Will the GOP fall into the same stupid rabbit hole the DEMs did?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

When have the Republicans ever done anything different?
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

When have the Republicans ever done anything different?

They never have, but their obedient sheep lap up their lies election after election and keep punching (R) no matter what.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)
If you're driving on the highway and your Engine warning light comes on and your oil pressure warning goes off... you pull over right? Or do you just keep driving till the engine explodes or melts into a solid lump?

This nation is broken and needs repair. Obamatax is the screaming alarm of the Oil Pressure light turning on. Pull over, and fix the problem right or wait for a tow truck to haul the car to safety.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

I would not hold your Breath. Face Facts the people were choosing from don't actually represent us. They will do as little as they can and still keep their jobs, they will play Politics, and pander to special Interests, and spend to much fucking Money.

I really feel for anyone that still thinks we can make a difference at the Ballot Box. All you are choosing is by which Mechanism you will be Abused, and how and when this country will collapse.

It's not like you are choosing between good and bad. You are choosing between Bad and Bad.

The whole thing is an exercise in futility, Yet I will still go Vote, even though I know my Vote means Absolutely nothing anymore.
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After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

When have the Republicans ever done anything different?

Sarah, aren't you tired of excusing the present by pointing to actions of the past? Obama has a good slogan, Forward, I suggest we actually try to live by it. Expecting the failures of the past to be our new standard for today's successes is a recipe for failure.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

You would certainly get the deregulation and tax cuts for the "Job Creators" on Wall Street, the rest of it is a pipe dream.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

Excellent points, gramps. But let's put that budget near the top, shall we? This country has to have a budget as do familites. It's disgrace this president has not demanded a budget.

The biggest error Obama made in his presidency was ignoring the economy and jbs right off the bat. If the Republicans havn't learned by this, we will be doomed.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)
If you're driving on the highway and your Engine warning light comes on and your oil pressure warning goes off... you pull over right? Or do you just keep driving till the engine explodes or melts into a solid lump?

This nation is broken and needs repair. Obamatax is the screaming alarm of the Oil Pressure light turning on. Pull over, and fix the problem right or wait for a tow truck to haul the car to safety.

You call a tow truck and life goes on. You don't stop everything your doing to focus on one problem least everything else fall apart.
After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

When have the Republicans ever done anything different?

When did a Republican administration NOT have a budget? Ryan has submitted tax cuts that felt on deaf ears from the Democratic leadership.
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After wasting nearly 2 years on nothing but Obamacare in 09 & 10 will the GOP do the same damn thing starting this fall or even this summer?

Our system needs work, yes. But are we going to yet again play the polarizing game of focusing on one issue to damage the other party and thus ending up right back where we started?

Will the GOP be smarter than their predecessors and not blow all their energy on one god damn issue? If they gain power and put most of their time and energy into repealing O'care with no other economy and job saving plans they will sink their own ship before it even leaves the port.

Priorities IF they gain control should be something like this:

Economic deregulation
Legislation to promote job expansion
Balance our trade laws
End the wars
Repeal most of Obamacare and replace with necessary legislation
Cut wasteful spending programs
Enact a budget and follow it
Shrink govt agencies
Immigration reform (no more bandaids)

Then we the people should demand the following:

Term limits
Govt salary caps (especially congressional)
Election finance reform (all this money corrupts)

When have the Republicans ever done anything different?

Sarah, aren't you tired of excusing the present by pointing to actions of the past? Obama has a good slogan, Forward, I suggest we actually try to live by it. Expecting the failures of the past to be our new standard for today's successes is a recipe for failure.

The GOP has never brought anything but destruction to america.

Your logic is like saying you keep putting a fork into a light socket and get zapped over and over, but "this time I'm not going to get zapped" :cuckoo:
The Failure to produce a Budget in 3 years is an Epic Failure, bordering on Criminal. They don't want to have to put it down on Paper.

Should fall under high crimes and misdemeanors. I agree.
When have the Republicans ever done anything different?

Sarah, aren't you tired of excusing the present by pointing to actions of the past? Obama has a good slogan, Forward, I suggest we actually try to live by it. Expecting the failures of the past to be our new standard for today's successes is a recipe for failure.

The GOP has never brought anything but destruction to america.

Your logic is like saying you keep putting a fork into a light socket and get zapped over and over, but "this time I'm not going to get zapped" :cuckoo:

Well if you feel as we do that the Dems and Obama are destroying this country. Then Giving Obama 4 more years is akin to the same damn thing.

Zap Zap
I agree. Election finance reform should be a priority over a senseless attempt to kill Obamacrae.
Sure. It'd be great to go back and try to reverse the very good decision of Citizens United.

Better still, let's ban ALL money from politics! Oh wait... that's unconstitutional too.
Sarah, aren't you tired of excusing the present by pointing to actions of the past? Obama has a good slogan, Forward, I suggest we actually try to live by it. Expecting the failures of the past to be our new standard for today's successes is a recipe for failure.

The GOP has never brought anything but destruction to america.

Your logic is like saying you keep putting a fork into a light socket and get zapped over and over, but "this time I'm not going to get zapped" :cuckoo:

Well if you feel as we do that the Dems and Obama are destroying this country. Then Giving Obama 4 more years is akin to the same damn thing.

Zap Zap

Obama saved the nation from complete disaster caused by W and the GOP. Anyone that thinks Obama is destroying the country is a brainwashed fool.
I agree. Election finance reform should be a priority over a senseless attempt to kill Obamacrae.
Sure. It'd be great to go back and try to reverse the very good decision of Citizens United.

Better still, let's ban ALL money from politics! Oh wait... that's unconstitutional too.

We should amend the constitution. The money corrupts, period. I don't care which side of the isle you're on. And it will only get worse.

Elections will be less and less about the issues or what a candidate stands for and more and more about who can make up the most twisted version of someone's past. Were seeing the foundation set for this right now.
I agree. Election finance reform should be a priority over a senseless attempt to kill Obamacrae.
Sure. It'd be great to go back and try to reverse the very good decision of Citizens United.

Better still, let's ban ALL money from politics! Oh wait... that's unconstitutional too.

We should amend the constitution. The money corrupts, period. I don't care which side of the isle you're on. And it will only get worse.

Elections will be less and less about the issues or what a candidate stands for and more and more about who can make up the most twisted version of someone's past. Were seeing the foundation set for this right now.

No that foundation has been set for some time now.

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