Will Romney be "wired" for the debates like George W. Bush?

I have never seen a poster as given over to useless thoughts as Lakhota.
Wow. Never? Since you joined in March?

WHat a sassy little tart you are, sweetheart. There are whole slews of messageboards outside of this one. And it is to that much larger grouping that I was referring. As you grow up, you will realize the teeny l'il bit of insignificant space you occupy is but a piece of a much larger picture.
You see what is concerning to the right wing is when a President cannot think on his own - Like Obama and his Teleprompter. Wearing a wire (GWB) and writing notes on your hand (Sarah Palin) just shows that you are a leader in communication strategies.
how would wearing an ear piece help anyone in a debate? So hes listening to questions, someone has to process the question being asked and then he has to speak while also listening to someone else telling him what to say? Yeah that makes sense haha. If he were doing that that's even more impressive actually.
how would wearing an ear piece help anyone in a debate? So hes listening to questions, someone has to process the question being asked and then he has to speak while also listening to someone else telling him what to say? Yeah that makes sense haha. If he were doing that that's even more impressive actually.

Lewman brings the stupid
how would wearing an ear piece help anyone in a debate? So hes listening to questions, someone has to process the question being asked and then he has to speak while also listening to someone else telling him what to say? Yeah that makes sense haha. If he were doing that that's even more impressive actually.

Lewman brings the stupid

I guess, if being right is stupid to you.
I have never seen a poster as given over to useless thoughts as Lakhota.
Wow. Never? Since you joined in March?

WHat a sassy little tart you are, sweetheart. There are whole slews of messageboards outside of this one. And it is to that much larger grouping that I was referring. As you grow up, you will realize the teeny l'il bit of insignificant space you occupy is but a piece of a much larger picture.

you see, there is your mistake. Assuming he can/will 'grow up'.
Whenever you film anything, they have to put a mic somewhere on the person.
They run the wire up your pant leg in your jacket wherever.

This is a made up bunch a liberal hooey.

GW was better at giving speeches because he loved this country and it was obvious with each word he spoke, unlike obama who loathes this country and it comes through with every word he speaks.
Oh and as for the Romney as I now call him, he is really getting good at speaking. I'm getting excited. Heehee. Yay

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