Why would someone against abortion oppose gay marriage?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Think about it. Marriage creates families. The more families there are, the more families there will be to adopt and raise children. Gay couples can't have biological children and are often inclined to adopt. Many abortions occur because the woman (or the man making her have one) just doesn't want to be a parent at the time and see killing the offspring while it's legal as a quick and easy way out. The more stable couples willing to adopt there are, the less reason they will have to abort their child's life. Opposing gay marriage and the creation of new stable families is kind of shooting yourself in the foot on the ending abortion front.
Abortion is wrong because it is in fact murder.

Is it human? Yes, do a DNA test. It's human.
Is it alive? Yes, dead things don't consume oxygen and grow. It is alive.
Are we killing it? Yes, generally when you tear someone's head off, you are killing it. You are killing it.
Is that justified? No. Unless you can show me what capital punishment law the unborn baby violated, it's not justified.

What do you call the unjustified killing of a human being? Murder.

We on the right, oppose murder. Those of you that support murder, that's your choice, and I think that's sick, but we are against murder.

As for the gay marriage, that for me is a religious issue.

G-d created marriage. Marriage is between a man and a women. I have no problem with civil unions. If states wish to grant legal civil unions, that's fine with me.

But I will always oppose "gay marriage" because G-d created marriage, and it doesn't include gays. It's not because I hate them, or don't hate them. Has nothing to do with that. G-d defined marriage, not man. And man has no right to change the system G-d created.

Therefore, I am opposed to gay marriage. And if I run a wedding chapel, I won't marry gays. If I am a wedding photographer, I won't photograph gay weddings. If I make wedding cakes, I won't make one for a gay marriage.

That's how that works. Freedom of religion. Welcome to the USA.
I think you'll find people who oppose abortion and oppose SSM do not think homosexuals should be raising children.
I think you'll find people who oppose abortion and oppose SSM do not think homosexuals should be raising children.
Does the goal of preventing same sex couples from raising children trump that of keeping those children from being butchered or neglected?

Tough question. Personally I think children shouldn't be raised in that environment, with that said a lot of these abortions would never happen if people would be responsible to begin with.
Abortion is wrong because it is in fact murder.

Is it human? Yes, do a DNA test. It's human.
Is it alive? Yes, dead things don't consume oxygen and grow. It is alive.
Are we killing it? Yes, generally when you tear someone's head off, you are killing it. You are killing it.
Is that justified? No. Unless you can show me what capital punishment law the unborn baby violated, it's not justified.

What do you call the unjustified killing of a human being? Murder.

We on the right, oppose murder. Those of you that support murder, that's your choice, and I think that's sick, but we are against murder.

As for the gay marriage, that for me is a religious issue.

G-d created marriage. Marriage is between a man and a women. I have no problem with civil unions. If states wish to grant legal civil unions, that's fine with me.

But I will always oppose "gay marriage" because G-d created marriage, and it doesn't include gays. It's not because I hate them, or don't hate them. Has nothing to do with that. G-d defined marriage, not man. And man has no right to change the system G-d created.

Therefore, I am opposed to gay marriage. And if I run a wedding chapel, I won't marry gays. If I am a wedding photographer, I won't photograph gay weddings. If I make wedding cakes, I won't make one for a gay marriage.

That's how that works. Freedom of religion. Welcome to the USA.

God created polygamy.
I think you'll find people who oppose abortion and oppose SSM do not think homosexuals should be raising children.
Does the goal of preventing same sex couples from raising children trump that of keeping those children from being butchered or neglected?

Nobody has ever proven that homo parents reduce the incidence of child abuse.

So that statement, like the OP, is a ridiculous logical fallacy.
I think you'll find people who oppose abortion and oppose SSM do not think homosexuals should be raising children.
Does the goal of preventing same sex couples from raising children trump that of keeping those children from being butchered or neglected?

Nobody has ever proven that homo parents reduce the incidence of child abuse.

So that statement, like the OP, is a ridiculous logical fallacy.

You can thank the homos for Russia shutting the door on adoptions.
Married people live longer, are more productive, take less sick days, and spread less STDs.

It's win/win.
I think you'll find people who oppose abortion and oppose SSM do not think homosexuals should be raising children.
Does the goal of preventing same sex couples from raising children trump that of keeping those children from being butchered or neglected?

Nobody has ever proven that homo parents reduce the incidence of child abuse.

So that statement, like the OP, is a ridiculous logical fallacy.

You can thank the homos for Russia shutting the door on adoptions.

Awesome. The thing I love about the homo lobby is how much they CARE about children.

That's okay, they don't need no stinkin legal orphans, they can just buy one from a human trafficker. They hang out at abortion clinics.

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