Will Democrats And Their MSM Have To Eventually Throw Hunter Biden Under The Bus?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I'm thinking that they have tried to weasel their way out of the Hunter Biden mess by having the DOJ bring up charges and agreeing to a plea deal. But, not only won't the stories die, but even the left owned MSM are starting to ask more and more pointed questions about it all because it is becoming more and more obvious to the point that it can't be buried anymore.

Once the Republican House starts getting too close to the bone, the Biden administration itself, will Democrats and the left and their bought and paid for media then throw Hunter under the bus in an attempt to stop the stories at the Hunter Biden level? Will Joe Biden grudgingly agree to throw his own son under the bus in order to save himself and the Democratic agenda? All they have to do is blame it all on Hunter and claim Hunter is a druggie who needs help and we should all feel sorry for him.
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I'm thinking that they have tried to weasel their way out of the Hunter Biden mess by having the DOJ bring up charges and agreeing to a plea deal. But, not only won't the stories die, but even the left owned MSM are starting to ask more and more pointed questions about it all because it is becoming more and more obvious to the point that it can't be buried anymore.

Once the Republican House starts getting too close to the bone, the Biden administration itself, will Democrats and the left and their bought and paid for media then throw Hunter under the bus in an attempt to stop the stories at the Hunter Biden level? Will Joe Biden grudgingly agree to throw his own son under the bus in order to save himself and the Democratic agenda? All they have to do is blame it all on Hunter and claim Hunter is a druggie who needs help and we should all feel sorry for him.
The D.istrict of C.orruption is well known for the ole 'Rope a Dope tactic!
I'm thinking that they have tried to weasel their way out of the Hunter Biden mess by having the DOJ bring up charges and agreeing to a plea deal. But, not only won't the stories die, but even the left owned MSM are starting to ask more and more pointed questions about it all because it is becoming more and more obvious to the point that it can't be buried anymore.

Once the Republican House starts getting too close to the bone, the Biden administration itself, will Democrats and the left and their bought and paid for media then throw Hunter under the bus in an attempt to stop the stories at the Hunter Biden level? Will Joe Biden grudgingly agree to throw his own son under the bus in order to save himself and the Democratic agenda? All they have to do is blame it all on Hunter and claim Hunter is a druggie who needs help and we should all feel sorry for him.
Of all the issues facing the world Hunter Biden is one of the dumbest and least important so I hope the GOP continues focusing on him
Sad that massive corruption can be swept under the rug so easily by the Democrat Media, yes?
What's your definition of massive? Because the corruption that Republican Media has swept under the rug for your terrorist leader Trump dwarfs it.

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