Will Republicans and the Tea Party save us?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?
Me, myself, and I will

What do you expect from them, when they take Control of congress? Do you expect them to cut the budget? do you expect them to reduce the deficit? do you expect them to pay off the National Debt without ever raising taxes? Do you expect Bonner to never play golf again? Do you expect them to create jobs, without spending a penny?

What is it that you expect to happen to this country
I expect them to repeal the oppressive spending, taxes, and regulations and then get the heck out of my way.
Me, myself, and I will

What do you expect from them, when they take Control of congress? Do you expect them to cut the budget? do you expect them to reduce the deficit? do you expect them to pay off the National Debt without ever raising taxes? Do you expect Bonner to never play golf again? Do you expect them to create jobs, without spending a penny?

What is it that you expect to happen to this country
It's late and I'm tired, Care.
Let me answer this weekend.
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

One word : GRIDLOCK. I can live with that.

Message to Obama and his leftist cronies: Stop "fixing" shit.
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

Someone sensing the Defeat that is coming, and not liking it? lol.

No I do not think simply electing Republicans will save us. Only Responsible, government can do that.

No they will not "reduce the deficit to 0 in 12 months", and frankly nobody is claiming any sort of thing.

As far as how long I will give them. Not long at all. If they do not govern with responsible, fiscally conservative policies, and make the right decisions. I will be among the first to call them out for it.

What will change in having Conservatives in control of the republican party, and the party in control of congress is clear. The Far left agenda of Obama and the Democrat Congressional leadership. That they have wrapped up and called a Stimulus Program will be halted in it's tracks.

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Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

First off Obama gave the time table on how long it would take, he also gave us projected numbers on where UE would be. "We" or anyone didn't "give" him any time table.

To answer the most honest part of the question, no... I don't think Republicans will shrink Government or "fix" anything. Obama will continue the wars and many Republicans will vote with the Democrats ( Dems that were voted in to end the war haha) to keep funding the wars.

What I am wanting to see is "Ron Paul" Republicans if you will, win some seats. I want this trend to continue and maybe we will see in 2012 a "Ron Paul" conservative win... In that case we will (unless they lied, and it can happen) see Government shrink and blah blah blah...

That's a simple version of my answer.
Me, myself, and I will

What do you expect from them, when they take Control of congress?Hope and Change!

Do you expect them to cut the budget? Oh yes

do you expect them to reduce the deficit? without question

do you expect them to pay off the National Debt without ever raising taxes? Of course they will!

Do you expect Bonner to never play golf again? THAT would be a pity

Do you expect them to create jobs, without spending a penny? Why do they need money to create jobs? How silly!

What is it that you expect to happen to this country
We, AMERICANS, will once again claim OUR COUNTRY as it's own, the way it was the last 8 years! :clap2:
In the end, when all of this blows up in your face, only a gun will save you. As for the tea party, I doubt it eventhough I applaud their efforts at populism.
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

Someone sensing the Defeat that is coming, and not liking it? lol.

No I do not think simply electing Republicans will save us. Only Responsible, government can do that.

No they will not "reduce the deficit to 0 in 12 months", and frankly nobody is claiming any sort of thing.

As far as how long I will give them. Not long at all. If they do not govern with responsible, fiscally conservative policies, and make the right decisions. I will be among the first to call them out for it.

What will change in having Conservatives in control of the republican party, and the party in control of congress is clear. The Far left agenda of Obama and the Democrat Congressional leadership will be halted in it's tracks.


So you really think so? What's different about the republican agenda vs the democratic agenda?

You have Hope and Change on the agenda, huh? ;)
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

Reduce the deficit to ZERO in 12 months---:cuckoo: Would you care to give us a link to whomever stated they could do that---:lol::lol: After all Obama has spent 3 TRILLION in the last 19 months.

The change will come--when discretionary spending is frozen. Some are talking about going back to 2006/2007 levels.

Ear Marks-and Pork--color them GONE--along with the buy your vote policy of this congress and administration.
Do you really believe that when the Republicans or conservatives take control of congress that they will save you or save this country?

Do you really believe that they will reduce the deficit to zero in 12 months?

Do you really believe that you can sit back and be relieved that your party is now in control?

How long will you give your party to fix everything? 1- 18 months, like you gave Obama?

What do you expect to change by having Republicans in control...I'd like to know....I'd like to know what you expect to happen when they have the power again, and how long you give them to fix all of our woes....?

Wow, it must just hurt to be that stupid.
Has anyone said the GOP will reduce the deficit to zero?

How can they "fix" everything when they will control one house of Congress (maybe 2)? How did the Democrats do when they controlled both Houses under Bush's last two years? What did they fix then? Oh yeah they fixed a good economy and low unemployment. Do you really need to see the chart of what happens when Democrats control Congress? It isn't pretty.

What will happen is the GOP will block any more of Obama's idiotic ideas that have spent this country to the highest level of debt we've had in peacetime. They will defund Obamacare and refuse to authorize enforcement.
In the absence of any more stupid expensive initiatives businesses will start using their cash hordes to hire and expand.
Doubtless Obama and the Democrats will take credit for it. I hope the American people are not that stupid or forgetful.
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Me, myself, and I will

What do you expect from them, when they take Control of congress?Hope and Change!

Do you expect them to cut the budget? Oh yes

do you expect them to reduce the deficit? without question

do you expect them to pay off the National Debt without ever raising taxes? Of course they will!

Do you expect Bonner to never play golf again? THAT would be a pity

Do you expect them to create jobs, without spending a penny? Why do they need money to create jobs? How silly!

What is it that you expect to happen to this country
We, AMERICANS, will once again claim OUR COUNTRY as it's own, the way it was the last 8 years! :clap2:

Haha, did you just admit Bush was a liberal? Something tells me you didn't like him either, weird... so it really is just the letter D next to the name that makes all the difference to some people.
We have a chance to elect many TEA Party candidates to congress this year. They can join 28 lawmakers who attended the House Tea Party Caucus. This Tea Party Caucus will wield major power in congress as they will be the deciding votes between the corrupted 2 party system in power today.
I expect them to repeal the oppressive spending, taxes, and regulations and then get the heck out of my way.

What oppressive spending to you expect them to cut that they have added to the existing budget....?

It's a "nice line" and all Avatar, but if there is any merit to it, you should be able to show or tell us what it is that you expect them to cut or change....?
I expect them to repeal the oppressive spending, taxes, and regulations and then get the heck out of my way.
My expectations aren't anywhere near that high.

1995 left me awfully jaded.

You're not the only one.

Look, there's only ONE person who can and will save me -- and that's ME.

It's my life -- and my hell if I fail -- and MY HAPPINESS if I succeed.

I'll do what I can to help the poor jerk standing next to me -- but even my own kids are on their own -- they're grown now AND CANNOT BE ADULTS IF THEY DEPEND ON ME OR ANYBODY ELSE TO RESCUE THEIR BUTTS.

All I want is the users and takers full of their own damned holier-than-thou self-righteous HYPOCRITICAL social crusaderism determined to shove their own dumb ass "visions" about what MY LIFE ought to be and how I MUST use MY LIFE FORCE to live according to THEIR DUMB ASS DOGMAS to GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY while I ME MYSELF maximize the only resource I've really got -- which is ME MYSELF AND I -- which is a hell of a lot different than YOU YOURSELF AND YOU -- to make the most OUT OF ME I can.

Go live your own damned life according to your own damned "vision," Mr. Obama -- and leave me the fuck alone --

BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU and sure as hell don't want to be, either -- and YOUR VISION SUCKS -- it's flat out NOT what I want or need -- and you don't know one damned thing about me and what I DO want and need -- and YOUR sicko "vision" of how EVERYBODY ELSE ought to live is as disgusting and as destructive as that asshole Phelps and that equally big JERK in Tulsa OK busy ripping off others by TELLING OTHER PEOPLE how to live added together and multiplied to the 10th power.

Just get the hell off my back because I've got all the weight I can carry just carrying myself and staying out of other people's lives without carrying you and your bunch of power control greedy gut NOSY BUSY BODY BOSSY ASSHOLES too.

Get the hell off our backs -- we've got REAL WORK to do making OUR OWN VISIONS happen for OUR OWN FAMILIES -- and you're making it impossible for us to do what WE ALONE CAN DO with what WE ALONE CAN CONTROL -- our own damned energy and talents and skills and VISIONS of possibilities you never even dreamed of.
What do you expect from them, when they take Control of congress?Hope and Change!

Do you expect them to cut the budget? Oh yes

do you expect them to reduce the deficit? without question

do you expect them to pay off the National Debt without ever raising taxes? Of course they will!

Do you expect Bonner to never play golf again? THAT would be a pity

Do you expect them to create jobs, without spending a penny? Why do they need money to create jobs? How silly!

What is it that you expect to happen to this country
We, AMERICANS, will once again claim OUR COUNTRY as it's own, the way it was the last 8 years! :clap2:

Haha, did you just admit Bush was a liberal? Something tells me you didn't like him either, weird... so it really is just the letter D next to the name that makes all the difference to some people.
And you're just NOW figuring that out?

These people get rabidly and viciously angry the INSTANT they lose power.

See the documentary "Right America Feeling Wronged."

Excellent thread by the way.


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