Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

The GOP KKK has been acting this way for decades.

The younger than 40 generations laugh at your nonsense.

Must a lurn'd it from da KKK and dere bros.

That's exactly what I implied, that democrats have been acting this way for decades. Glad we could agree on this.

The younger than 40 generation laugh at a lot of things so what? I can show you chapter and verse where it is the left wing democrats and those that support the democrats that have perpetrated every riot and almost every case of violent civil disobedience in the last 45yrs. Laugh at that slick.
As history, the 60's-70's "peace movement and the OWS movement have shown us, the negroes and the leftists in this nation need little justification to riot.

And as the posters on this board have shown, the right wingnuts only need to see an election slipping out of their hands to start the 'second amendment' solutions nonsense.
The GOP KKK has been acting this way for decades.

The younger than 40 generations laugh at your nonsense.

That's exactly what I implied, that democrats have been acting this way for decades. Glad we could agree on this.

The younger than 40 generation laugh at a lot of things so what? I can show you chapter and verse where it is the left wing democrats and those that support the democrats that have perpetrated every riot and almost every case of violent civil disobedience in the last 45yrs. Laugh at that slick.

Lordy, lordy, another really dumb fuck surfaces. Ah well, better to have such idiocy out in the open where it can be laughed to death.:badgrin:
The GOP KKK has been acting this way for decades.

The younger than 40 generations laugh at your nonsense.

The younger than 40 generation laugh at a lot of things so what? I can show you chapter and verse where it is the left wing democrats and those that support the democrats that have perpetrated every riot and almost every case of violent civil disobedience in the last 45yrs. Laugh at that slick.

Lordy, lordy, another really dumb fuck surfaces. Ah well, better to have such idiocy out in the open where it can be laughed to death.:badgrin:

No, seems like the dumbass has been here all along. Now like I said, I can show you chapter and verse that every riot this nation has had in the last 45yrs was done by the ones that support the democratic party, and that almost every case of violent civil disobedience in the last 45yrs was carried out by the same peoples. Now an intelligent person would use facts to refute what I said, a dumbass liberal scumbag, realizing they have no leg to stand on, and cannot use facts to make their argument because they have none, will instead resort to childish name calling. Liberal debate rules 101 slick, you evidently got an A in that class huh? Might have been a better idea studying American History then you'd wouldn't be so ingorant on the subject and you may have been able to refute my statement with some facts. Run along now slick, life is too short for me to spend it arguing with morons and brain dead liberals who are too stupid to argue their case intelligently.
Sure, and it was 'libruls' that bombed the church and killed the little girls? Oh yeah, some people were demanding that they be allowed to vote as the Constitution specifies. So it is their fault that people like you bombed the church.

We understand people like you all too well. Night riding sheet wearing assholes that hide their crimes in the "they made me do it" whine.
Sure, and it was 'libruls' that bombed the church and killed the little girls? Oh yeah, some people were demanding that they be allowed to vote as the Constitution specifies. So it is their fault that people like you bombed the church.

We understand people like you all too well. Night riding sheet wearing assholes that hide their crimes in the "they made me do it" whine.

Dumbass, they were Southern Democrats where you unaware of that fact?

Like I've told other here son, you have the world at your fingertips, don't use it to spew nonsense or look at porn, educate yourself.
jtpr, the conservatives supported the bad old days, GOP and Dems alike, and the mods and libs supported the Constitution in getting rid of the bad old days. Which side would you have been on?
Sure, and it was 'libruls' that bombed the church and killed the little girls? Oh yeah, some people were demanding that they be allowed to vote as the Constitution specifies. So it is their fault that people like you bombed the church.

We understand people like you all too well. Night riding sheet wearing assholes that hide their crimes in the "they made me do it" whine.

Dumbass, they were Southern Democrats where you unaware of that fact?

Like I've told other here son, you have the world at your fingertips, don't use it to spew nonsense or look at porn, educate yourself.

Well educated, and getting more so daily. And I was alive during this period. Born in '43, and remember well when people like President Obama and General Powell would have had to ride in the back of the bus in the south and even in many cities in the north.

I am fully aware of who the Dixiecrats were, and who they are today, in the GOP.
jtpr, the conservatives supported the bad old days, GOP and Dems alike, and the mods and libs supported the Constitution in getting rid of the bad old days. Which side would you have been on?

I disagree with your assesment that the bad old days where not the days that the Constitution was followed and believed in. I am a firm beleiver in the Constitution AS WRITTEN, and am not a big fan of the 9 whores interpretation of said document. We are all English speakers here for the most part and therefore don't need lawyers and judges to interpret the Constitution for us.
The EBT Nation and Section Eightville are gonna be real pissed if they lose their free cell phones.
Obama was too smart to use the word 'Communist' instead of Liberal when he spoke at Loyola U in 1998, but after 44 months of Barry we know what he really meant.
'Those people receiving welfare and other forms of government largesse along with the working poor comstitute a critical mass that if manipulated properly could lead to the installation of a Communist at the head of Government and maintain him there for a considerable time'
49 million food stamp recipients brought to you by the acknowledged Boy King of the Panderers.
Rahm Emmanuel: "Never let a legitimate crisis go to waste!"
We see what you mean, Rahm.'
What exactly did 'Bam mean when he told the UN the Twentyfirst Century would not belong to those who worshipped the Christian God'. Huh? Huh? We're all gonna convert to Islam? Or, there's not gonna be anyone left alive who worships the Christian God? All the media present in the audience could be seen beaming with pleasure, nodding their affirmative approval. The female members of the press present, rushed home after the Obama speech and furiously rummaged through their drawers searching for their favorite dildo, just like they did after Denver when he uttered those spine tingling magic words "Let it be known that today was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal"
The EBTnation and Sectioneightville might just become even more demanding. Imagine the EBT nation much like the TSA agent who thought his wages gave him a right to steal from passengers.
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

You're really only referring to blacks.

Don't try to hide your racism, wear it as a badge of honor you coward.

I'm so sick of these racists and bigots with their lame code words and hiding behind veiled comment.

Stop being such chickenshits and just scream what you think!!!!!!!

It will be a lot easier to mock you and shame you into doing something stupid so we can arrest you and throw you into prison... with blacks.

I was not referring to just blacks......don't know where you could get such a thing from my statement; however I do feel many blacks will be involved in the rioting along with the occupy wallstreet folks and any others that do not have a life.

It is odd that you called me as a coward seeing as we will never meet. If we were to meet you might even change your mind. I am sure you did not mean it and we would probably get along very well.
In other words, you wish for the return of Jim Crow.

It would be much better for all concerned if you didn't put words in my mouth. I speak quite clearly and am never afraid to voice an opinion no matter how un-politically correct it may be so if that's what I wanted that's exactly what I would have said. I neither said nor implied that I blieved in any return to the Jim Crow laws and the fact that you would infer that from what I wrote tells me more about your thought process, your prejudice and your bigtory than it does about about anything I may think. Carry on though, I know it's hard for people like you to let go of their rigidly held bigortries and prejudices.