Why would a Muslim fear for their life...


Aug 28, 2003
New York
If they chose to leave the Islam faith and convert? Spirit Soul has told me that no brainwashing or force occurs in the Islamic faith, so I'm just curious why one would be fearful. I've read literally hundreds of these "fear" reports and now linked to an entire page dedicated to converts from the Islamic faith - but I'm at a loss for why they would be so scared about this change in their life.

Anyone care to explain?
Very interesting:

Apostasy Law: The persecution of Converts

Islamic Law (Shari'ah) states that Muslim men who convert to another faith (apostatize) and refuse to return to Islam should be put to death.


I guess I'll be waiting for hell to freeze over before I receive a legitimate answer as to why this disgusting behavior exists.

Let the brainwashing continue!
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have similar regulations... if one leaves either of those religions, especially to convert to Christianity, they are excommunicated, and no one in those religions is supposed to associate one bit with the converts.

My personal opinion is that it is a way to scare people into thinking independently about the truth or untruth of the particular religion in question.
I think it's pretty sad with the Jehovah witness - I remember in High School a friend of mine was going out with this guy, I mean they were so in love - the parents let it go so far, and then demanded the Son to break it off, he HAS to marry another Jehovah witness. And, I had one student that got a gift for Christmas from the school whould had to return it - it was a teddy bear, the girl had CP and just loved that thing, her Mom made her bring it back - I couldn't understand how, especially a child with CP, they would make her do that - but they don't celebrate anything but Wedding Anniversary's - not even a Birthday, atleast this is what one Mom told me.

Had that kid continued his relationship with that girl, he would have been exciled from the family. Wrong in my eyes! but then again, you have some that will do that when they find out their kids if GAY! so you figure! I always believed in unconditional love, but oh well, that's me and not many others.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have similar regulations... if one leaves either of those religions, especially to convert to Christianity, they are excommunicated,

And there lies the difference. I would much rather be "excommunicated" than have and "ex-life"!

I think one is a bit extreme, I'll let you guess which one. :D
>>I guess I'll be waiting for hell to freeze over before I receive a legitimate answer as to why this disgusting behavior exists.<<

Since I'd hate for you too have to wait until GWB gets' re-elected to get an answer, ( :p ) I will give it a wack, though in truth, I'm only expanding on the answer GOP-Jeff (of all people) has posted for your're edification....

Barnabas Source

Evangelical Christians. The reason their involved needs no further explanation, right?

Iranian Evangelical Martys
1999 UN Report on the Apostate Salmon Rushdie ("Satanic Verses")

Some quick facts from the reading;
The Iranian government didn't kill the 5 evangelical ministers. They have also disavowed any reward for the death of Rushdie.
Several of the Martyrs were locked up under horredous conditions. One was sentenced to death but after the international stink it caused, was released. Four months later he was abducted and executed.
That pattern is consistent throughout all of the Martyrs (Rushdie is still alive). The Government harrasses them to varying degrees (but doesn't follow Sharia up to execution), Then, after they are released from government custody, the death sentence is executed by an apparently non-governmental agent.
After very limited review, it appears the Iranian culture is also struggling with this question. The civil authorities, and one would assume the majority of the people, don't think the Sharias punishment of death is appropriate or expediant (no government execution, no mob of rock throwing zealots, they just disappear one day and their bodies turn up later). I'm guessing the extreme Mullahs whose power in the government comes from strict interpretation of Shaira have to have their pound of flesh, they make sure the apostate pays. The general population would appear to oppose this kind of thing (else why the kidnapping/murder?)
Interesting reading, especially the UN document. The statements of officials of the Civil Iranian Government run diametricaly opposite the Religious rulers statements to the UN investigators.
I'm somewhat encouraged that perhaps, in our lifetime, we'll see this practice come to an end.
Originally posted by dijetlo
[BSince I'd hate for you too have to wait until GWB gets' re-elected to get an answer, ( :p ) I will give it a wack, though in truth, I'm only expanding on the answer GOP-Jeff (of all people) has posted for your're edification....

Barnabas Source

Evangelical Christians. The reason their involved needs no further explanation, right? [/B]

Hopefully, the 'of all people' remark was a good thing..?

Anyway, as to why evangelical Christians are involved... I will refer back to my opinion stated in the previous post, that killing converts "is a way to scare people into thinking independently about the truth or untruth of the particular religion in question." (in this case Islam) I think that evangelicals are confident that, if someone were to take a serious look at both Islam and Christianity, the person would reject the former and embrace the latter. I also think that Muslims are afraid of that happening, which is why Muslim states enforce that part of the sharia law. Again, my personal opinions only, based on my observation of events.
>>Hopefully, the 'of all people' remark was a good thing..?<<

It was a backhanded acknowledgement that unlike many people, you looked to your own religion and found the parrallels. I beleive your absolutely right, btw, for the reasons you stated. Employing the stratetgy of the Christian fringe will only force them into the extremist wings of the political movement now building in the M.E.

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