WikiLeaks Reveals Iran’s Secret, Worldwide Arms Hunt


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Guns and ammo from Turkey. Missile components from Germany. Guidance systems from China. Iran is on a global, clandestine mission to acquire weapons and weapons technologies of all sorts, diplomatic cables released Sunday by WikiLeaks reveal. And the Tehran regime is using a series of front companies in its attempt to assemble the arsenal. In a cable from February of 2010, State Department officials in Washington alert the staff at the U.S. embassy in Beijing that a Malaysia-based firm, Electronics Component Limited (ECL), is trying to buy three-axis fiber optic gyroscopes from a Chinese company. This isn’t just a simple business deal, the dispatch makes clear. Gyroscopes measure orientation, which makes them a critical component of weapons’ inertial navigation systems. These particular gyroscopes, the State Department warns, “would be suitable for use in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles.”
WikiLeaks Reveals Iran’s Secret, Worldwide Arms Hunt | Danger Room |
Who are we to tell Iran they can't have a bomb.:cuckoo: I hope Israel attacks and destorys those nuclear power plants.
Who are we to tell Iran they can't have a bomb.:cuckoo: I hope Israel attacks and destorys those nuclear power plants.

Israel already is. Moses Rules. allah sux.
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