The DUMBEST College Courses For 2015


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Imagine all the money being borrowed by the human larva who attend these universities of "higher learning". Many are of the same type who clamor for free tuition and forgiveness of student loans. IMHO, any boob who would waste time on courses like these should not be eligible for student loans. We need to set the bar a bit higher before allowing the gullible to go into debt for nonsense like this.

"America’s elite colleges offer plenty of ridiculous courses. Many are taught by hilariously leftist professors straight out of central casting. Other classes transcend politics and exist on their own fabulous plane of stupidity. Many of them cost a ton of money.

For The Daily Caller’s list of pathetic college classes for 2015, the course descriptions are reprinted here exactly as they appear in the colleges’ course manuals."

The Daily Caller Proudly Presents: The DUMBEST College Courses For 2015

Tax payer paid college should only be used when the student is majoring in a important field. Science, math, engineering, Cis, computer science, chemistry, Physics, geology, meteorology, and I'd even add serious history and politic science programs.

I think classes like shown above should be excluded if they're NOT to fill a humanity requirement of such degrees.
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Then they wonder why they can't find meaningful employment

It's funny but sad to listen to the little "victims" at our local restaurants. The kids waiting tables and working behind the bars complain endlessly how they are college graduates and shouldn't be working menial jobs. When you ask them what they majored in, they always come back with a non-STEM degree of some sort.

Sometimes I blame the colleges for stealing from these poor dupes but the schools are no different than the banks who loaned money to people for houses they couldn't afford. At some point, the individual has to claim responsibility. Naïve and gullible kids will fail right out of the gate. The parents that failed to send their children into the world with their eyes open deserve to get them back as basement dwellers.

Life's tough.

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Tax payer paid college should only be used when the student is majoring in a important field. Science, math, engineering, Cis, computer science, chemistry, Physics, geology, meteorology, and I'd even add serious history and politic science programs.

I think classes like shown above should be excluded if they're NOT to fill a humanity requirement of such degrees.
I was in the audience when they gave a person a degree in swearing. True. University of Toledo.
I gotta say that an elective course about wasting time on the internet could be very valuable; "“We spend our lives in front of screens, mostly wasting time: checking social media, watching cat videos, chatting, and shopping." Sounds like a wake-up call. That's a good course for young people to take at U of Penn.

Oberlin College and Conservatory? Is that even a real school?

Tree Climbing at Cornell: Why is that more stupid than taking any other PE class? It may actually yield benefits for scientists.

Occidental course on stupidity: “Stupidity is neither ignorance nor organicity, but rather, a corollary of knowing and an element of normalcy, the double of intelligence rather than its opposite. It is an artifact of our nature as finite beings and one of the most powerful determinants of human destiny." So, much of human stupidity is a factor of people following other people because that's what they determine to be normal. Makes sense to me.

I have no faith that any of these courses are taught by anyone who is very extraordinary in the field. And, I managed to learn to climb trees outside of college. But, hey, I wouldn't object to my daughter taking a course on "wasting time on the internet".
Imagine all the money being borrowed by the human larva who attend these universities of "higher learning". Many are of the same type who clamor for free tuition and forgiveness of student loans. IMHO, any boob who would waste time on courses like these should not be eligible for student loans. We need to set the bar a bit higher before allowing the gullible to go into debt for nonsense like this.

"America’s elite colleges offer plenty of ridiculous courses. Many are taught by hilariously leftist professors straight out of central casting. Other classes transcend politics and exist on their own fabulous plane of stupidity. Many of them cost a ton of money.

For The Daily Caller’s list of pathetic college classes for 2015, the course descriptions are reprinted here exactly as they appear in the colleges’ course manuals."

The Daily Caller Proudly Presents: The DUMBEST College Courses For 2015


There was a course at a UK university called "surfing studies" and was ridiculed in the press for being lame.

However those who criticised didn't know what the course was. It was essentially teaching people business. How to run a company that dealt with an industry which is surfing. How to run your business and make it successful.

The course got scrapped because of this negative press. But to me, this is a course aimed at real life needs. Education should be about that.
I absolutely agree that some such courses are total wasted time. However, how many here are going to use that as a reason that we should not be supporting those that desire to gain a useful education? All too much of the time, I see the 'Conservatives' equating a few dumb classes with all the classes taught at Universities. And endorsing willfull ignorance in the process.
Lol at "Human Larva".

I dunno' man. Banks got at least 7 Trillion in Bailouts. Why can't students get the same thing?
Imagine all the money being borrowed by the human larva who attend these universities of "higher learning". Many are of the same type who clamor for free tuition and forgiveness of student loans. IMHO, any boob who would waste time on courses like these should not be eligible for student loans. We need to set the bar a bit higher before allowing the gullible to go into debt for nonsense like this.

"America’s elite colleges offer plenty of ridiculous courses. Many are taught by hilariously leftist professors straight out of central casting. Other classes transcend politics and exist on their own fabulous plane of stupidity. Many of them cost a ton of money.

For The Daily Caller’s list of pathetic college classes for 2015, the course descriptions are reprinted here exactly as they appear in the colleges’ course manuals."

The Daily Caller Proudly Presents: The DUMBEST College Courses For 2015


While I am for student loans, I agree that the courses should be something that can be used in real life. Tree climbing isn't stupid though. That is a valid occupation. Who do you think comes into your yard and takes down those big dead trees for you so that they don't damage your property or potentially injure or kill you? Tree climbers. My son is currently doing this though. He is being trained through the company he is working for and didn't go to college for it. 64,000 dollars is definitely outrageous price to learn such a skill.
I am perpetually thankful that I am teaching subjects that would otherwise have been taught a community college (before said institution was absorbed into the university system). I teach technical subjects that contribute to my students becoming certificated mechanics, licensed to commit maintenance on aircraft under the auspices of the Federal Government.
I am perpetually thankful that I am teaching subjects that would otherwise have been taught a community college (before said institution was absorbed into the university system). I teach technical subjects that contribute to my students becoming certificated mechanics, licensed to commit maintenance on aircraft under the auspices of the Federal Government.

Back in the 70's the state where I went to high school had a dual track system. After you finished your sophomore year, you chose the vocational track or the college track. For their last two years of high school, those on the vocational track left the high school campus after lunch and went across town to the technical school to learn a trade skill. Many of my classmates went straight into well paying jobs right out of high school and lived pleasant middle class lives while it took me several years to work my way through college and several years after that to finally start making a good wage.

If the government is going to back student loans with taxpayer money, the tax payers should be protected by requiring the students to major in STEM subjects or attend a vocational school that will lead to jobs. It's so easy for a politician to promise gullible voters they'll forgive their student loans. Same old tried and true sales pitch of "vote for me and get free stuff".

What Germany Can Teach the U.S. About Vocational Education

Americans often see such students as victims. Germans see these students as potential assets who might one day shine if they’re matched with the right vocation. And it has a system in place—a partnership of employers and unions with government—to do the matching and provide the necessary training.
What Germany Can Teach the U.S. About Vocational Education - Businessweek
I am perpetually thankful that I am teaching subjects that would otherwise have been taught a community college (before said institution was absorbed into the university system). I teach technical subjects that contribute to my students becoming certificated mechanics, licensed to commit maintenance on aircraft under the auspices of the Federal Government.

Back in the 70's the state where I went to high school had a dual track system. After you finished your sophomore year, you chose the vocational track or the college track. For their last two years of high school, those on the vocational track left the high school campus after lunch and went across town to the technical school to learn a trade skill. Many of my classmates went straight into well paying jobs right out of high school and lived pleasant middle class lives while it took me several years to work my way through college and several years after that to finally start making a good wage.

If the government is going to back student loans with taxpayer money, the tax payers should be protected by requiring the students to major in STEM subjects or attend a vocational school that will lead to jobs. It's so easy for a politician to promise gullible voters they'll forgive their student loans. Same old tried and true sales pitch of "vote for me and get free stuff".

What Germany Can Teach the U.S. About Vocational Education

Americans often see such students as victims. Germans see these students as potential assets who might one day shine if they’re matched with the right vocation. And it has a system in place—a partnership of employers and unions with government—to do the matching and provide the necessary training.
What Germany Can Teach the U.S. About Vocational Education - Businessweek
We have high school classes that come to our campus and attend aviation maintenance courses. It's the King Career Program and other students take classes in automotive maintenance and other technical fields.
I have always thought a program similar to what Germany had was a great option. Too bad those ru(i)ning this country's educational system cannot see the benefit of such a system.

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