube[/ame]

Let's see what he says when he loses his position. The man is a weasel, a liar.
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.

The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.
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So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance since they are forced to sign up for health insurance through the federal exchange because of their GOP legislatures.

This means people who live in red states will be paying more out of their pockets for health insurance than those who live in blue states.

Hmmm. I just can't see THAT backfiring on the GOP! :lol:
So, the dimwitted libtard position is force obastardcare on us, which they did and idiots support that. IDIOTS!!!!!!
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.

The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.
Show the facts on the ground which prove the lie of obastardcare is working. Don't think so, just more libtarded hot air.
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Not "some" or "most" or "all but" ALL

An executive order is simply a legal document instructing how the current LAW is to be executed, in fact, without executive orders, the President would have no way of legally exercising his power.

However, this does not mean that executive orders can be used to change the law, because that is a usurpation of legislative powers, and no legislative powers can be exercised by any body other than Congress, as Congress commands ALL legislative powers.

Obama should impeached and removed on this alone.
So the GOP position is...no state exchanges in red states, and therefore no red state citizens should be able to get subsidies for their health insurance since they are forced to sign up for health insurance through the federal exchange because of their GOP legislatures.

This means people who live in red states will be paying more out of their pockets for health insurance than those who live in blue states.

Hmmm. I just can't see THAT backfiring on the GOP! :lol:

Once again showing that you have a one track mind....."all or nothing"...

Making you not worth the time it took to write this post
The right wing "horror stories" used in ads have all been shown to be bogus.
The facts on the ground are that people in red states are going to be denied health insurance subsidies, which means they will be paying more for their health insurance than people in blue states. And that is a REAL horror story the GOP won't tell you.

The citizens of red states are also being denied the Medicare expansion.

Another horror for the GOP is that the federal web site has much improved and millions of people have been signing up.

ObamaCare is not sinking. Not even close.

RomneyCare had very similar bumps and difficulties in its early days, as any massive government expansion of power does. But five years later, a supermajority of the citizens (74 percent!) of Massachusetts stated they wanted to keep RomneyCare around, even though 60 percent felt it still needed fixes.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Rumors of the death of ObamaCare are greatly exaggerated.

No they haven't.

But Harry reid surely has you believing they have.

FUCK OFF puppet.

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