Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement.

You are citing Yahoo "best answers", really?

Really. Go to your browser and enter, "How many Jews were deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement." Near the top you will find that question basically asked at a "Yahoo, answers" website. Read it. The guy who gave "The Best Answer" seemed to have his shit together. While your're around there, feel free to look at some of the other websites. I couldn't tell you how many were written by Jews or their supporters. But the fact remains that many Jews WERE deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. That puts a stake through the heart of the idea that Hitlers aim was to simply gas to death as many Jews as he could get his hands on.

Guess what, that was the very first thing I did do. One of the oldest tactics in the book, one guy asks a loaded question and gets a friend to use his account to answer it in a specific way. Laying that aside, I checked the links and found one was dead, another led to a forum and the third to the "Birdman organisation" conspiracy theory whack job site. If Germany had deported 60-70% of it's Jewish population to Palestine in the 1930's, there would be British records of this. Hmm...

The guy who gave "The Best Answer" at Yahoo:answers said what he said. I never tried to look the guy up and find out who he was or where he got his information. Also, from what I remember, there were other people there who submitted answers also. I don't recall anybody calling him a liar. Another thing. Isn't it interesting that when history is written by the victors, information that may be contrary to their version is difficult to find? Also, the English producing records that showed the enemy they love to slander, Nazi Germany, did something other that bring trainloads of Jews to gas chambers? Fat chance.

Another thing is that I was watching part of one of those bullshit history shows about WW II. They showed a group of Jews walking somewhere in Palestine and claimed that they were fleeing Nazi Germany. If you were fleeing the Germans, is Palestine where you would choose to go? They didn't "flee" there. They were deported to there. Not that it would probably do much good, but maybe you should try to look up Brittish records of Jews such as I mentioned who "fled" there.

Already done that. Most Jewish Germans preferred to go to the U.S.A. Those with wealth and/or connections succeeded, the remainder went to the UK or France or Palestine or wherever they could find. According to the available data, of the 399,000 Jewish Germans and Austrians who managed to emigrate before September 1939, no more than 60,000 went to Palestine. The remaining 259,000 who were unable to leave, mainly the elderly and/or the poor were "resettled" in "holiday camps" throughout Germany and later Poland, where life was so much fun and games, most of them died of overexcitement, or at least that's what some people would have us believe.

The point is that the goal of the Nazis was to expel the Jews. Not exterminate them. Next, "holiday camps" is a new one on me. But in the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told," they have some interesting things to say about the Jewish internment camps. At least four of them had swimming pools for the inmates. They also interviewed people who were actually in internment camps. They said that conditions for them weren't as bad as they were generally made out to be.

They showed the shelves-racks that people slept on. But according to one of the inmates, it was a hell of a lot better than sleeping outside. They were given "camp money" to buy things with. They were allowed to watch movies, put on plays and concerts, form sports teams and things like that. They weren't the mass gassing death machines that they were made out to be. But as the end of the war approached, things got pretty grim for the average German citizen. You couldn't have expected to have things go well in the internment camps under those circumstances.
Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.

Were you trying to make a point to somebody?
I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.

there is no claim---beyond the expected ----of evidence of common origin of Italians and jews. Of course there are some similarities due to genetic PRESSURE related to the fact that the Mediteranean people all tend to develop red blood cell
abnormalities related to malaria resistance which are genetic-----that is about it------ As far as ethnic similarities---both jews and Italians tend not to be alcoholics.
Alcoholism tends to be a northern European thing

Greeks, Phoenicians and others traveled all around the mediterrtanean. That caused them to unterbreed a lot and become a very similar people in appearance. Next, I doubt what you say about alcoholism. In ancient Rime, they called it drinking madness.
Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.
I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.

there is no claim---beyond the expected ----of evidence of common origin of Italians and jews. Of course there are some similarities due to genetic PRESSURE related to the fact that the Mediteranean people all tend to develop red blood cell
abnormalities related to malaria resistance which are genetic-----that is about it------ As far as ethnic similarities---both jews and Italians tend not to be alcoholics.
Alcoholism tends to be a northern European thing

Greeks, Phoenicians and others traveled all around the mediterrtanean. That caused them to unterbreed a lot and become a very similar people in appearance. Next, I doubt what you say about alcoholism. In ancient Rime, they called it drinking madness.

That which I have stated about alcoholism is well documented in medical literature.
The entire HUMANOID genus is very very much interbred SO??
I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too
The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.

there is no claim---beyond the expected ----of evidence of common origin of Italians and jews. Of course there are some similarities due to genetic PRESSURE related to the fact that the Mediteranean people all tend to develop red blood cell
abnormalities related to malaria resistance which are genetic-----that is about it------ As far as ethnic similarities---both jews and Italians tend not to be alcoholics.
Alcoholism tends to be a northern European thing

Greeks, Phoenicians and others traveled all around the mediterrtanean. That caused them to unterbreed a lot and become a very similar people in appearance. Next, I doubt what you say about alcoholism. In ancient Rime, they called it drinking madness.

That which I have stated about alcoholism is well documented in medical literature.
The entire HUMANOID genus is very very much interbred SO??
"IF" in some northern European countries there is a bit more acolholism, maybe it is because there is more advanced industry. With more pressure on people, they might tend to drink more. As for humans being interbred, they are to some degree. But there are three main species of human. Homo Aryans. (Or Homo caucaisis if you prefer) Homo mongolis and Homo africanus. I will include some pictures to show you the differences in just their skulls. Plus one negro head shot.
human skulls photo.jpg

3 skull graphs, small.jpg
I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.
The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.

I am sorry to know that fact about you------Long ago----when I was a teen in high school-------the school LOCKED the girls' lavatory----during the day-----opened only during lunchtime-------the reason was that there were snotty sluts who used
to hang out near the TOILETS----to smoke and to mock any ordinary girl who walked in. I was horrified- ------a little verbal attack by snotty sluts with a perverted sense of fun,,,,,, was far better than URGENCY
Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.

I am sorry to know that fact about you------Long ago----when I was a teen in high school-------the school LOCKED the girls' lavatory----during the day-----opened only during lunchtime-------the reason was that there were snotty sluts who used
to hang out near the TOILETS----to smoke and to mock any ordinary girl who walked in. I was horrified- ------a little verbal attack by snotty sluts with a perverted sense of fun,,,,,, was far better than URGENCY

What the hell are you talking about.
to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?

I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.

I am sorry to know that fact about you------Long ago----when I was a teen in high school-------the school LOCKED the girls' lavatory----during the day-----opened only during lunchtime-------the reason was that there were snotty sluts who used
to hang out near the TOILETS----to smoke and to mock any ordinary girl who walked in. I was horrified- ------a little verbal attack by snotty sluts with a perverted sense of fun,,,,,, was far better than URGENCY

What the hell are you talking about.

I was referring to your perverted sense of "fun"
I think he was referring to your round about talk about those drunken Irish fucks.

I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.

I am sorry to know that fact about you------Long ago----when I was a teen in high school-------the school LOCKED the girls' lavatory----during the day-----opened only during lunchtime-------the reason was that there were snotty sluts who used
to hang out near the TOILETS----to smoke and to mock any ordinary girl who walked in. I was horrified- ------a little verbal attack by snotty sluts with a perverted sense of fun,,,,,, was far better than URGENCY

What the hell are you talking about.

I was referring to your perverted sense of "fun"

Well you were the one who called Northern Europeans a bunch of drunkards.
The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up..

Compared to who, exactly?

compared to WHOM.......... well----at that time? -----compared to the Zoroastrians
of Iran------and the Buddhists of Afghanistan-------and the Tahitians of Tahiti ---assuming there were some

I.e. nobody worth mentioning.

You actually believe that the cultures of BUDDHISTs---2000 years ago
and Zoroastrians 2000 years ago are not "worth mentioning"? You have
a very skewed understanding of human history and development. I do
understand-----you have been brainwashed by the BRITISH WORLD
VIEW. An interesting factoid----it is the British who wrote "THE HISTORY
OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION" it was done in a very very ethnocentric
manner------If you review----you will find that according to tea sipping armchair
"historians"-------History starts 2000 years ago IN ROME and almost instantly
MOVES to the British Isles
I think you'll find we looked to ancient Greece as the foundation of Western civilisation, but hey, you must read some weird history books...oh, and Harry Elmer Barnes (author of The History of Western Civilisation) was an American anti-Semite. Always happy to help. :)
I think you'll find we looked to ancient Greece as the foundation of Western civilisation, but hey, you must read some weird history books...oh, and Harry Elmer Barnes (author of The History of Western Civilisation) was an American anti-Semite. Always happy to help. :)

In fact----in the standard texts-----Egypt and Sumeria are cited as-------the early foundation----then we move onto Greece----in the standard British version of the
history of western civilization------but those civilizations are represented almost
as a "fairy tale"------something like "way back in the era of myths" ------no matter
that an American wrote a history------he still writes from the POV---of british "historians" Try looking into a standard high school history text------cups of tea
all but fall out of the book when you open it. Real "modern" history----is presented
The point is that the goal of the Nazis was to expel the Jews. Not exterminate them.

Up to 1939, maybe. But then after invading Poland, France, Belgium the Netherlands, Greece, Yugoslavia and later the Soviet Union, the nazis suddenly found themselves hving to deal with the bulk of Europe's Jewish population. Epic fail on the expulsion front, don't you think? So if you can't expel them....let's go have chat about it...I know a nice villa near Wannsee...
I have never described Irish drinkers as "fucks"-------"depression" is very prevalent
amongst Irish people--------alcohol is USUALLY a self treatment for "depression"
In fact-----the IRISH in Ireland have an exceptionally high rate of suicide, too

I know you never described them as "drunken fucks." I was just having a bit of fun at your expense.

I am sorry to know that fact about you------Long ago----when I was a teen in high school-------the school LOCKED the girls' lavatory----during the day-----opened only during lunchtime-------the reason was that there were snotty sluts who used
to hang out near the TOILETS----to smoke and to mock any ordinary girl who walked in. I was horrified- ------a little verbal attack by snotty sluts with a perverted sense of fun,,,,,, was far better than URGENCY

What the hell are you talking about.

I was referring to your perverted sense of "fun"

Well you were the one who called Northern Europeans a bunch of drunkards.

no-----I did not call northern Europeans "a bunch of drunkards"------I cited a bit of actual information on prevalence of alcoholism in various populations. In the USA there is a very high prevalence of alcoholism in both black americans and in
Native americans. It is notable that alcoholism is relatively rare in
American Italians and American jews. Some people have attributed those stats
to the fact that both Italians and jews do not MYSTIFY wine

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