Will Iran be held accountable for shooting down the Ukrainian passenger jet or will they skate free?

f'n rw's yammerng about accountability -

joke of the day award.

Yea, how dare we hold people accountable for murders.

Look I have no sympathy for the Iranian regime- the Iranian regime does sanction murder, and has murdered its own people, along with people around the world.

But I think it is highly unlikely, that if this plane was shot down, it was shot down on purpose- it would most likely be an accident- either mistakenly identifying the plane as an intruder, or some trigger happy air defence crew.

And there is a difference between a horrible mistake- and murder.

Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

I think what they need to do is accept responsibility for their mistake and make restitution with the families of those killed. Send them some of that Obama Money their way.
Little Clarity, Many Theories in Ukraine Airline Crash in Iran

Looking at the MASSIVE debris field it becomes quite clear that the plane exploded.
1. There are millions of LITTLE pieces and they are all charred. Even the blackbox was burned.
2. Iran refusing to allow Boeing access to the black box.
3. Plane took off only hours after missiles had been launched by Iran. As a result Iran was on the HIGHEST of alert level expecting an American response.
4. Plane was full of Canadian's. Why are there Canadian's in Iran?

Obviously I can not prove that the plane was shot down but all the evidence points to an Iranian itchy trigger finger at a missile defense site.
They will likely have to pay a settlement to the families. That's the standard.
Expect The U.S. House to quickly adopt a resolution honoring the brave Iranian triggerpersons (women aren't allowed "triggers" in Iran) but still, the libbies just can't resist that "person" shit.
Pelosi to fly, if she can muster a Russian or Chinese built airliner, to present the medals personally.
I do not believe that the Iranian government respects our peaceful non-response.

I think that they will continue to attack Americans at every chance they get.

They will only respect a massive military response that proves that their military is far inferior to ours.

Iran has enough technology to put missiles where they want them. Those missiles fired at us were only a dog and pony show. No injuries or deaths reported. It wasn't an accident in my opinion.

The Iranians knew that their missiles would be tracked long before they reached their target - giving plenty of time for everyone to get into bunkers.

But that's about the best they got.

If we launched against their military there would be hundreds of casualties.

Nobody went anywhere. It was intentional that they missed hitting our solders and escalating another attack on them. They realize now that Trump is not shy about targeting certain individuals.

Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps



They realized that like Iran, they jumped the gun (pun intended).

They are now waiting on the talking points to be distributed.

Mark my words, they will say it's Trumps fault it was shot down because he started the hostilities.

Bank on it.

They got the cease and desist order until they get their next bit of Propaganda they are supposed to promote so they can try to spin this situation their way again.

I am thinking Nancy's little COUP today fails, even though her resolution means nothing.

If Dems go on in on that after they shot that plane down, they will get hammered for that during the elections.
Little Clarity, Many Theories in Ukraine Airline Crash in Iran

Looking at the MASSIVE debris field it becomes quite clear that the plane exploded.
1. There are millions of LITTLE pieces and they are all charred. Even the blackbox was burned.
2. Iran refusing to allow Boeing access to the black box.
3. Plane took off only hours after missiles had been launched by Iran. As a result Iran was on the HIGHEST of alert level expecting an American response.
4. Plane was full of Canadian's. Why are there Canadian's in Iran?

Obviously I can not prove that the plane was shot down but all the evidence points to an Iranian itchy trigger finger at a missile defense site.
They will likely have to pay a settlement to the families. That's the standard.
How about $150 Billion?
Ok, as I said before, I thought the previous pic was a pic of the tip of a missile.

I had to look for a while, but this is what hit that Airplane. It is a TOR 29 Russian Made Anti Aircraft Missile.

The weird angle and shadows made it hard for me to identify it.




And these tips by the way frequently separate from the body of the missile upon impact. Note the small image on the pic below at the upper right hand side. Identical to what was found at the crash site.


The Frag/HE warhead you showed definitely did not detonate. I thought they had a proximity fuse, but a sudden 1 1/2 foot impact through air frame or fuel tanks would probably take out almost anything. I'm no missle guy either. I wen wikipedia.
Little Clarity, Many Theories in Ukraine Airline Crash in Iran

Looking at the MASSIVE debris field it becomes quite clear that the plane exploded.
1. There are millions of LITTLE pieces and they are all charred. Even the blackbox was burned.
2. Iran refusing to allow Boeing access to the black box.
3. Plane took off only hours after missiles had been launched by Iran. As a result Iran was on the HIGHEST of alert level expecting an American response.
4. Plane was full of Canadian's. Why are there Canadian's in Iran?

Obviously I can not prove that the plane was shot down but all the evidence points to an Iranian itchy trigger finger at a missile defense site.
They will likely have to pay a settlement to the families. That's the standard.
How about $150 Billion?
Russian troll is wasting his time trying to troll me
Nobody went anywhere.
False. They had 3 hours to evacuate and prepare, which they did:

3 Hours From Alert to Attacks: Inside the Race to Protect U.S. Forces From Iran Strikes

Every time I bother to read one of your posts, I catch you making shit up.

You are a member of the Commie Times and I'm not about to start an account to read their garbage. Of course they knew of the launch but had no idea the exact target at the time. Where would they run to? They might be running right into where the missiles were designated to go.
Ok, as I said before, I thought the previous pic was a pic of the tip of a missile.

I had to look for a while, but this is what hit that Airplane. It is a TOR 29 Russian Made Anti Aircraft Missile.

The weird angle and shadows made it hard for me to identify it.




And these tips by the way frequently separate from the body of the missile upon impact. Note the small image on the pic below at the upper right hand side. Identical to what was found at the crash site.


The Frag/HE warhead you showed definitely did not detonate. I thought they had a proximity fuse, but a sudden 1 1/2 foot impact through air frame or fuel tanks would probably take out almost anything. I'm no missle guy either. I wen wikipedia.
An impact would rupture the fuel reservoir on the missile. Most of these are filled with liquid propellant. At that point despite the warhead not detonating, the missile especially not having traveled too far is full of propellant and becomes a giant Fuel Air Bomb, detonating The Propellant & destroying the airplane.
You are a member of the Commie Times and I'm not about to start an account to read their garbage
If you hit a pay wall, that means you have already read 3 of their articles this month. Surprise surprise, more lies.

And the sources are named. So really, what is going on here is that you would rather be wrong and ignorant, and make shit up to please yourself, than have factual information. We already know this about you.
f'n rw's yammerng about accountability -

joke of the day award.

Yea, how dare we hold people accountable for murders.

Look I have no sympathy for the Iranian regime- the Iranian regime does sanction murder, and has murdered its own people, along with people around the world.

But I think it is highly unlikely, that if this plane was shot down, it was shot down on purpose- it would most likely be an accident- either mistakenly identifying the plane as an intruder, or some trigger happy air defence crew.

And there is a difference between a horrible mistake- and murder.

Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

I think what they need to do is accept responsibility for their mistake and make restitution with the families of those killed. Send them some of that Obama Money their way.

If Iran did shoot down the plane I absolutely agree that Iran should be paying reparations to the families of the victims.
It appears that the Iranian military is still trying to figure out how their Russian hardware works.
"What happens if I push this button?....Ooops!".
Expect The U.S. House to quickly adopt a resolution honoring the brave Iranian triggerpersons (women aren't allowed "triggers" in Iran) but still, the libbies just can't resist that "person" shit.
Pelosi to fly, if she can muster a Russian or Chinese built airliner, to present the medals personally.
Why would you expect Pelosi to be buddies with murderous thugs?

We have Trump for that.

f'n rw's yammerng about accountability -

joke of the day award.

Yea, how dare we hold people accountable for murders.

Look I have no sympathy for the Iranian regime- the Iranian regime does sanction murder, and has murdered its own people, along with people around the world.

But I think it is highly unlikely, that if this plane was shot down, it was shot down on purpose- it would most likely be an accident- either mistakenly identifying the plane as an intruder, or some trigger happy air defence crew.

And there is a difference between a horrible mistake- and murder.

Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

I think what they need to do is accept responsibility for their mistake and make restitution with the families of those killed. Send them some of that Obama Money their way.

If Iran did shoot down the plane I absolutely agree that Iran should be paying reparations to the families of the victims.

I'm kind of betting on that doesn't happen. In fact, they won't even take responsibility for it; make up some BS of equipment failure or something like that.

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