Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?
What they should learn is that the Democrat candidates back 3rd party candidates in order to get votes away from the Republicans. Not sure what the Republicans can do on this. The green party doesn't run anymore because the DNC placated them enough that there is no incentive.

The problem is Libertarians are fiscal conservatives but often social liberals. Not sure what the Republicans can do to absorb them into the party. Maybe being more socially liberal. That would eliminate the 3rd party vote loss for Republicans but could alienate the social conservatives.

Maybe we can just make it illegal for either major party to financially back any 3rd party candidate but I'm sure the Democrats would work around that law.
Learn what?

That dimocraps out-spent Republicans almost two to one?

That dimocraps brought in dozens of National figures to campaign for McAuliffe?

That Cuccinelli closed a 12 point gap in a matter of days with NO MONEY?

That Cuccinelli only had 2 weeks to campaign against obamacare and the rest of the Republican party has a year until the mid-terms?

That a dimocrap scumbag and MAJOR dimocrap bundler financed a PHONY FUCKING LIBERTARIAN to siphon votes away from Cuccinelli?

From just a few days ago

McAuliffe opens up double-digit lead over Cuccinelli in Virginia governor?s race - The Washington Post

(WaPo) — Democrat Terry McAuliffe has opened a double-digit lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli II in the race for Virginia governor, in a new poll capturing increasing dissatisfaction among voters with Cuccinelli’s party and his conservative views.

According to a new Washington Post/Abt SRBI poll, McAuliffe tops Cuccinelli 51 percent to 39 percent among likely voters in the Nov. 5 election. McAuliffe led by eight percentage points in a poll taken last month. Libertarian Robert Sarvis, who has capitalized on voter unrest with the two major-party candidates, is at 8 percent, according to the new poll.

From just a few hours ago

Election Day 2013: Results - CNN.com


dimocraps put everything they had in this race, complete with the usual cheating and lying. McAuliffe is a former Party Chairman and for him to lose in a Purple State would have been crippling to dimocraps.

That he BARELY won speaks volumes. Yeah, we learned a lot.

How'd we do in New Jersey? One of THE bluest of blue States in the Country.....
Learn what?

That dimocraps out-spent Republicans almost two to one?

That dimocraps brought in dozens of National figures to campaign for McAuliffe?

That Cuccinelli closed a 12 point gap in a matter of days with NO MONEY?

That Cuccinelli only had 2 weeks to campaign against obamacare and the rest of the Republican party has a year until the mid-terms?

That a dimocrap scumbag and MAJOR dimocrap bundler financed a PHONY FUCKING LIBERTARIAN to siphon votes away from Cuccinelli?

dimocraps put everything they had in this race, complete with the usual cheating and lying. McAuliffe is a former Party Chairman and for him to lose in a Purple State would have been crippling to dimocraps.

That he BARELY won speaks volumes. Yeah, we learned a lot.

How'd we do in New Jersey? One of THE bluest of blue States in the Country.....

look, a win is a win, no matter how much cash the other side spends, voters eventually decide ... sometimes inspite of all the backing by the sugar daddies.

At some point you just have to conceed the inevitable - republicans are losing ground due to tactical errors; not their message.

Their message has become a side-bar to attacking the dems and firing them up to vote against republicans.
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I am pleased to see the margin was closed 17% with only one month of the ACA stumper cluck law. With a year to digest this dung, the Americans will deliver a swift response come 2014. Unless they start handing out free stuff to the lazy, entitled, uneducated voters who are running to ACA

Learn what?

That dimocraps out-spent Republicans almost two to one?

That dimocraps brought in dozens of National figures to campaign for McAuliffe?

That Cuccinelli closed a 12 point gap in a matter of days with NO MONEY?

That Cuccinelli only had 2 weeks to campaign against obamacare and the rest of the Republican party has a year until the mid-terms?

That a dimocrap scumbag and MAJOR dimocrap bundler financed a PHONY FUCKING LIBERTARIAN to siphon votes away from Cuccinelli?

dimocraps put everything they had in this race, complete with the usual cheating and lying. McAuliffe is a former Party Chairman and for him to lose in a Purple State would have been crippling to dimocraps.

That he BARELY won speaks volumes. Yeah, we learned a lot.

How'd we do in New Jersey? One of THE bluest of blue States in the Country.....

look, a win is a win, no matter how much cash the other side spends, voters eventually decide ... sometimes inspite of all the backing by the sugar daddies.

At some point you just have to conceed the inevitable - republicans are losing ground due to tactical errors; not their message.

Their message has become a side-bar to attacking the dems and firing them up to vote against republicans.

He was out-spent nearly two to one.

The Republican establishment ignored him and didn't help.

He closed a 12 point gap down to ??

dimocrap scum ran a phony libertarian backed by dimocrap money against him to siphon votes

I'd say he did pretty good.

And if Patriotic Americans still hold the Assembly, they can block most of the things the dimocrap scumbag wants to do anyway.

A meaningless victory if Republicans keep the Assembly because McAuliffe will be disliked immensely for cheating
If only he was more conservative, he would have won.

Yup, that will be the immediate response from the GOP TP types. I am sure the establishment GOP is looking at this and scratching their head trying to figure out how to get the TP from funding, supporting, and demanding extremist such as Cooooch.

The GOP had an easy win here and they blew it with a flawed candidate. I know for a fact that the statewide Dems breathed a sign of relief when Boilling lost in the Primary.

ARE YOU WATCHING KARL? Don't let the same thing happen in the national races in 2014 and 2016. I am not sure how you do that, but thatis not my problem....:lol:

If the GOP can't let go of the social issues and concentrate on the economy, it may as well get ready to be a localized, regional party. There are other ways to fight abortion.

There's no excuse for losing to McCauliffe. Holy crap, one of the sleaziest politicos in the country. Yuck.

He was out-spent nearly two to one.

The Republican establishment ignored him and didn't help.

He closed a 12 point gap down to ??

dimocrap scum ran a phony libertarian backed by dimocrap money against him to siphon votes

I'd say he did pretty good.

And if Patriotic Americans still hold the Assembly, they can block most of the things the dimocrap scumbag wants to do anyway.

A meaningless victory if Republicans keep the Assembly because McAuliffe will be disliked immensely for cheating

What does that say about Republicans, that they allowed this type of victory to fall into the dem's lap?

He cheated, or republicans are being spoiled sports?

It's really hard for folks to tell when they cry "foul" in every single loss.

If conservatives were dumb enough to vote for a fake libertarian, why do they deserve a victory? Blame conservatives for that one.
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This might be a stupid question but I'm not from Virginia and would like someone from there to answer this. Was it Cuccinelli who was the problem or was it the Lt. Gov. candidate? What's been really turning me off about the TP (besides them being associated with the GOP) lately is all of the loudmouth religious nut jobs who seem to think that the TP is their home.

(1) Obamacare is still a near winner for the Pubs: a few more days, the pendulum would have swung

(2) TeaP candidates will lose even when they have the Dems do everything so badly

(3) Libertarians are pissed and will take anybody's money in order to get the message out

Next year is not a lock for anybody but it looks much better for the GOP than it did
Bottom line is simple..... Republicans lost because Tens of Thousands of new Federal Hires have moved into Northern Virginia and because Northern Virginia is home to Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Employees who are still smarting from the gubmint shutdown.

That's what was hard to overcome.

And Federal Employees.... Union scum to the core, vote overwhelmingly dimocrap. Why not? They make double what the same job pays in the Private Sector

Federal workers earning double their private counterparts

The demographics in Virginia have changed dramatically due to the massive influx of new Federal Employees and may be permanently gone as a Republican State. We'll have to see.
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.
This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

Learn what? That it is going to be increasingly tougher to win in Virginia unless you out Dem. the Dems? That a state with so many dependent on their livelihoods coming from Mordor on the Potomac is going to increasingly support statist pols?
Pretty sure they got that.

If the GOP can't let go of the social issues and concentrate on the economy, it may as well get ready to be a localized, regional party. There are other ways to fight abortion.


Gender gap:

* Virginia: 12 points
Male: Cuccinelli +3
Female: McAuliffe +9

* New Jersey: 13 points
Male: Christie +28
Female: Christie +15

* NYC: 23 points
Male: De Blasio +36
Female: De Blasio +59

So the moderate messiah and "taliban" Ken had a similar gender gap. And both did much better than pro-choice Lhota.

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Learn what?

That dimocraps out-spent Republicans almost two to one?

That dimocraps brought in dozens of National figures to campaign for McAuliffe?

That Cuccinelli closed a 12 point gap in a matter of days with NO MONEY?

That Cuccinelli only had 2 weeks to campaign against obamacare and the rest of the Republican party has a year until the mid-terms?

That a dimocrap scumbag and MAJOR dimocrap bundler financed a PHONY FUCKING LIBERTARIAN to siphon votes away from Cuccinelli?

dimocraps put everything they had in this race, complete with the usual cheating and lying. McAuliffe is a former Party Chairman and for him to lose in a Purple State would have been crippling to dimocraps.

That he BARELY won speaks volumes. Yeah, we learned a lot.

How'd we do in New Jersey? One of THE bluest of blue States in the Country.....

look, a win is a win, no matter how much cash the other side spends, voters eventually decide ... sometimes inspite of all the backing by the sugar daddies.

At some point you just have to conceed the inevitable - republicans are losing ground due to tactical errors; not their message.

Their message has become a side-bar to attacking the dems and firing them up to vote against republicans.

The conservative-libertarian vote was greater than the progressive vote. Virginia isnt a place for republicans to fall on thier sword.
Bottom line is simple..... Republicans lost because Tens of Thousands of new Federal Hires have moved into Northern Virginia and because Northern Virginia is home to Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Employees who are still smarting from the gubmint shutdown.

That's what was hard to overcome.

And Federal Employees.... Union scum to the core, vote overwhelmingly dimocrap. Why not? They make double what the same job pays in the Private Sector

The demographics in Virginia have changed dramatically due to the massive influx of new Federal Employees and may be permanently gone as a Republican State. We'll have to see.

You see, all that tells me is that we aren't paying people in the private sector enough.

While the Corporatists you worship have been using every trade treaty and recession to drive down the wages of private sector workers, those government workers managed to hold onto to their nice middle class salaries.

And you want the arsonist to burn down your neighbors house instead of finding the guy who hired him to burn down yours.

The Demagraphics of the whole country is changing as the dumb, old white people who vote against their own economic interests over silly issues like abortion and gay marriage pass on.
The conservative-libertarian vote was greater than the progressive vote. Virginia isnt a place for republicans to fall on thier sword.

Works on the assumption that the libertarians who voted against Cuccinelli would have voted for him if htey didn't have the third party option.

You know, some of those Libertarians were probably generally worried that Cuccinelli wanted to impose his religion on the rest of the state.

And some merely voted for Sarvis because both of these guys were asshats...

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