Will business stop hiring women over fear of harassment lawsuits.?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Female employees are too expensive. Maternity care and leave is bad enough, but now businesses worry that every female employee will falsely scream "harassment" and sue for millions.

Director Steven Soderbergh Warns: Men May ‘Stop Hiring Women’ After #MeToo Backlash

jan 22 2018 Veteran movie director Steven Soderbergh says he’s happy that the culture of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood has been exposed but fears that some male power brokers may stop hiring women, in an attempt to avoid scandal

“My fear is that, men being men, going forward, as opposed to changing their behavior, they’re just going to stop hiring women,” the 55-year-old director told the Daily Beast. “Like I said, knowing men as I do, I think for a lot of them, that’s going to be their initial reaction, as opposed to a reassessment of how they’ve behaved. It’ll just be: let’s not hire women, because, you know, they talk.”

“But over time, that’ll be a bad play,” Soderbergh warns. “Because diversity wins in all of these situations. If you become a company that, for instance, decides — tacitly or explicitly — to hire fewer women because you don’t want any problems, you’re going to get beat by other companies who do continue to hire women, because they’re going to have a better result.”

its always been going on,,many employers dont want to hire anyone that is too attractive. and over the years, we must of heard stories about these hot white woman being asked to go because they were a distraction to all of the young/sex crazed male staff (like most democrats}
I'd expect that men will attempt to not hire women over this shit.

Women are fucking themselves!

If they can't take flirting and nice words then they don't belong at work! They should go the fuck home. If they think they can destroy mens lives over it then don't be surprised when men stop hiring them.
Female employees are too expensive. Maternity care and leave is bad enough, but now businesses worry that every female employee will falsely scream "harassment" and sue for millions.

Director Steven Soderbergh Warns: Men May ‘Stop Hiring Women’ After #MeToo Backlash

jan 22 2018 Veteran movie director Steven Soderbergh says he’s happy that the culture of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood has been exposed but fears that some male power brokers may stop hiring women, in an attempt to avoid scandal

“My fear is that, men being men, going forward, as opposed to changing their behavior, they’re just going to stop hiring women,” the 55-year-old director told the Daily Beast. “Like I said, knowing men as I do, I think for a lot of them, that’s going to be their initial reaction, as opposed to a reassessment of how they’ve behaved. It’ll just be: let’s not hire women, because, you know, they talk.”

“But over time, that’ll be a bad play,” Soderbergh warns. “Because diversity wins in all of these situations. If you become a company that, for instance, decides — tacitly or explicitly — to hire fewer women because you don’t want any problems, you’re going to get beat by other companies who do continue to hire women, because they’re going to have a better result.”


Damn straight!

If women can't deal with the work place that has men then they don't belong there. I aint saying deal with physical sexual abuse of course but if they can't take flirting or "nice" words(as in being asked out or men being nice to them). They're in fact becoming too fucking weak and butt hurt to work.
A lot of these women are coming out for POWER! Nothing else. They chose to have sex with these guys but now that they see that they can "talk" and get these guys removed = it is a power play.

It is bullshit

I think it's more about MONEY. They prostituted themselves to get the job and now say "i'm gonna call it harassment and get more money out of the schmuck."
its always been going on,,many employers dont want to hire anyone that is too attractive. and over the years, we must of heard stories about these hot white woman being asked to go because they were a distraction to all of the young/sex crazed male staff (like most democrats}

That's not what this thread is about. THINK
one of my x's was let go because she had a voice that was "Too Sexy"..she was a receptionist. she was so distraught that they had to let her go. I know this isnt directly related to the issue, but I was just making a point. But lately, yes,,some businesses are scared to hire attractive/fairly attractive women knowing some of them may just make up stories/accusations of being harrassed and get away with it.
Female employees are too expensive. Maternity care and leave is bad enough, but now businesses worry that every female employee will falsely scream "harassment" and sue for millions.

Director Steven Soderbergh Warns: Men May ‘Stop Hiring Women’ After #MeToo Backlash

jan 22 2018 Veteran movie director Steven Soderbergh says he’s happy that the culture of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood has been exposed but fears that some male power brokers may stop hiring women, in an attempt to avoid scandal

“My fear is that, men being men, going forward, as opposed to changing their behavior, they’re just going to stop hiring women,” the 55-year-old director told the Daily Beast. “Like I said, knowing men as I do, I think for a lot of them, that’s going to be their initial reaction, as opposed to a reassessment of how they’ve behaved. It’ll just be: let’s not hire women, because, you know, they talk.”

“But over time, that’ll be a bad play,” Soderbergh warns. “Because diversity wins in all of these situations. If you become a company that, for instance, decides — tacitly or explicitly — to hire fewer women because you don’t want any problems, you’re going to get beat by other companies who do continue to hire women, because they’re going to have a better result.”


Same fucking logic Muslims use in forcing women to wear Burkas and the like. Men can't keep their hands to themselves, so women should suffer for it.

William H Macy: It’s hard to be a man these days

"William H Macy: It’s hard to be a man these days"

No, it's not hard to be a man these days. It's hard to be a male asshole these days. You will probably get caught for violating other people's Human Rights. Oh, no, how hard is that?
Not stop hiring, but I see the bar just got raised higher for women, especially for small businesses that have primarily male employees. It's harder for a small company to deal with the added risk of a disgruntled female employer pulling the sexual harassment card. It just comes down to risk management and the METOO movement has now added a new level of risk to a small company. Big companies can afford lawyers, small ones can't.
Not stop hiring, but I see the bar just got raised higher for women, especially for small businesses that have primarily male employees. It's harder for a small company to deal with the added risk of a disgruntled female employer pulling the sexual harassment card. It just comes down to risk management and the METOO movement has now added a new level of risk to a small company. Big companies can afford lawyers, small ones can't.

So women get hurt because some men are assholes. The US will just turn into some backwards Muslims state.
Not stop hiring, but I see the bar just got raised higher for women, especially for small businesses that have primarily male employees. It's harder for a small company to deal with the added risk of a disgruntled female employer pulling the sexual harassment card. It just comes down to risk management and the METOO movement has now added a new level of risk to a small company. Big companies can afford lawyers, small ones can't.

OTOH, big companies have the money to pay the accusers and small companies don't. I think all companies big and small will shy away from hiring women, at least young attractive ones.
So women get hurt because some men are assholes. The US will just turn into some backwards Muslims state.
In 90% of the cases, the women just make up the accusation to get money. No proof is ever needed. THINK
I second this. Guys get labeled "dogs". Well, in my opinion, I would rather be a dog compared to what too many females have come across as. The big question is when are they finally going to get called to the mat?

God bless you always!!!

If I hire a woman, I can't stop myself from sexually harassing her

After all....I'm a guy

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