Will Our Pres. Pardon His Child F#cker Buddy?

Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Clinton pardoned a child molester however I don’t think Trump will do the same. I believe he knows pedophiles cannot be pardoned.
Will Our Pres. Pardon His Child F#cker Buddy?
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Epstein & the whole tabloid pop culture crowd are all screaming Democrat Nazi Socialists. None of that crowd is about to get a pardon from Trump, as far as I know.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Donald J. Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago for life plus 20 years even before his 2008 conviction.

What makes you think that he's Trump's "buddy"?

My guess is that Epstein MIGHT get a deal with reduced prison time, IF he can deliver suspects that are higher on the Food Chain.

Ep is a perv, he may well know more about Anthony "carlos danger" Weiner, Bob Menendez and the entire Clinton family. That would be valuable information, which the government would be willing to pay for with special consideration if Epstein provided it.
Epstein MIGHT get a deal with reduced prison time, IF he can deliver suspects that are higher on the Food Chain

That's the Democrat deal from the Democrat D.O.J., isn't it? Those guys are filthy rich & they come into federal court in their pajamas & bedroom slippers. You think they can pimp their way out of sex trafficking charges by "delivering" enough pussy? Are the Democrat D.A.'s really that corruptible?
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Clinton pardoned a child molester however I don’t think Trump will do the same. I believe he knows pedophiles cannot be pardoned.

Why not?
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Camp hasn't been right since he cried his brains out when Hillary lost. Poor Camp. His brain thus became an echo chamber for lost campaign slogans.
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bripat9643 said:
bodecea said:
(why didn't he report him for 20 years?)
What makes you think Trump knows any details?
Everyone Here Knows More Details About Biden
Than Trump Knew About Epstein
And Biden Is Open On Video To This Day
Yet None Of Them Are Calling The Cops On Biden

So They're Just Drama Queens Playing Dress-Up

Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Clinton pardoned a child molester however I don’t think Trump will do the same. I believe he knows pedophiles cannot be pardoned.

Why not?

Because it is political suicide.

Oh, they can be pardoned, but you are corrcet that it is political suicide. There is a big difference in "cannot" and "should not". Please be precise.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Actually he’s slick willies best bud... you stupid motherfucker
I am hurt. Our USMB community idiot has called me a cuss name.
You do realize slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buddies, and the Clinton global initiative is all about sex trafficking… You silly little fucker
Bill Clinton was President almost 20 years ago. Trump is President now.
And Trump kicked Jeffrey Epstein out of his resort 15 years ago… And slick Willy goes around raping/molesting sex trafficked girls... The purpose for the Clinton global initiative. You silly little fucker
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Actually he’s slick willies best bud... you stupid motherfucker
I am hurt. Our USMB community idiot has called me a cuss name.
You do realize slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buddies, and the Clinton global initiative is all about sex trafficking… You silly little fucker
Bill Clinton was President almost 20 years ago. Trump is President now.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Why would he give a pardon to a perv he banned from his resorts a decade ago?

Isn't it funny how dems / snowflakes accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are...

So fat donnie banned him....didn't report him...just "punished" him by not letting him continue raping girls on his premises..........................Epstein just had to go somewhere else. Quite the stand, fat donnie took there.

Which is a HELL of a lot more than any of you did. He also aided in the prosecution of Epstein in Florida. The ONLY one to do so. Sorry your stupidity is exposed again.
Where did that plane go? The "To" column is obscured by the blow up of Clinton's name.

Disneyland, obviously
I know you are just trolling, but it was a serious question....look at the "To" column...has the 3 digit codes for each airport....#57 looks like it took off from MIA (Miami)...the destination starts with an "H" and that's all we can see. Where is that?
It's HPN .... White Plains airport in Westchester, New York.

Westcheter County White Plains Airport, HPN
Thank you. What a horrible place for Clinton to go! Arrest him immediately!

Finally you realize the Clinton Crime Family should be locked up. Thanks for agreeing with President Trump!
dudmuck said:
So which side gave the sexual deviant a light sentence?
Which Side Gives All The Deviants A Complete Pass ??
And Who Tossed Him Out Of All His Resorts 20yrs Ago ??
How convenient....let him continue to molest girls.....just don't do it at his resorts. Thank you for showing us YOU KNOW that fat donnie KNEW that Epstein was a child rapist as long as 20 years ago.

Poor deluded idiot. Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein. Maybe try to actually learn something before sounding like the TDS afflicted stooge you are. Your sheer idiocy of trying to link Trump to this is just laughable.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Doubtful given they had a falling out when Trump banned him for trying to get at minors.
Banned him from what?



Why didn't he call the police and turn epstein in?

Epstein went on to harm a lot of girls. Maybe if trump had called the police and turned him in all those girls might not have been harmed.

Instead trump protected him from the justice system and many more girls were harmed.

WTF, why didn't Bill Clinton call the police and turn Epstein in? Oh that's right Bill was harming the girls.
Assuming Clinton and Trump actually did anything wrong, two wrongs do not make a right. Every day on this board we see this excuse for wrong doing, mistakes, and injustice, Obama did, Clinton did, Bush did, Reagan did it, etc... The fact that someone has done something illegal, unjust or dishonest does not justify nor excuse someone else acting in a similar manner. When I see such a reply, to me it means you have nothing of substance to offer thus you offer a diversion.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Donald J. Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago for life plus 20 years even before his 2008 conviction.

What makes you think that he's Trump's "buddy"?

My guess is that Epstein MIGHT get a deal with reduced prison time, IF he can deliver suspects that are higher on the Food Chain.

Ep is a perv, he may well know more about Anthony "carlos danger" Weiner, Bob Menendez and the entire Clinton family. That would be valuable information, which the government would be willing to pay for with special consideration if Epstein provided it.

I'm sure Epstein would blow the whistle on everybody he has dirt on if he gets some sort of deal. Though with the people he has dirt on, he may need 24/7 protection for the rest of his life.
dudmuck said:
So which side gave the sexual deviant a light sentence?
Which Side Gives All The Deviants A Complete Pass ??
And Who Tossed Him Out Of All His Resorts 20yrs Ago ??
How convenient....let him continue to molest girls.....just don't do it at his resorts. Thank you for showing us YOU KNOW that fat donnie KNEW that Epstein was a child rapist as long as 20 years ago.

Poor deluded idiot. Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein. Maybe try to actually learn something before sounding like the TDS afflicted stooge you are. Your sheer idiocy of trying to link Trump to this is just laughable.
Epstein gets a plea agreement and lets all repubs know of Trumps fantasy with sex with children IF my dream comes true Repubs will still support him They love perverts
Doubtful given they had a falling out when Trump banned him for trying to get at minors.
Banned him from what?



Why didn't he call the police and turn epstein in?

Epstein went on to harm a lot of girls. Maybe if trump had called the police and turned him in all those girls might not have been harmed.

Instead trump protected him from the justice system and many more girls were harmed.

WTF, why didn't Bill Clinton call the police and turn Epstein in? Oh that's right Bill was harming the girls.
Assuming Clinton and Trump actually did anything wrong, two wrongs do not make a right. Every day on this board we see this excuse for wrong doing, mistakes, and injustice, Obama did, Clinton did, Bush did, Reagan did it, etc... The fact that someone has done something illegal, unjust or dishonest does not justify nor excuse someone else acting in a similar manner. When I see such a reply, to me it means you have nothing of substance to offer thus you offer a diversion.
But Hillary But Bill But Obama That's all they have
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Donald J. Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago for life plus 20 years even before his 2008 conviction.

What makes you think that he's Trump's "buddy"?

My guess is that Epstein MIGHT get a deal with reduced prison time, IF he can deliver suspects that are higher on the Food Chain.

Ep is a perv, he may well know more about Anthony "carlos danger" Weiner, Bob Menendez and the entire Clinton family. That would be valuable information, which the government would be willing to pay for with special consideration if Epstein provided it.

I'm sure Epstein would blow the whistle on everybody he has dirt on if he gets some sort of deal. Though with the people he has dirt on, he may need 24/7 protection for the rest of his life.
Trump has a hit team?

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