Why would anyone continue to vote Republican or Democrat ?


Aug 26, 2014
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

"We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

But this isn't a two party system, there are several others to vote on. Some have better qualified leaders, and real Americans, not puppets. Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?
One doesn't vote for, he votes against.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

True enough...there are other political parties. Problem is the system is so rigged that these other parties are effectively shut out.

Look at what both the Ds and Rs have done to the Tea Party. Both have been very critical and BO had his IRS do all it could to shut it down...and the Rs do nothing to stop it. The MSM does all it can to marginalize and criticize the TP. Ask any lib on this forum what they think of the TP and you are likely to get a tirade of hatred for them...all because they stand for the rule of law and limited government.

My congressman is Justin Amash. He runs as an R, but is a libertarian. What do the Rs do to him? They support a primary challenger who is a big government crony scumbag, in an effort to unseat Amash. Its disgusting.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?
One doesn't vote for, he votes against.

Well whoever that one is someone needs to set them straight, you need to vote for our choice. .
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

True enough...there are other political parties. Problem is the system is so rigged that these other parties are effectively shut out.

Look at what both the Ds and Rs have done to the Tea Party. Both have been very critical and BO had his IRS do all it could to shut it down...and the Rs do nothing to stop it. The MSM does all it can to marginalize and criticize the TP. Ask any lib on this forum what they think of the TP and you are likely to get a tirade of hatred for them...all because they stand for the rule of law and limited government.

My congressman is Justin Amash. He runs as an R, but is a libertarian. What do the Rs do to him? They support a primary challenger who is a big government crony scumbag, in an effort to unseat Amash. Its disgusting.

I have voted third Party since the sixties, no one stopped me.
Why would anyone continue to vote Republican or Democrat ?

Because the supporters of either party is gullible.

Whatever candidate or politician from either party can spin the most believable bullshit wins.

For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

"We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

But this isn't a two party system, there are several others to vote on. Some have better qualified leaders, and real Americans, not puppets. Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.

I've worked for 3rd party ballot access reform for over 20 yrs. The laws are absolutely insane as it stands. Any party that works hard enough to be on a Federal ballot should be included in debates and have access to Federal funds. The bar could be enough states to win the Electoral College for a National Candidate -- or having a higher candidate qualified on a state ballot.

Our foreign policy has ALWAYS sucked regardless of party leadership, the accountibility issue of Fed govt has gotten progressively worse. To the point now -- where there is NO CHANCE of oversight by Congress. And NEITHER party wants to touch corporate welfare despite the fact that grassroot support for reform is truly bi-partisan.

Just a FEW elected 3rd party members will make a diff.. They will sound and act differently and people will see the situation is not hopeless.
Bottom line, majority of Americans are too well trained not to think for themselves.

Nope, the bottom line is apathy.

Only when people are given a reason to vote they will make the effort. Nations that fine people for not voting have greater turnouts. That would greatly benefit 3rd party candidates however the GOP has been actively suppressing voter turnout for their own partisan benefit.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

"We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

But this isn't a two party system, there are several others to vote on. Some have better qualified leaders, and real Americans, not puppets. Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.

Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.

Sounds great, however, a candidate from a third party has really no chance of winning in the current rigged system.
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

"We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?

Agreed...and I do not vote D or R.

When Americans realize that the two party system is really a one party system, then maybe we will change things for the better. The power elite knows as long as they can continue to divide us, they stay in power.

But this isn't a two party system, there are several others to vote on. Some have better qualified leaders, and real Americans, not puppets. Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.

Vote third party only and clear the government of corruption.

Sounds great, however, a candidate from a third party has really no chance of winning in the current rigged system.

Which BTW is why the Tea Party CAN get folks elected.. They are using the GOP to legitimize their ballot access. In reality -- BOTH parties need to split to excite voters into turning out and to bring some competition to the duopoly that we are stuck with..
For over one hundred years the same to parties have dominated government. In that time they have changed the nation into a dictatorship, destroyed the economy, Put the majority of Americans into economic slavery, and made this nation a corrupt nation controlled by big money.

We know that both parties actually work as one, if they didn't they could not have accomplished the tearing apart of this nation as they have. So, I ask you, why do you continue to put these criminals in power ?
For as long as government has existed it has served the interests of its richest citizens first and foremost; no government has ever done that as brazenly as has the US. While selecting a presidential candidate from a third party usually proves symbolic, at best, choosing your House and Senate candidates from established third parties offers a real choice for a change. Close to fifty percent of eligible voters are claiming to be independents, and we should be asking how many of those have internet connections. FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014, and fire the second shot heard 'round the world.

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