Why you can't believe "scientists" anymore...they can't do simple MATH!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Thousands of scientists sign ‘Warning to Humanity’ letter predicting an imminent apocalypse

The world's brightest minds sketch a bleak picture of the future of Planet Earth. Is it too late to save our species and preserve the environment?
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Thousands of scientists sign 'Warning to Humanity' letter predicting an imminent apocalypse

Why you should be skeptical...
  • Nearly 300 million acres of forest have been lost mostly to make way for agricultural land.
    • Each year Americans plant at least 1.6 billion trees or about 6 trees for each one we use. Of this total, forest products companies plant about half, or threequarters of a billion trees, annually. These figures actually understate the nation's true reforestation rate as they don't include millions of hardwood trees that are not planted because they regrow naturally.
Forest Tree Planting

Now tell me folks WHY should I believe these scientists when a simple 2 minute search refutes one of
their stupid idiotic CLAIMS 300 million trees gone Versus 5 times that amounted planted JUST by Americans!!!

How stupid are these scientists NOT to simply do as I did... find out how many trees are being planted?

Another dumb ass claim:
  • Human population has risen 35%!

Wow how frightening!
OK let's be realistic here:
There are 37 billion acres of arable land divided by 6 billion people works out to 6 acres per person!

Folks how absolutely frightening YOU have only 6 acres per person 18 acres for 3 person family.
WOW!!! I'm truly scared!!!
Scientists found a fish that was supposed to be extinct for 80,000,000 years. Probably saw a lot of climate change over that time, yet they still survived. Many humans aren't as bright as we give ourselves credit for
Now tell me folks WHY should I believe these scientists when a simple 2 minute search refutes one of
their stupid idiotic CLAIMS 300 million trees gone Versus 5 times that amounted planted JUST by Americans!!!
Hey dumbshit.

It's 300 million ACRES, not trees.

You literally can't see the forest for the trees.
One of the reasons Europeans colonized the Americas is because they had denuded Europe of all the trees.
300 million acres.

Here's a chart which shows how many trees there are per acre for any given separation.

300 million acres works out to anywhere from 91 billion to 13 trillion trees.

Now tell me folks WHY should I believe these scientists when a simple 2 minute search refutes one of
their stupid idiotic CLAIMS 300 million trees gone Versus 5 times that amounted planted JUST by Americans!!!
Hey dumbshit.

It's 300 million ACRES, not trees.

You literally can't see the forest for the trees.
You are right! So wrong. In keeping with Emily Litella... NEVER MIND!!!!
OK...How many trees in the world. 3 trillion. How many trees per acre: 10 X 10 or about 435 trees...SCFC Tree Spacing
300 million acres equals then 130 billion trees.
That is less then 4% of the total trees.

The countries which have the biggest problems are the countries which you wish to transform USA into. The countries that have "just as fine culture as USA".

Indeed, let's not devolve into that...
Last I heard, man made global warming was still a theory. The funny thing is that there is no definition of "scientist". A midwest farmer who analyzes pig shit for parasites could be considered a "scientist" and as a matter of fact he is probably more important to the scientific community than a government drone who takes the temperature of a black top parking lot and tries to make sense of it.
Scientists found a fish that was supposed to be extinct for 80,000,000 years. Probably saw a lot of climate change over that time, yet they still survived. Many humans aren't as bright as we give ourselves credit for
Scientists make mistakes.

According to your idiotic logic, and you are an absolute moron, anyone who makes a mistake is wrong on every issue ever.

So, nobody is ever right ever, including your statement, cause you too have been wrong before.

How stupid of a human being are you? Scratch that. You are not human.

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