Why would anyone continue to claim that the Iraq war was a success?

Typical fucking lefty, thinking that all conservatives think alike, just because the left give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

Typical fucking righty, thinking that all liberals think alike, just because the right give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

nicely done...
A trillion or so spent.
Maybe 1/2 million Iraqi dead.
5k or so dead Americans and thousands more maimed for life.
Bombings and such continue there.
Their infrastructure still is far below prewar standards.
6 billion or so US money just plain lost and unaccounted for.
No Useable WMD's found.
Their oil money did not pay for their reconstruction.
And we are not even out of there yet.

I think showing ourselves as tyrants and lowering the bar in combat is the most disturbing part of this war. Few might remember, but Desert Storm ended, Saddam released his POWs. We don't even raise to his level in our treachery.
well said.
Will CG dispute that or just dance another round?
Since no conservatives have commented yet, Ill speak on their behalf:

"Because God would want us to kill them because we are a Christian nation"

the only one that can actually be refuted is the last one. We won't be out of Iraq so to speak for a very long time. We still have soldiers in Germany, Japan, and Korea. As for the others, hey thats conservatism for ya

Typical fucking lefty, thinking that all conservatives think alike, just because the left give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

Why are you accusing 'lefties' of all thinking alike?
Typical fucking lefty, thinking that all conservatives think alike, just because the left give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

Typical fucking righty, thinking that all liberals think alike, just because the right give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

I didn't say he was a liberal. I said 'lefty'. Liberals are thinking people - who I often disagree with but don't call 'stupid' because they aren't.

See what I do there? I differentiate between liberals and lefties. Liberals are intelligent, lefties are the borg who repeat whatever crap they are told.

Do I agree with the Iraq war? No. But I can say that for myself, if I so choose. I don't need some driveling idiot to speak on my behalf. Speaking on behalf of others, unless you are an elected official - is pretty damned stupid, in my opinion.
Typical fucking lefty, thinking that all conservatives think alike, just because the left give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

Typical fucking righty, thinking that all liberals think alike, just because the right give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

I didn't say he was a liberal. I said 'lefty'. Liberals are thinking people - who I often disagree with but don't call 'stupid' because they aren't.

See what I do there? I differentiate between liberals and lefties. Liberals are intelligent, lefties are the borg who repeat whatever crap they are told.

Do I agree with the Iraq war? No. But I can say that for myself, if I so choose. I don't need some driveling idiot to speak on my behalf. Speaking on behalf of others, unless you are an elected official - is pretty damned stupid, in my opinion.

oh, please :lol:

here's some REAL tapdancing

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBb9hTyLjfM]Nicholas Brothers in Stormy Weather - YouTube[/ame]
At least they have universal health care thanks to Republicans.

UHC is good enough for Iraqis, but not Americans

The Iraqis also wrote Islamic theocracy into their constitution. :lol:

At least they got to choose it. You watch What happens in Libya with no powerful stabilizing force like the US military there. You guys all think we just did a good thing in Libya, when it is very possible we are watching the Birth of another Oppressive Islamic Regime. As with most Middle eastern Nations living under Oppression. The Secular Democratic Opposition has been taking the Brunt of Gaddafi's wrath for 40 Years. The Radical Islamic Groups have largely been tolerated and even helped by Gaddafi. There is a Power Vacuum now and who do you think is more organized, and connected, and in a better position to take a hold onto Power. Some Hodge Podge Coalition of Secular Democratic Movements, or the Radical Fundamentalists Islamic Forces in the Country.

I will be the first to admit we failed at nation Building in Iraq, But we at least gave them a shot, we have just set the people of Libya up for an even more Violent Fight as groups Via for Control.

Don't believe me? Just pay attention over the next couple weeks.
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Typical fucking lefty, thinking that all conservatives think alike, just because the left give up free thought for their borg-like behavior.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean fucking morons) are an embarrassment to the country.

Nice dancing act there, you did not deny anything :D
Its the age old battle between logic and personal insult. California girl, sided with the latter.

Let's get a second opinion on personal insults, this particular poster has a dim view of namecalling:


What was the original question? Why would ANYONE continue to claim that the Iraq war was a success?

Well, we deposed a ruthless dictator that was not only practicing genocide, but that was also extremely unfriendly to US interests.

I still believe we did the right thing at the time; especially based on the info we had. What we did wrong was in taking too long to get started & allowing ourselves to hold back our efforts in an attempt to be 'politically correct' (IE - we can't bomb a Mosque, even though they are shooting at us from in there...)
What was the original question? Why would ANYONE continue to claim that the Iraq war was a success?

Well, we deposed a ruthless dictator that was not only practicing genocide, but that was also extremely unfriendly to US interests.

I still believe we did the right thing at the time; especially based on the info we had. What we did wrong was in taking too long to get started & allowing ourselves to hold back our efforts in an attempt to be 'politically correct' (IE - we can't bomb a Mosque, even though they are shooting at us from in there...)

where is that picture or Reagan and Sadam?
What was the original question? Why would ANYONE continue to claim that the Iraq war was a success?

Well, we deposed a ruthless dictator that was not only practicing genocide, but that was also extremely unfriendly to US interests.

I still believe we did the right thing at the time; especially based on the info we had. What we did wrong was in taking too long to get started & allowing ourselves to hold back our efforts in an attempt to be 'politically correct' (IE - we can't bomb a Mosque, even though they are shooting at us from in there...)

where is that picture or Reagan and Sadam?

You're thinking of Rumsfeld.
Yaah you are right.

Reagan supported him but never met him.
Well supported him till he joined OPEC.
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I have an autographed photo of RWR hanging in my office. picked it up during my days as a congressional intern. You want I should scan it & email you a copy to have framed for YOUR office??
I have an autographed photo of RWR hanging in my office. picked it up during my days as a congressional intern. You want I should scan it & email you a copy to have framed for YOUR office??

Ohh you poor little thing!
I have Ryne Sandberg's autograph. I think that's more impressive.

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