Will Republicans be able to pass another "Tax Cuts for the Rich"?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
They did it under Bush.

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth

They didn't make jobs and added trillions to the deficit.

So will even more tax cuts be enough?

Corker and McCain said they wouldn't vote for something that added to the deficit. You know the Democrats won't vote for it.

What is it with Republicans and their need to crawl and scrape for the rich?
It's impossible to give tax cuts to the poor. So by default, only the rich get tax cuts. The richer the person, the bigger the tax cut.

How come this is so hard to figure out?
They did it under Bush.

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth

They didn't make jobs and added trillions to the deficit.

So will even more tax cuts be enough?

Corker and McCain said they wouldn't vote for something that added to the deficit. You know the Democrats won't vote for it.

What is it with Republicans and their need to crawl and scrape for the rich?
Drudge was concerned today that people who make more than $1 million per year were not going to get enough of a tax cut. That must resonate really strongly with Trump's yokel rust belters.
They did it under Bush.

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth

They didn't make jobs and added trillions to the deficit.

So will even more tax cuts be enough?

Corker and McCain said they wouldn't vote for something that added to the deficit. You know the Democrats won't vote for it.

What is it with Republicans and their need to crawl and scrape for the rich?
Drudge was concerned today that people who make more than $1 million per year were not going to get enough of a tax cut. That must resonate really strongly with Trump's yokel rust belters.

These people are so freaking dense that they'll probably sell themselves into slavery as long as Trump talks softly to them. They're like dogs. Pet them a little bit on their head and they'll forgive any butt fucking.
If by rich you mean small business owners I'm all for tax cuts for the rich. Because those rich employ a large percentage of American workers.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers. They make a profit on that too. I don't fault them a fair profit, but why should we give them more? They only hire more when the market requires it. Extra cash doesn't mean more employees It just goes in their pocket.
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If by rich you mean small business owners I'm all for tax cuts for the rich. Because those rich employ a large percentage of American workers.
Republicans see small business as 100 million and up. You know that so don't dissemble.
They did it under Bush.

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth

They didn't make jobs and added trillions to the deficit.

So will even more tax cuts be enough?

Corker and McCain said they wouldn't vote for something that added to the deficit. You know the Democrats won't vote for it.

What is it with Republicans and their need to crawl and scrape for the rich?

According to you Communists, "the Rich" are those making between 100 and 300,000 a year. The Oligarchs like Tim Cook. Warren Buffet, George Soros, et al are not "rich" according to you Stalinists.

The reality is that you Marxists are at war to crush the middle. You seek to protect your masters by pulling up the ladder of success to ensure that the middle never rises.
It's impossible to give tax cuts to the poor. So by default, only the rich get tax cuts. The richer the person, the bigger the tax cut.

How come this is so hard to figure out?

That's got to be one of the lamest arguments ever.

You don't have to give tax cuts.
They did it under Bush.

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth

They didn't make jobs and added trillions to the deficit.

So will even more tax cuts be enough?

Corker and McCain said they wouldn't vote for something that added to the deficit. You know the Democrats won't vote for it.

What is it with Republicans and their need to crawl and scrape for the rich?
Drudge was concerned today that people who make more than $1 million per year were not going to get enough of a tax cut. That must resonate really strongly with Trump's yokel rust belters.

Are you afraid that Tim Cook and the Hollywood Billionaires who you worship as your gods might be threatened by those usurpers who actually have to work?

What did Forbes find again? That you Stalinists have something like 40 times more billionaires than the Republicans?

We know who the party of the Oligarchs is, we know what you Maoist democrats are all about.
have something like 40 times more billionaires than the Republicans?

Probably. Since conservatives stake their future on dying and obsolete industries.

In fact, the Conservatives which you hate so much are the small businesses that you also hate.

You Marxists dream of a world where one may be on welfare, work for the government, or be a servant of Apple or Amazon. You seek to crush private business along with civil liberty.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?
Democrats want education available for all Americans.

Republicans? Not so much.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
Thanks for proving you know zero about Hillary's Presidential platform.
Even though I've posted it here like 20 or 30 times.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
There I disagree with you.
MNCs write the Business Visa and Off-Shoring Legislation.

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