Will Blacks lose political influence?


Gold Member
Mar 16, 2011
I see lots of discussion here on race in America, particularly of black and white relations.
With the 2010 census data now released and African Americans/Blacks clearly losing population as the largest "minority" in our country...will they as a people lose their political power and influence to other minority groups such as Hispanics and Asians?
What will the future hold as political parties begin to "cater" to larger and growing minority groups?
I dont think they will lose power they will just have more players in the game sort of speak
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

so they all voted for obie wan cause he was black? and you've denied that for ere these three years.. you are making progress methinks.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

I'm not touching this one.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

so they all voted for obie wan cause he was black? and you've denied that for ere these three years.. you are making progress methinks.

oh boy, no one mentioned motives of why, but you just couldn't resist whining about something
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

so they all voted for obie wan cause he was black? and you've denied that for ere these three years.. you are making progress methinks.

oh boy, no one mentioned motives of why, but you just couldn't resist whining about something

Then by all means clue us in, please.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

Yeah.....the typical JFK Obamarrhoidal LibTURD doubletalk for the fact that Negroes are Racist Arseholes when 95% voted for Obami Salaami.

That is an unadulterated, unmitigated fact because, if given a choice, whites voted 95% for a white president instead of a black one they would, justifiably, be called Racist Arseholes.

But, of course, now we are going to hear more phoney-baloney rhetoric defending the obviously fucking Negro Racist vote.....and the bogus "why" they do so......being "victims" and all.
I dont think they will lose power they will just have more players in the game sort of speak

I see your point but I also think different groups have different agendas. Those are not going to mesh.

As groups, Blacks, and the new biggest minority group, Hispanics, have much in common. They both tend to vote Democrat, but also Both tend to be very conservative on Social Issues.

I see no reason why Blacks would lose any power. If 2008 has proved anything, it is that, except for a small hard core Group of Racist assholes. This Nation as a whole has moved beyond the era of Blatant Racism.

I mean I can not speak for every conservative out there, But I tend toward the conservative on most non Social Issues, and yet I do not even consider Race in my day to day life. I would vote for anyone of Any color, race, or Creed, if I believed said person would respect the constitution of this country, and I think that is the way the Vast Majority of Americans are today.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

Yeah.....the typical JFK Obamarrhoidal LibTURD doubletalk for the fact that Negroes are Racist Arseholes when 95% voted for Obami Salaami.

That is an unadulterated, unmitigated fact because, if given a choice, whites voted 95% for a white president instead of a black one they would, justifiably, be called Racist Arseholes.

But, of course, now we are going to hear more phoney-baloney rhetoric defending the obviously fucking Negro Racist vote.....and the bogus "why" they do so......being "victims" and all.

While I tend to agree that is does at least show they voted for Obama only because he was Black. I tend to give them a pass this one time. After all he was the first Black with a legitimate shot at winning. It is hard to blame so many blacks for voting for him just because he was Black.

Now that we have had a black President, I would hope in the future that Blacks vote more for the best person for the job, and not just to try and get a black man in the white house.

IMO anyways.
I dont think they will lose power they will just have more players in the game sort of speak

I see your point but I also think different groups have different agendas. Those are not going to mesh.

As groups, Blacks, and the new biggest minority group, Hispanics, have much in common. They both tend to vote Democrat, but also Both tend to be very conservative on Social Issues.

I see no reason why Blacks would lose any power. If 2008 has proved anything, it is that, except for a small hard core Group of Racist assholes. This Nation as a whole has moved beyond the era of Blatant Racism.

I mean I can not speak for every conservative out there, But I tend toward the conservative on most non Social Issues, and yet I do not even consider Race in my day to day life. I would vote for anyone of Any color, race, or Creed, if I believed said person would respect the constitution of this country, and I think that is the way the Vast Majority of Americans are today.

My experience with Hispanics is somewhat different. There are many in the first generation of citzenship class that are Democrats, which would also follow much of early 20th century history with Irish and Italians. Hispanics however in my experience assimilate and 2nd and 3rd generations are more educated, become higher earners which lends itself to conservatism in my opinion.
Blacks as a voting block squandored their influence whey the continually backed one party over the other. If they played the parties off each other, they would be able to get much more of their agenda.
No because as we saw in the 2008 election, when you get black people going for you, they all go for you. The African American community is a close knit community, they tend to do things together.

Yeah.....the typical JFK Obamarrhoidal LibTURD doubletalk for the fact that Negroes are Racist Arseholes when 95% voted for Obami Salaami.

That is an unadulterated, unmitigated fact because, if given a choice, whites voted 95% for a white president instead of a black one they would, justifiably, be called Racist Arseholes.

But, of course, now we are going to hear more phoney-baloney rhetoric defending the obviously fucking Negro Racist vote.....and the bogus "why" they do so......being "victims" and all.

Nahhhhhhhhhhh......much like the ending of.....

......victimology has given-way to community-organizing.​
The Asians and Latin's are the New America............after Euro-Jew murka is totally finished.
The blacks had their chance. They fucked it up.:confused::confused:
Genetics can cause certain problems.


  • $mursi-tribe_1822.jpg
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I see lots of discussion here on race in America, particularly of black and white relations.
With the 2010 census data now released and African Americans/Blacks clearly losing population as the largest "minority" in our country...will they as a people lose their political power and influence to other minority groups such as Hispanics and Asians?
What will the future hold as political parties begin to "cater" to larger and growing minority groups?

I wouldn't cry over this. White Middle-aged males have lost almost all of their power. They are the new minority.

Maybe they can apply for some kind of government aid. Perhaps get free plugs or tummy-tucks. The White House wants to provide cell phones and pc s for the kids in the projects. Why not start a fund for zero-turn radius lawn mowers for WMMs.
Blacks as a voting block squandored their influence whey the continually backed one party over the other. If they played the parties off each other, they would be able to get much more of their agenda.

I agree in principle and add that one would think that with the continuing slack given to blacks on affirmative action, eg. the Dayton Police test, racially insensitive comments, eg. Adrian Peterson, and on and on, that they would be marginalized to the point of losing influence. The Dems will keep them as their dependents though so that the votes keep coming. The same with immigration applies. A porous border equals votes for Democrats.

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