Will Democrats / Snowflakes EVER Admit....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1) There was NEVER any evidence of illegal collusion between the President and Russians that warranted even an investigation, let alone a Special Counsel appointment?

2) The entire Illegal Russia Collusion Narrative was a conspired deception to get a Special Counsel appointed with the power to investigate THE PRESIDENT to find a crime they could use against him rather than investigate a specific crime associated with Russian Interference in the 2016 election?

It is 100% crystal clear now that the investigation was never anything more than a successful deception to get an investigation opened up and a Special Counsel appointed to investigate every aspect of the lives of Donald Trump and his team in an effort to find anything - no matter how far they had to go back in time - to find a crime they could use against the man who beat Hillary Clinton.

There was never any evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and Russians.

There was never any evidence of illegal collusion between Trump's team and the Russians.

There was never any evidence of a crime committed involving Trump/his team and Russians warranting an investigation.

There was never any evidence of a crime committed involving Trump/his team and Russians warranting the appointment of a Special Counsel.

SO, as evidence now shows, the Democrats - the traitors within the Obama administration colluded and conspired together to MANUFACTURE a reason to begin an investigation and to have a Special Counsel appointed. EVIDENCE SHOWS:

Hillary Clinton 1st colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain their help in defeating Trump. For her money she received a unverified document - the dossier - authored by the very same Russians who are supposed to be the 'bad guys' in this narrative.

The dossier was then given to the FBI, whether intentionally or unintentionally assisted the Russians by pushing the unverified document as legitimate Intel, which it was not. The FBI used the Russian-authored document to abuse the FISA courts and illegally obtain warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate. (The US IG cited this in their review of the FBI's handling of all of this. The US IG Report highlights included the FBI's abandoning FBI protocols and procedures in pursuing the case against Trump / Trump's associates, the FBI had altered witness testimony after it was given, the FBI had indicted some people they interviewed for lying to the FBI while protecting others, etc...)

The FBI gave the dossier to the CIA...and the FBI's Strzok helped the Director of the CIA, Brennan, author an Intel Community Report (ICR) that was then given to the NIA Director, Clapper. Clapper controlled the dissemination of this report to only 3 contacts in 3 different Intel community organizations in an effort to limit access to the report and get the conclusion they wanted. Clapper then passed that results back to Brennan and Strzok who then co-authored an Intel Community Assessment they sent to Congress.

CIA Chief Brennan, no stranger to Felony Perjury, once again perjured himself before Congress, trying to keep their Conspiracy plan alive - he told Congress 1) No, he had nothing to do with the dossier, and 2) No, the ICA had nothing to do with the dossier. Unfortunately for Brennan, official documents were presented proving he had once again perpetrated Perjury by lying to Congress under oath. The evidence showed both the ICR and ICA were based off of the unverified Dossier AND that Brennan had briefed members of Congress on the dossier, to include Harry Reid, and had recommended Congress appoint a Special Counsel based on the contents of the dossier...which, again, was nothing more than an unverified report written by Russians Hillary had bought and which the FBI, CIA, and NIA were illegally pushing as legitimate Intel when it was not.

The Democrats successfully pulled it off - a Special Counsel was appointed...and from the immediate start it was obvious what had been formed was a 'political assassination team', not an investigative team:
- The man who appointed the SC was Rosenstein, the Deputy US AG who had made the argument why Comey deserved to be fired and advised the President to fire him, only to them appoint Mueller to investigate Trump for following his advice. NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST HERE!

- Special Counsel Mueller - thick as thieves with Rosenstein, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper. he was Comey's mentor. NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST HERE!

- Mueller's TEAM, which did not include 1 Republican or Conservative, consisted of all Pro-Democrat, Pro-Hillary, DNC/Hillary-donating, Trump-Hating Democrats. Comey even brought Hillary's lawyer on board as one of the team members.
--- Mueller also brought on-board FBI Agent Strzok...who had kept Hillary out of jail by altering the FBI's final report on Hillary, who had failed to put Hillary under oath or record the interview with Hillary as standard FBI procedures call for, who had kept Hillary aides Abedin and Mills out of jail by refusing to indict them for lying to the FBI, who had indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI despite Comey testifying that his agents had stated Flynn never lied during his interview, who had co-authored the ICR and ICA with CIA director Brennan, who had exposed the 'Secret Society', McCabe's' 'Insurance Policy', etc......


There are a lot more deceptions, lies, and crimes wrapped in the details of this whole thing, but it all boils down to a Conspiracy to make sure Hillary was protected from indictment of her proven crimes and to ensure she won the WH. To do this, Hillary, the Directors of the CIA, NIA, and FBI and others treasonously / criminally 'worked with the Russians' to present their unverified report as legitimate collected Intelligence in order to have an investigation opened up against Trump and a hand-picked 'political assassin' appointed as Special Counsel - armed with the authority to investigate every aspect of Trump and his associates' lives in order to find a crime that could be used against them under the guise of being tasked with investigating Russian Interference that potentially effected the 2016 election.

The further evidence that proves this to be the case is:
- After 2+ years Mueller still has zero evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and Russians.

- After 2+ years Mueller still has zero evidence of illegal collusion between Trump's team and the Russians.

- The only indictments of anyone associated with Trump have absolutely nothing to do with Russian Interference of the 2016 Election.

- Mueller had to go back over a decade - before Obama was elected President - to find a crime against a Trump team member in a desperate attempt to pressure them into giving something he did not have - evidence against Trump.

- Mueller had to find a way around Attorney-Client Privilege between Cohen and Trump, so they raided Cohen's home and offices, collected all of his records, to include everything between he and Trump, to find something on Cohen to force him to give Mueller something that he did not have - evidence against Trump.

- In an investigation that is supposed to be about Russian Interference in the 2016 election, the Special Counsel in charge of that election has refused to take the recommendation of the US IG to indict the former Deputy Director of the FBI for crimes committed, has refused to take the recommendation of the US IG to investigate proven criminal ex-FBI Agent Strzok, and has refused to investigate when the Russian Interference began - in 2014 - and/or the President who was made aware of it yet did nothing and allowed it to continue for 2 years. This is probably the BIGGEST evidence that this entire investigating into 'Russian Interference' is one huge scam, a deception to hide the Democrats' plan all along of investigating the MAN - President Trump, to LOOK for a crime they could use, instead of investigating evidence of an existing crime!

In the end, IMO, the Democrats will push for Impeachment based on what was uncovered in what can only be described as an all-out political assault by a major political party against the opposing candidate who won the Presidency, a politically motivated/driven coup to 'UN-DO' the democratic election in which their candidate lost.

(Want to talk about a '3rd World Banana Republic' - it has been on display for 3 years now.)

Again, the 'Russia Collusion' was all a lie pushed by Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Hillary using an unverified Russian-authored document with the intent of getting a Special Counsel who would investigate every aspect of Trump and his team's life for any evidence of any crime anywhere at any time - not just about Russian collusion - which they could then use to Impeach Trump....and it looks like it worked.

SO, will the Snowflakes EVER admit this is what truly happened, as the evidence shows?

Comey’s Memos Indicate Dossier Briefing Of Trump Was A Setup

Was Trump’s Campaign ‘Set Up’?

Why Did Obama Administration Spy On Trump Campaign? Was It Politics, Or Fear Of Russian Meddling?

First that is way too much for them to read......they can barely get past a 5th grade reading level.
Second they are partisan and they think trump hired hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept on......let that one sink in.
“No collusion” has turned into “no illegal collusion” and “collusion is not a crime.” Can’t wait to see the next evolution. Are you rubes still denying that the Russians had anything to do with the election, too?
First that is way too much for them to read......they can barely get past a 5th grade reading level.
Second they are partisan and they think trump hired hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept on......let that one sink in.
To learn the truth one must WANT to know the real truth...and in you case must have a 4th grade reading level, which obviously you don't.

What you refuse to read is the undeniable, evidence-supported facts....
“No collusion” has turned into “no illegal collusion” and “collusion is not a crime.” Can’t wait to see the next evolution. Are you rubes still denying that the Russians had anything to do with the election, too?
'Legitimate Intel' turned into an unverified Russian-authored report

'Illegal Collusion' turned into a legal 7-minute meeting to acquire opposition research during which no information was ever passed.

An 'Investigation of Russian Interference in the 2016 Election' turned into an 'investigation of a tax violation / money laundering crime more than a decade old' - back before Obama was elected President.

`.....yada, yada, yada.....

The Russia Collusion Narrative was always about conning Congress into appointing a Special Counsel who would then investigate TRUMP and his team, not to investigate evidence of any crime - because 2+ years later they still have no evidence of a crime involving Trump that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel appointment. It was all a Conspiracy to get the illegal authorization - and funding - to dig into every aspect of their lives to find evidence of ANY crime at ANY time in order to UN-DO Hillary's loss and election of Trump.

Do the same thing to every single politician in DC and you will find SOMETHING to nail them on.

This was never anything more than a treasonous, criminal butt-hurt revenge/hate-motivated political coup.
“No collusion” has turned into “no illegal collusion” and “collusion is not a crime. Can’t wait to see the next evolution. ”
all three are true

Are you rubes still denying that the Russians had anything to do with the election, too?
the right is pointing out that it was hillary that colluded with the russians and it is the left that hears "there is no collusion".
The Objective of a Counter-Intelligence Operation is to push false information to achieve desired outcome.

It has now been proven that the Democrats (Obama's band of colluders / conspirators / traitors, which included Counter-Intelligence Expert former FBI Agent Strzok) illegally and treasonously presented / pushed an unverified Russian-authored document as Legitimate Intel through the US Intel Community and through Congress, successfully getting Congress to open an investigation of a non-existent crime and to appoint a Special Counsel who was then given the power to investigate every aspect / point in Trump's and his team's life in order to find ANY crime to use against Trump to remove him from office, under the false guise of investigating Russian interference.

The Democrats, it seems, have successfully done what the Russians could not - tear down the United States from within, illegally UN-DOING the results of a democratic election, and stripping the American people of their choice for President, through a successful Counter-Intelligence Operation.
“No collusion” has turned into “no illegal collusion” and “collusion is not a crime. Can’t wait to see the next evolution. ”
all three are true

Are you rubes still denying that the Russians had anything to do with the election, too?
the right is pointing out that it was hillary that colluded with the russians and it is the left that hears "there is no collusion".
The right is retarded. It’s like if Bill Clinton had argued that it was Ken Starr who had sex with Monica Lewinsky, not him. It’s confirmed that Trump’s most trusted confidants and highest ranking campaign officials at least attempted collusion with Russia. It’s also confirmed that the Russian govenment perpetrated a campaign to sabotage our election in favor of Trump and his movement. The investigation is ongoing about the extent to which Trump cooperated woth the Russian government.
The Objective of a Counter-Intelligence Operation is to push false information to achieve desired outcome.

It has now been proven that the Democrats (Obama's band of colluders / conspirators / traitors, which included Counter-Intelligence Expert former FBI Agent Strzok) illegally and treasonously presented / pushed an unverified Russian-authored document as Legitimate Intel through the US Intel Community and through Congress, successfully getting Congress to open an investigation of a non-existent crime and to appoint a Special Counsel who was then given the power to investigate every aspect / point in Trump's and his team's life in order to find ANY crime to use against Trump to remove him from office, under the false guise of investigating Russian interference.

The Democrats, it seems, have successfully done what the Russians could not - tear down the United States from within, illegally UN-DOING the results of a democratic election, and stripping the American people of their choice for President, through a successful Counter-Intelligence Operation.
Your second sentence is completely false, nullifying the nonsense you posted.
Your second sentence is completely false, nullifying the nonsense you posted.
Much like with everything Democrats have said over the past 2+ years, it tales a lot more than your ignorant OPINION to prove your case.

It HAS been proven that the FBI, CIA, and NIA all presented the Dossier - the unverified report authored by Russians - and products based on the Dossier as legitimate Intel, which they knew it was not.

Half a dozen links have been posted over and over proving this...as opposed to your 'Uh-uh'.
The right is retarded.
lol...ok, just keep in mind all the hoops the "retarded" folks have lefties jumping through to get their boy Pence elected...trump is just a vehicle,while you're playing games with mueller and the media the "retarded" folks on the right are stock piling the system with purveyors of of right wing ideology so that no matter who controls the white house the "geniuses" [lol] on the left will not regain power for at least a century...congratulations.
The right is retarded.
lol...ok, just keep in mind all the hoops the "retarded" folks have lefties jumping through to get their boy Pence elected...trump is just a vehicle,while you're playing games with mueller and the media the "retarded" folks on the right are stock piling the system with purveyors of of right wing ideology so that no matter who controls the white house the "geniuses" [lol] on the left will not regain power for at least a century...congratulations.
A century? I was right to call you a retard.
I was right to call you a retard.
yeah, but wrong about me being right wing...Obama was one of our greatest presidents and I will be voting democrat across the board in November [I voted for Johnson while all the geniuses were voting for the other two]...so perhaps I am a retard...keep learning to speak by watching the TV genius, someday you may when the golden "Polly won a cracker" award.
I was right to call you a retard.
yeah, but wrong about me being right wing...Obama was one of our greatest presidents and I will be voting democrat across the board in November [I voted for Johnson while all the geniuses were voting for the other two]...so perhaps I am a retard...keep learning to speak by watching the TV genius, someday you may when the golden "Polly won a cracker" award.
Yeah you call the right geniuses that will rule America for a century, yet the goal posts all keep moving left left left. Under Nixon and Reagan, the GOP also thought they were geniuses who would rule America for a century.

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