Why won't the republicans tell Obama to bomb Syria and then complain when he does it?

I advise the Republicans to wait and see what the President decides

Then they can oppose whatever side America chooses
I'm not "telling" Obama (Obomber) to bomb anyone and I suspect the vast majority of conservatives aren't either.

Obama has enough people in his cabinet telling him what to do anyway.
Democrat foreign policy is as follows:

scream for war, gather intel for war, vote for war, scream to pullout of war that you voted for, blame the Republicans, Scream that you were "tricked" into voting for war, then try to defund the US military.....

for political gain

Democrats despise America
Republicans need to scream that Obama is soft and then call him a warmonger if he intercedes
Maybe Democrats should raise taxes on rich syrians? Then say they were tricked into voting for tax increases?
Why won't the republicans tell Obama to bomb Syria and then complain when he does it?

Why should they? They already do that about Libya.
Why won't the republicans tell Obama to bomb Syria and then complain when he does it?

Why should they? They already do that about Libya.

Its true.....He really is the gift that keeps giving....Its got to be genetic
Republicans need to scream that Obama is soft and then call him a warmonger if he intercedes

Exactly. Can't you see how the right tricked that fucking moron in chief into that war? We called him a pu**y long enough that he finally let the bombs loose. Then, he looked like a hypocrite.

He's spineless. He wont stand up to anyone, except a Texas news reporter maybe.
Democrat foreign policy is as follows:

scream for war, gather intel for war, vote for war, scream to pullout of war that you voted for, blame the Republicans, Scream that you were "tricked" into voting for war, then try to defund the US military.....

for political gain

Democrats despise America

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. Are you mentally handicapped?

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