Why would Putin want to nuke Florida


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
is it because Punia lost his 400 kilos of cocaine in Argentina recently? by the way this " nuke Florida" video is fake , it was made in 2011...7 years ago . like entire Punia´s empire

President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic appearing to show missiles raining on Florida.

But why would the Kremlin want to target the Sunshine State in the event of an atomic war?

Florida is home to tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World and the Everglades National Park.

But it also has high-profile targets including President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort."
Why would Putin want to nuke Florida?
Stealth nukes? When did they eliminate the blinding flash and loud kaboom?
"Ve got rid of moose aun squirrel, now that mouse vit big eers thot mock me. Dos vedanya Mockey Mouse, you no like Russia ve send you hoo big molotov cauktail as preesent."
Putin didn't make up the graphics, the MSM did.

the leading Muscovite military expert Alexander Goltz, says that all Putin´s "new" military technologies are fakes , you can write him in his facebook

"A. Orekh
- Well, 9-35, you listen to the radio station "Echo of Moscow", naturally the morning "Turn". Irina Vorobyova and Anton Orekh. And we will now talk with the military observer Alexander Goltz. Alexander, good morning!

- Good morning!

A. Orekh
- Everyone says sarcastically: "Good morning" - after yesterday.

- No. We normally speak, good morning. We have here a whole set of what Vladimir Putin yesterday in his address to the Federal Assembly told the Russians about the latest weapons. I would like to go through all ... Can I?

A. Orekh
"Throughout the herbarium."

- I would like to say that the advertisement of Ritual.ru that was sounded before your inclusion on Ekho Moskvy suddenly becomes very relevant.

"So it's all so bad, do you mean to say it's scary?"

A.Golz: Now we live in a different reality. Here it is necessary to realize this

- Yes. I think that now we live in a different reality. Here it is necessary to realize this. Bluffing, not bluffing what Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said ... Those to whom this is addressed - and this was not addressed to the listeners at all - will be based on the fact that they are in different degrees of readiness, but all these weapons are there. And they will act accordingly.

It is quite obvious that military power - no matter what you call it, infirmity, it does not matter - is Russia's main and only instrument in both foreign and domestic policy. Now we live in such a reality. This should be aware.

A. Orekh
- Alexander, but still, if you try briefly at least run through these all, so to speak, our surprises. Here we say, in varying degrees of readiness. That's what you heard and saw - this graphics is called somewhat primitive - but, nevertheless, for you, something like a person who gives military and all these things his main professional attention - for you there is something surprise? As the Americans say, nothing surprised them. Did something surprise you?

- Oh sure. This is a fantastic rocket with a nuclear power plant. Anyone who says that he knew about her before, I think, distorts the reality and says hindsight. Of course, if this is done, then this is a fantastic achievement. And it is not clear why Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in the first part of his speech was so afraid of technological backwardness of Russia. If made safe, I emphasize the nuclear power plant, which is located on the aircraft, then Russia with this money can live the next 30 years, as Americans from the Internet.

- You want to say that a nuclear power plant for something flying - it's not just for a rocket is applicable.

- Maybe yes.

- If such technology really exists and it has already been successfully tested.

"If it does exist." Americans write today that they observed two attempts to test such a rocket in the Arctic, and seemingly the attempts were unsuccessful. This is an amazing thing. We will see.

A. Orekh
- Well, we go further. Underwater…

"No, wait a second." The first thing that was said is the Sarmat ballistic missile. It should replace the Voevode complex.
part 2

- Yes, this is an interesting story, because "Sarmat" from all the above-described achievements of Russian science and technology is most known. And about her, about this rocket before the speech of Vladimir Vladimirovich were purely pessimistic reports. It was originally intended to be tested at the end of 2015, then endlessly endured in 2016. Defense Minister Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu traveled endlessly to Krasmash, the plant where these missiles should be manufactured. There, obviously, something was not going well.

Finally, the ballistic tests of this rocket were postponed to the end of 2017 and, apparently, they were shown to us. For your information: the throw tests, in fact, do not have a relationship to the rocket. This is a test of the powder charge, can it push out a full-scale mock-up of this rocket from the mine to a height of 30-40 meters. All. That is, this ability is checked, before even the engine is turned on.

A. Orekh
- That is, physically fly out of the mine. That is, this is what she can, apparently.

- Yes Yes. Before the product is still a fairly large distance. We are here, pay attention, showed how much I can understand - I do not presume to affirm absolutely one combination of the "Sarmat" throw tests, and then the launch of some other rocket.

- Wait, he said all the same time that we already have it. Stressed directly.

- More or less clear that this is not yet. But the multimedia of a decade ago on the division of warheads was still added. Here is what concerns "Sarmat". It remains to assume - this is my personal assumption, very bold, notice - that the message of the president has magical power, that is, approximately like the Bible.

- That is now everything will be.

- Yes Yes. Now if you touch it - op! - and instead of throw tests"
is it because Punia lost his 400 kilos of cocaine in Argentina recently? by the way this " nuke Florida" video is fake , it was made in 2011...7 years ago . like entire Punia´s empire

President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic appearing to show missiles raining on Florida.

But why would the Kremlin want to target the Sunshine State in the event of an atomic war?

Florida is home to tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World and the Everglades National Park.

But it also has high-profile targets including President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort."
Why would Putin want to nuke Florida?
He doesn't want to nuke Florida. He is toying with the anti Russia hysteria gripping the country while at the same time raising his bid for the coming Russian election.
is it because Punia lost his 400 kilos of cocaine in Argentina recently? by the way this " nuke Florida" video is fake , it was made in 2011...7 years ago . like entire Punia´s empire

President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic appearing to show missiles raining on Florida.

But why would the Kremlin want to target the Sunshine State in the event of an atomic war?

Florida is home to tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World and the Everglades National Park.

But it also has high-profile targets including President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort."
Why would Putin want to nuke Florida?
He doesn't want to nuke Florida. He is toying with the anti Russia hysteria gripping the country while at the same time raising his bid for the coming Russian election.
do you know that pynia supports the fascists around the world ?
is it because Punia lost his 400 kilos of cocaine in Argentina recently? by the way this " nuke Florida" video is fake , it was made in 2011...7 years ago . like entire Punia´s empire

President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic appearing to show missiles raining on Florida.

But why would the Kremlin want to target the Sunshine State in the event of an atomic war?

Florida is home to tourist attractions such as Walt Disney World and the Everglades National Park.

But it also has high-profile targets including President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort."
Why would Putin want to nuke Florida?
He doesn't want to nuke Florida. He is toying with the anti Russia hysteria gripping the country while at the same time raising his bid for the coming Russian election.
do you know that pynia supports the fascists around the world ?

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