Will it take an act of God for Romney to win?

Will it take an act of God for Romney to win

  • Yes, there is no way he can win otherwise

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Some of you seem to think there is no way for Romney to win. So does that mean you think the only way he could win is with an act of God?

I wouldn't say there is no way for Romney to win, I simply don't expect him to. Though we've got well over a month until people actually head to the polls, so anything could happen.
Some of you seem to think there is no way for Romney to win. So does that mean you think the only way he could win is with an act of God?


Whose God are you talking about? The Christian God or the one that came here to the US?
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Some of you seem to think there is no way for Romney to win. So does that mean you think the only way he could win is with an act of God?


Whose God are you talking about? The Christian God or the one that came here to the US?

They are both one and the same. But that doesnt really answer the question now does it?
Governor Romney can certainly win but he has to kick it into gear in the 5 swing states left: Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Virginia and Florida. In this scenario, President Obama has 265 and Governor Romney has 206. Governor Romney would have to sweep those remaining 5 states to win. Can he do it? Certainly. And, it won't take an act of God; just a better run and more targeted campaign.
There is no god.

So is it your argument that not even an act of God could help Romney win?

No. It is my argument that there is no such thing as an act of god. I will further argue that I believe there is no act of Mitt that can gain him the votes needed to overcome his weak message and repugnant personality.

"You didn't make these cookies, did you?"
Elections have built-in pivot points where challengers can make a proportionally bigger splash with voters than the incumbent. Romney has blown every single one of them, with the only one left now being the debate series. But we're assured he'll get this one right.

He's now the most disliked major party candidate in recent memory and has seemed intent on reinforcing the view of him as a policy dilettant who thought it would be a lark to spend some of his fortune on a multi-cycle presidential run--well, except for the part where he has to interact with the filthy loafers in the 47 percent, but he does a good job avoiding that ("He rode his campaign bus for more than 330 miles, but he didn’t pull over once for a single unannounced stop at a dinner or popular small-town spot."). Running Thurston Howell-Gekko on a platform of slashing taxes on millionaires, loosening regulations on Wall Street, raising the middle class's tax burden, and ending Medicare in an election season that was supposed to be a referendum on Obama's economic policies is beyond comprehension.

Elections can obviously have surprise pivot points, unforeseen external events that reshape the landscape so that, theoretically, even a candidate as weak and flawed as Mitt Romney could still win. One of those cropping up seems to be his last hope.
Governor Romney can certainly win but he has to kick it into gear in the 5 swing states left: Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Virginia and Florida. In this scenario, President Obama has 265 and Governor Romney has 206. Governor Romney would have to sweep those remaining 5 states to win. Can he do it? Certainly. And, it won't take an act of God; just a better run and more targeted campaign.

I agree with your impressions and would like to add that it will take everything Romney has, to "convince" the undecideds, that it is he, and new forthcoming policies ( on his website ) that will stop the borrowing and spending, and create new jobs so that people can afford food and gas and shelter, without having to depend upon the poor existing taxpayers, to provide for them, thereby restoring their dignity and independence.
I agree with your impressions and would like to add that it will take everything Romney has, to "convince" the undecideds, that it is he, and new forthcoming policies ( on his website ) that will stop the borrowing and spending, and create new jobs so that people can afford food and gas and shelter, without having to depend upon the poor existing taxpayers, to provide for them, thereby restoring their dignity and independence.

Precisely! It is neither those on the left or the right that hold this election. Rather, it is those in the middle who have not yet decided which direction is better for them.
Romney Will Win in November

by Fr. John Malloy, SDB @ A Shepherd's Voice: Romney Will Win in November

Why? Remember what happened in the last national election, 2010? That's the last hard data. The Republicans had a victory of enormous proportions. The entire election was a referendum on President Obama, and specifically on Obamacare. Has anything gotten better? NO. Not only that, the flaws in and objections to Obamacare have become more apparent.

The pointy-heads have lots of arguments for Obama, and the media are covering for him, but they are untrustworthy, and they are acting as if the 2010 tsunami never happened. Since then we have seen our ambassador to Libya murdered--the first American ambassador murdered in 30 years. Obama will certainly get a "bounce" when he directs our military to kill some terrorists in retaliation, but it will not be enough.


Both Charles Krauthammer and especially former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell have good articles on how the mainstream media has abrogated its responsibility when it comes to Obama. Caddell says that the mainstream media has become an enemty of the American People--something we said practically word for word back on September 13.

You can watch Caddell's speech below--remember, he worked for President Carter.

In addition, as I've posted elsewhere, there are many signs that the national polls DO NOT show the mood of voters or their intentions. One only needs a bit of common sense to see what the pollsters and their patrons are trying to do - diminish the voter turnout of those who support Gov Romney and GOP candidates.

I think 2012 is going to be another major shocker to the Dems. The GOP will increase gains in the House - hopefully replacing the current Speaker - as well as in the Senate - relegating Dingy Harry to the back bench. Then, Pres Romney will be able to do what it takes to turn the economy around and improve the national defense posture of this nation.
Romney Will Win in November

by Fr. John Malloy, SDB @ A Shepherd's Voice: Romney Will Win in November

Why? Remember what happened in the last national election, 2010? That's the last hard data. The Republicans had a victory of enormous proportions. The entire election was a referendum on President Obama, and specifically on Obamacare. Has anything gotten better? NO. Not only that, the flaws in and objections to Obamacare have become more apparent.

The pointy-heads have lots of arguments for Obama, and the media are covering for him, but they are untrustworthy, and they are acting as if the 2010 tsunami never happened. Since then we have seen our ambassador to Libya murdered--the first American ambassador murdered in 30 years. Obama will certainly get a "bounce" when he directs our military to kill some terrorists in retaliation, but it will not be enough.


Both Charles Krauthammer and especially former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell have good articles on how the mainstream media has abrogated its responsibility when it comes to Obama. Caddell says that the mainstream media has become an enemty of the American People--something we said practically word for word back on September 13.

You can watch Caddell's speech below--remember, he worked for President Carter.

In addition, as I've posted elsewhere, there are many signs that the national polls DO NOT show the mood of voters or their intentions. One only needs a bit of common sense to see what the pollsters and their patrons are trying to do - diminish the voter turnout of those who support Gov Romney and GOP candidates.

I think 2012 is going to be another major shocker to the Dems. The GOP will increase gains in the House - hopefully replacing the current Speaker - as well as in the Senate - relegating Dingy Harry to the back bench. Then, Pres Romney will be able to do what it takes to turn the economy around and improve the national defense posture of this nation.

The polls all pointed to a big GOP win in 2010, that obviously ended up happening and it wasn't shocking to anyone. They are pointing the other way in 2012, slim chance your prediction happens.
As polling in 2010 didn't affect Obima's chances of re-election, they did not try to skew them as badly as they have this year.

If 2010 was an example, 2012 will go far beyond. The GOP will gain control of the Senate and increase its numbers in the House. And, with Pres Romney in the Oval Office, this nation will at least be in the process of turning things around!

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