*Will Supreme Court Install McCain/Palin After Obama/Biden Get Canned This Year?*

*Should McCain and Palin Be Installed In Thier Proper Place As President & Vice Pres*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that


1. This should be what every body should be thinking about now.
2. We can not allow Biden to be President, so when Obama goes, Joe goes too, that's a *no-brainer*.
3. And there's really no reason to have Bohner take this office, that's all we need is a cry-baby President, who has no nads to speak of, so he's out before we even consider it.
4. The only thing that can be done that's reasonable, is by default, McCain and Palin win, they were the one's who are legally able to hold the office, both being true blue Americans, with birth certificates.
5. Obama's toast already, there's really no reason to keep trying to prop him up, he's done, all that has to happen is what's happening, and in a few months, he will have to be stripped from the Presidential Office.
6. I propose we make way for the *Real* President of the 2008 election, and his Vice President choice, Sarah Palin, its what we must do, and then while we are doing it, just wipe away these last two years as if they never happened, and they start fresh with four years, its what *The United States of America Supreme Court* must do, for respect of our laws, and our top office, *The President of the United States of America*.
7. Leave it to me, *CWN*, to come up with the answers to the problems before the problems reveal themselves.
8. Oh, and *Checkmate*.

Sorry bout that,

1. But I didn't bring this about.
2. It is Obama who lied about his inability to meet the legal requirements in order to be *The President of the United States of America*.
3. He has brought this upon himself, no one else is to held responsible.
4. His time as *President of the United States of America* are rapidly coming to an end.
5. When *ALL* the *pawns* in America catch up to *CWN* then that's when Obama's end as President will arrive.
6. I give them three months.


Do you have ANY concept of the rules that govern the presidency? Dou you have any idea how STUPID this concept. Your post has ZERO rationality. McCain/Palin are an IMPOSSIBILITY.

Shit - I forgot :trolls:
Sorry bout that,


Do you have ANY concept of the rules that govern the presidency? Dou you have any idea how STUPID this concept. Your post has ZERO rationality. McCain/Palin are an IMPOSSIBILITY.

Shit - I forgot :trolls:

1. That's what *ALL* the *pawns* think right now.:clap2:
2. You hide and wait awhile, things change.:evil:
3. Calling me a troll really really hurts alot,:boohoo:...*NOT*!!!,.......like the other 99% of the posters here are not trolls.
4. I know you love Obama and can't think of anything like this happening, but it will, watch and see.:clap2:
5. I don't think I'm a troll, but you can argue it if you like,..:lol:


Do you have ANY concept of the rules that govern the presidency? Dou you have any idea how STUPID this concept. Your post has ZERO rationality. McCain/Palin are an IMPOSSIBILITY.

Shit - I forgot :trolls:

He does seem a tad off lol.

Even if his theory of Obama being ineligible, and Because Biden was His Choice, Biden as well was true

It seems Obvious that the Speaker would become president.
*Will Supreme Court Install McCain/Palin After Obama/Biden Get Canned This Year?*

The US Supreme Court has a majority of Republican appointees but even they have more sense to than to get involved in a "witch-hunt." The longer the "birthers" prolong this bizarre course of action, the more Palin and the Tea Party will become the focus of ridicule.
Sorry bout that,


Do you have ANY concept of the rules that govern the presidency? Dou you have any idea how STUPID this concept. Your post has ZERO rationality. McCain/Palin are an IMPOSSIBILITY.

Shit - I forgot :trolls:

He does seem a tad off lol.

Even if his theory of Obama being ineligible, and Because Biden was His Choice, Biden as well was true

It seems Obvious that the Speaker would become president.

1. In most cases yes, Bohner would be President, seeing he's the speaker now, if that stands to reason, in normal circumstances, like death to both the President and Vice President, in this case Obama should of laid his cards on the table when Pelosi was speaker, then she would of been *President*, which would make the liberal side some what happy, (I don't see how thou), but what has occured has never happened before, Obama has committed fraud in order to obtain *The Presidency*, so there is no guide or legal precedence to go off of in Obama's situation.
2. So the *Supreme Court* will have to decide this one, and seeing that the election of 2008 was indeed stolen, stolen by Obama, not being rightful to hold this office due to not being born in America or of two America citizens in a military base on foreign lands, and there is no doubt about it, then by default the election *HAS* to automatically go to *McCain/Palin*, they win by default, its painfully obvious.
3. The *Supreme Court*, has to go back into time, sort to speak, in a judicial manner, and while they do that, they have to strip away everything that Obama has signed into law, *Everything*.
4. When *ALL* the truth is revealed about what took place in Obama aquiring the office of *The Presidency*, *The Supreme Court* will have to make some very difficult decision in a very tumultuous time, for nothing will equal it in our government in actual turmoil.
5. But I, *CWN*, have already ruled on this, and am guiding them the way that they will have to indeed go, for if they go not this way, they will indeed do irreputable damage to our Republic.
6. This is way over everybody here's, *paygrade*, and you will have a difficult time even to fathom this, it will appear mumbo jumbo to most of you, kinda like words of a mad man, but I can assure you I am not mad, and *ALL* these things will indeed come to pass.
7. I ofcourse have nothing to do with it, and am saddened by what Obama has done, and deeply distressed that I could not of prevented it, but that's the way it is, we *ALL* make our own chocies, and have to live with them, Obama's choice will indeed pervert the path of *American Politics* and the course of *America* in general.
8. Not to our destruction, as a Nation or a people whatever, but it will do some damage ofcourse, but it won't be anything compared to the damage we are now heading into, our direction is over the water falls, and its certain doom for this Nation, from the policies Obama has already signed into law, and seeing that we could stay this course, if we don't wipe out *ALL* that Obama has signed into law, and if we as a Nation pick up with Biden or Bohner, both these men would keep America on the same course, which would even be worse, because the new President, either Biden or Bohner would get the blame then, which would'nt be fair to thier legacies, so if we don't wipe the slate clean, and begin again anew with McCain/Palin, this whole *American Dream* will indeed come to an end as we know it, even with all the faults it has, what we have will be over otherwise.
9. Some times a person has to, *take his medicine*, with a set back of sorts, like when you hit your golf ball into a wooded area, you just have to chip out backwards sometimes away from the hole, and this is one of those times, we as a Nation have to collectively take *OUR MEDICINE* for the good of our Nation, and the good of our world and humanity itself, there is a higher judge whom watches things on earth very closely, thou most here don't believe, *He* ofcourse we need to follow in every ethical and fair judgement or decision, be it the *Supreme Court* or everyday life, its the common goal of those with sound judgement to follow these rules.
10. Sure its a huge set back, and no one prepares for it, but in order to set things straight, its the only reasonable direction we can take, and the judges on *The Supreme Court* will have to come to this conclusion too.:evil:

Sorry bout that


1. This should be what every body should be thinking about now.
2. We can not allow Biden to be President, so when Obama goes, Joe goes too, that's a *no-brainer*.
3. And there's really no reason to have Bohner take this office, that's all we need is a cry-baby President, who has no nads to speak of, so he's out before we even consider it.
4. The only thing that can be done that's reasonable, is by default, McCain and Palin win, they were the one's who are legally able to hold the office, both being true blue Americans, with birth certificates.
5. Obama's toast already, there's really no reason to keep trying to prop him up, he's done, all that has to happen is what's happening, and in a few months, he will have to be stripped from the Presidential Office.
6. I propose we make way for the *Real* President of the 2008 election, and his Vice President choice, Sarah Palin, its what we must do, and then while we are doing it, just wipe away these last two years as if they never happened, and they start fresh with four years, its what *The United States of America Supreme Court* must do, for respect of our laws, and our top office, *The President of the United States of America*.
7. Leave it to me, *CWN*, to come up with the answers to the problems before the problems reveal themselves.
8. Oh, and *Checkmate*.


i certainly hope your chess isn't as bad as your logic

other than lunacy in your part there is no reason at all to "remove" obama
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that


1. This should be what every body should be thinking about now.
2. We can not allow Biden to be President, so when Obama goes, Joe goes too, that's a *no-brainer*.
3. And there's really no reason to have Bohner take this office, that's all we need is a cry-baby President, who has no nads to speak of, so he's out before we even consider it.
4. The only thing that can be done that's reasonable, is by default, McCain and Palin win, they were the one's who are legally able to hold the office, both being true blue Americans, with birth certificates.
5. Obama's toast already, there's really no reason to keep trying to prop him up, he's done, all that has to happen is what's happening, and in a few months, he will have to be stripped from the Presidential Office.
6. I propose we make way for the *Real* President of the 2008 election, and his Vice President choice, Sarah Palin, its what we must do, and then while we are doing it, just wipe away these last two years as if they never happened, and they start fresh with four years, its what *The United States of America Supreme Court* must do, for respect of our laws, and our top office, *The President of the United States of America*.
7. Leave it to me, *CWN*, to come up with the answers to the problems before the problems reveal themselves.
8. Oh, and *Checkmate*.


i certainly hope your chess isn't as bad as your logic

other than lunacy in your part there is no reason at all to "remove" obama

1. My logic is *Irrefutable* no one in here and no one even on *The United States Supreme Court* can refute it either.
2. You don't even know what to think about *ALL* this yet and the best you can do is *Sling Monkey Shit*.:evil:
3. You are not alone.
4. Stay thirsty my friends.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that


1. This should be what every body should be thinking about now.
2. We can not allow Biden to be President, so when Obama goes, Joe goes too, that's a *no-brainer*.
3. And there's really no reason to have Bohner take this office, that's all we need is a cry-baby President, who has no nads to speak of, so he's out before we even consider it.
4. The only thing that can be done that's reasonable, is by default, McCain and Palin win, they were the one's who are legally able to hold the office, both being true blue Americans, with birth certificates.
5. Obama's toast already, there's really no reason to keep trying to prop him up, he's done, all that has to happen is what's happening, and in a few months, he will have to be stripped from the Presidential Office.
6. I propose we make way for the *Real* President of the 2008 election, and his Vice President choice, Sarah Palin, its what we must do, and then while we are doing it, just wipe away these last two years as if they never happened, and they start fresh with four years, its what *The United States of America Supreme Court* must do, for respect of our laws, and our top office, *The President of the United States of America*.
7. Leave it to me, *CWN*, to come up with the answers to the problems before the problems reveal themselves.
8. Oh, and *Checkmate*.


i certainly hope your chess isn't as bad as your logic

other than lunacy in your part there is no reason at all to "remove" obama

1. My logic is *Irrefutable* no one in here and no one even on *The United States Supreme Court* can refute it either.
2. You don't even know what to think about *ALL* this yet and the best you can do is *Sling Monkey Shit*.:evil:
3. You are not alone.
4. Stay thirsty my friends.


We know you're sorry, now apologize.

I gave you the attention your craving; run along now sonny.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

i certainly hope your chess isn't as bad as your logic

other than lunacy in your part there is no reason at all to "remove" obama

1. My logic is *Irrefutable* no one in here and no one even on *The United States Supreme Court* can refute it either.
2. You don't even know what to think about *ALL* this yet and the best you can do is *Sling Monkey Shit*.:evil:
3. You are not alone.
4. Stay thirsty my friends.


We know you're sorry, now apologize.

I gave you the attention your craving; run along now sonny.

1. Just step off *pawn*.:evil:

*Will Supreme Court Install McCain/Palin After Obama/Biden Get Canned This Year?*

Given that state birth certificates are no longer considered proof, do we have irrefutable evidence that John McCain, Sarah Palin or even John Boehner were born in America and could comply with the "standards" demanded by the "birthers?"
Sorry bout that,

*Will Supreme Court Install McCain/Palin After Obama/Biden Get Canned This Year?*

Given that state birth certificates are no longer considered proof, do we have irrefutable evidence that John McCain, Sarah Palin or even John Boehner were born in America and could comply with the "standards" demanded by the "birthers?"

1. They have thier BC's, did anyone say they didn't?
2. Ofcourse I have not seen them, but I wouldn't mind asking to see them.
3. And I'm sure they could provide.
4. Anyway, next election for President, you can bet your last dollor anyone who runs will have to have an American Birth Certificate. PERIOD!!!!!
5. That leaves Obama out.:evil:

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,


Do you have ANY concept of the rules that govern the presidency? Dou you have any idea how STUPID this concept. Your post has ZERO rationality. McCain/Palin are an IMPOSSIBILITY.

Shit - I forgot :trolls:

He does seem a tad off lol.

Even if his theory of Obama being ineligible, and Because Biden was His Choice, Biden as well was true

It seems Obvious that the Speaker would become president.

1. In most cases yes, Bohner would be President, seeing he's the speaker now, if that stands to reason, in normal circumstances, like death to both the President and Vice President, in this case Obama should of laid his cards on the table when Pelosi was speaker, then she would of been *President*, which would make the liberal side some what happy, (I don't see how thou), but what has occured has never happened before, Obama has committed fraud in order to obtain *The Presidency*, so there is no guide or legal precedence to go off of in Obama's situation.
2. So the *Supreme Court* will have to decide this one, and seeing that the election of 2008 was indeed stolen, stolen by Obama, not being rightful to hold this office due to not being born in America or of two America citizens in a military base on foreign lands, and there is no doubt about it, then by default the election *HAS* to automatically go to *McCain/Palin*, they win by default, its painfully obvious.
3. The *Supreme Court*, has to go back into time, sort to speak, in a judicial manner, and while they do that, they have to strip away everything that Obama has signed into law, *Everything*.
4. When *ALL* the truth is revealed about what took place in Obama aquiring the office of *The Presidency*, *The Supreme Court* will have to make some very difficult decision in a very tumultuous time, for nothing will equal it in our government in actual turmoil.
5. But I, *CWN*, have already ruled on this, and am guiding them the way that they will have to indeed go, for if they go not this way, they will indeed do irreputable damage to our Republic.
6. This is way over everybody here's, *paygrade*, and you will have a difficult time even to fathom this, it will appear mumbo jumbo to most of you, kinda like words of a mad man, but I can assure you I am not mad, and *ALL* these things will indeed come to pass.
7. I ofcourse have nothing to do with it, and am saddened by what Obama has done, and deeply distressed that I could not of prevented it, but that's the way it is, we *ALL* make our own chocies, and have to live with them, Obama's choice will indeed pervert the path of *American Politics* and the course of *America* in general.
8. Not to our destruction, as a Nation or a people whatever, but it will do some damage ofcourse, but it won't be anything compared to the damage we are now heading into, our direction is over the water falls, and its certain doom for this Nation, from the policies Obama has already signed into law, and seeing that we could stay this course, if we don't wipe out *ALL* that Obama has signed into law, and if we as a Nation pick up with Biden or Bohner, both these men would keep America on the same course, which would even be worse, because the new President, either Biden or Bohner would get the blame then, which would'nt be fair to thier legacies, so if we don't wipe the slate clean, and begin again anew with McCain/Palin, this whole *American Dream* will indeed come to an end as we know it, even with all the faults it has, what we have will be over otherwise.
9. Some times a person has to, *take his medicine*, with a set back of sorts, like when you hit your golf ball into a wooded area, you just have to chip out backwards sometimes away from the hole, and this is one of those times, we as a Nation have to collectively take *OUR MEDICINE* for the good of our Nation, and the good of our world and humanity itself, there is a higher judge whom watches things on earth very closely, thou most here don't believe, *He* ofcourse we need to follow in every ethical and fair judgement or decision, be it the *Supreme Court* or everyday life, its the common goal of those with sound judgement to follow these rules.
10. Sure its a huge set back, and no one prepares for it, but in order to set things straight, its the only reasonable direction we can take, and the judges on *The Supreme Court* will have to come to this conclusion too.:evil:


Do you really think ANYBODY read all that?

Please. Your OP was bad enough. :lol:

There's no way you're for real.
*Will Supreme Court Install McCain/Palin After Obama/Biden Get Canned This Year?*

Given that state birth certificates are no longer considered proof, do we have irrefutable evidence that John McCain, Sarah Palin or even John Boehner were born in America and could comply with the "standards" demanded by the "birthers?"

1. They have thier BC's, did anyone say they didn't?
2. Ofcourse I have not seen them, but I wouldn't mind asking to see them.
3. And I'm sure they could provide.
4. Anyway, next election for President, you can bet your last dollor anyone who runs will have to have an American Birth Certificate. PERIOD!!!!!
5. That leaves Obama out.:evil:

I believe that the State of Hawaii has already confirmed that President Obama was
born there and that the US Supreme Court has refused to become embroiled in this "nuisance" case.

If Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate can be summarily dismissed by the "birthers," then the birth certificates of those born in the other 49 states are equally invalid.

That leaves McCain, Palin, Boehner and any other politician "out!"

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