Why We Have More Than 40 Million Functional Illiterates


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I read the article and it got me to thinking. Why was I reading before kindergarten and how did I learn then – and when I entered school? I think the reason was that it was during WWII when my parents placed me in a “military school”, Page Military Academy in Los Angeles. I was taught phonics. So, when I entered “traditional” school, I had a leg up.

This article seems to point out a way we can improve the reading ability of our children, something I believe is vital to our future.

Read more: Articles: Why We Have More Than 40 Million Functional Illiterates
I believe phonics is a key, have for years.
I read the article and it got me to thinking. Why was I reading before kindergarten and how did I learn then – and when I entered school? I think the reason was that it was during WWII when my parents placed me in a “military school”, Page Military Academy in Los Angeles. I was taught phonics. So, when I entered “traditional” school, I had a leg up.

This article seems to point out a way we can improve the reading ability of our children, something I believe is vital to our future.

Read more: Articles: Why We Have More Than 40 Million Functional Illiterates
I too was reading before I got to kindergarten.

Why? Because my mother would read to me and point out the words and what they meant.

A very simple process given that kids' brains are like sponges and soak up knowledge like crazy.
And I bet she sounded out the words to you. Phonics.
I too was reading before I got to kindergarten.

Why? Because my mother would read to me and point out the words and what they meant.

A very simple process given that kids' brains are like sponges and soak up knowledge like crazy.
We have illiterates because the Democrat Party depends on them for its very survival and uses its stranglehold on public education to insure a steady supply of inter-generational illiterates
When my kids hit school, they were told to just spell it how ever they thought, no rules at all. In other words, they quit teaching spelling.
What's ironic is they teach memorization for spelling, and will not allow math table memorization today. Completely opposite of us whose generations scored higher overall thanthose today.
We got hooked on phonics and taught it to them. They can spell today, where as so many of their peers still struggle, in their late 20's.
And I bet she sounded out the words to you. Phonics.

Yes, phonics.

I understand that these days they teach memorization of words. That's just plain stupid.
When my kids hit school, they were told to just spell it how ever they thought, no rules at all. In other words, they quit teaching spelling.
i doubt that very much.
What's ironic is they teach memorization for spelling
so they do teach spelling?
and will not allow math table memorization today.
patently false
Completely opposite of us whose generations scored higher overall thanthose today.
do you have a source for that claim?
We got hooked on phonics and taught it to them. They can spell today, where as so many of their peers still struggle, in their late 20's.
i doubt you know what their 'peers' know and do not know. but good on you for taking an interest in your child's education.
Oh please, they quit teaching how to spell.

And here is a pdf of scores since 1960's -
http://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/posts/pisa-2012-results-overview graph 1_larger.jpg
When my kids hit school, they were told to just spell it how ever they thought, no rules at all. In other words, they quit teaching spelling.
i doubt that very much.
What's ironic is they teach memorization for spelling
so they do teach spelling?
and will not allow math table memorization today.
patently false
Completely opposite of us whose generations scored higher overall than those today.
do you have a source for that claim?
We got hooked on phonics and taught it to them. They can spell today, where as so many of their peers still struggle, in their late 20's.
i doubt you know what their 'peers' know and do not know. but good on you for taking an interest in your child's education.
Great NEWS isn't it?

but we have the left always whining of how we JUST don't put enough MONEY into education.

and more great news about this:
they vote Democrat

this is what the rest of us up against. oh yea!!!!
I am adept at spelling, grammar, and phonics because I was on the receiving end of nuns' yardsticks for eight years. :lol:

oh man, I had a teacher like that in eight grade. she loved those three sided rulers if you didn't have your spelling lesson done. Yikes
Oh please, they quit teaching how to spell.

And here is a pdf of scores since 1960's -
http://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/posts/pisa-2012-results-overview graph 1_larger.jpg
When my kids hit school, they were told to just spell it how ever they thought, no rules at all. In other words, they quit teaching spelling.
i doubt that very much.
What's ironic is they teach memorization for spelling
so they do teach spelling?
and will not allow math table memorization today.
patently false
Completely opposite of us whose generations scored higher overall than those today.
do you have a source for that claim?
We got hooked on phonics and taught it to them. They can spell today, where as so many of their peers still struggle, in their late 20's.
i doubt you know what their 'peers' know and do not know. but good on you for taking an interest in your child's education.
that doesn't show that anyone stopped teaching spelling, and i'd bet dollars to donuts that the very slight change in scores can be explained by an increased percentage of test takers.
Great NEWS isn't it?

but we have the left always whining of how we JUST don't put enough MONEY into education.

and more great news about this:
they vote Democrat

this is what the rest of us up against. oh yea!!!!

What reforms are you going to do??? Oh'yess, you're going to cut everything and let only the rich receive a education. hahaha How will that help our problems?
I am adept at spelling, grammar, and phonics because I was on the receiving end of nuns' yardsticks for eight years. :lol:

What did they do for SCIENCE? That stuff was easy. They couldn't teach math worth a crap. They gave us algebra books in 8th grade and did not use them. I used my older sisters math book to teach myself trigonometry.

Getting back to the OP, we have this obscenely high number of illiterates mostly, NOT ALL, but mostly due to the effects of decades of failed Federal government policies on education and welfare. Abolishing the D.O.E. is long overdue. That department has failed miserably.
Our biggest job problem in this country is that many employers cannot find applicants who are literate enough to fill out a simple job application!
If double-entry accounting had been mandatory since the 50s maybe so many people would not need employers. So the people who can read don't know what NET WORTH is.

That was never mentioned at my school but no one ever said I couldn't read.



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