Will rioting hard-Left thugs ruin Democrats Election chances?

no I was thinking of the thugs rioting in ferguson leftard
Something happened

Replies to her stopped on Aug 7, but the firestorm continues today!
when will anyone ask Hillary: Miss Clinton!!! Which is it?? White lives matter? or Black Lives Matter??? and u cannot Phone a Friend !!!
well, i look at it this way, what happened in Colorado could of been a little worse if Al Sharpton got hit with a violent diahhreaa attack and crapped in that river.
when will anyone ask Hillary: Miss Clinton!!! Which is it?? White lives matter? or Black Lives Matter??? and u cannot Phone a Friend !!!
well, i look at it this way, what happened in Colorado could of been a little worse if Al Sharpton got hit with a violent diahhreaa attack and crapped in that river.
oh crap, i meant to say that in my thread about the EPA debacle,,,i just re-posted it.
"Will rioting hard-Left thugs ruin Democrats Election chances?"

It will actually benefit democrats, as the voters will once again reject the racism and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right.

takes a real tough guy to hurl accusations or racism he cant back up across the Internet. of course you're the kind of loser that condones this thuggery so I don't expect much from you
are you sure anyway dummy?

cuz in the middle of an unpopular war that killed TEN TIMES as many as Iraq war has, and with racism being MUCH WORSE; democrat lost a presidential election by a LANDSLIDE, in the midst of massive street demonstrations that turned off the peaceful American public

guess what election i'm speaking of

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