Why was the cure for homosexuality defended?

You truly are mentally ill. You spend all your time trying convince people you will never meet that being a faggot is not sick. That says a lot about you. Please, for Gods sake, don't adopt.
Actually, I spend all of my time at the gym, gardening, cooking and being with my family. And, I did adopt!! Deal with it:


This showcases the mental defect that homosexuality is. Most school boy may introduce their girls to their parents and get joy from that. The homosexual school boys introduce their boyfriends to their parents and get joy from the screams of the parents. Enjoying that people suffer is one of the fundamental disorders that are part of homosexuality. Very sick indeed.

The Sneaky Seventies

Gayists are sado-masochists. Because their passive anal-receptivity is sick, they have to balance it by the extreme of aggressiveness, especially with young teens. Because their pseudo-sex-act is filthy and disgusting, they have to balance it by being obsessive about cleaning and neatness. Felix (Tony Randall) in the Odd Couple was Straight, but served as an introduction to a Gayist personality so that we would consider it acceptably "different."

I know where you get your horseshit from , Sparky!!

HRC Launches Site Debunking Anti-LGBTQ Junk Science | Human Rights Campaign

Today, the HRC Foundation launched McHugh Exposed, a website that pulls back the curtain on the anti-LGBTQ myths and junk science being peddled by Dr. Paul McHugh, the go-to ‘expert’ for anti-equality extremists. The resource includes a detailed timeline of how McHugh’s hateful and damaging essays have been used to target and attack LGBTQ people and a new video featuring renowned LGBTQ health expert, Dr. Tonia Poteat. It can be found at www.McHughExposed.org.

McHugh’s false, non-scientific assertions have been used by anti-equality activists in state legislatures and courtrooms to defend discrimination against LGBTQ people. Recently, McHugh’s opinions were featured in an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States opposing the rights of transgender students like Gavin Grimm, a Virginia teenager who filed suit against his school board alleging it violated Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 by denying him use of the boy’s restroom. The case was recently sent back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for a new hearing.

Additionally, anti-equality activists continue to reference McHugh’s specious claims in Congressional hearings and legislative debates -- even making their way into the media.

Paul McHugh’s writings continue to dangerously undermine the safety, security and wellbeing of LGBTQ people, and particularly transgender youth, across the country,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC Vice President for Research, Training, and Programs. “McHugh’s junk science is still being referenced in legislative and legal battles despite the fact that Paul McHugh has no academic expertise in either gender or sexual orientation, and actively avoids publishing any of his anti-LGBTQ pieces in peer-reviewed journals. Policy makers, informed citizens and parents deserve to know that this is junk science and personal opinion - not at all in the mainstream of current medical and academic research and not endorsed by Johns Hopkins regardless of how McHugh uses his title to suggest credibility or expertise.”

The extensive new website includes a video that features acclaimed LGBTQ health expert Dr. Tonia Poteat, who debunks key myths about gender identity and sexual orientation, explains the central role of peer review in the scientific process, and outlines McHugh’s failure to engage in this vital aspect of rigorous scientific research. McHugh’s writings have been published by religious magazines and political think tanks, not credible scientific journals, allowing him to circumvent the vital review and evaluation of the broader scientific community.
McHughExposed.org highlights how LGBTQ health experts and other scientists have pushed back against these tactics, making clear that McHugh ignores broad scientific consensus on a range of issues.

In August of 2016, McHugh and biostatistician Lawrence Mayer published a 116-page “special report” on gender and sexual orientation in The New Atlantis, a conservative bioethics magazine. The report made a number of claims that have long been rejected by gender and sexuality researchers. While the report’s falsehoods attack the entire LGBTQ community, McHugh’s history reflects particular animus toward transgender people, including collaborating with an organization designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and penning opinion articles mocking people who transition as “caricatures,” “counterfeits,” “impersonators,” “confused” and “mad.”

The personal ideology McHugh is pushing runs contrary to the overwhelming medical consensus endorsed by leading medical organizations including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. In March, researchers at Vanderbilt University released a joint letter with nearly 600 LGBTQ health experts, scholars, and medical providers denouncing McHugh’s positions. HRC recently deducted 25 points from Johns Hopkins Hospital, the healthcare facility associated with McHugh’s home institution, Johns Hopkins University, for its failure to make clear that the hospital disagrees with McHugh’s hateful work and to explicitly affirm Hopkin’s commitment to abide by the medical consensus and established standards of care when it comes to the treatment of transgender patients.

To learn about Paul McHugh and anti-LGBTQ junk science, visit www.McHughExposed.org.
Going back to the thread topic, if there was a cure for homosexuality, I believe most parents would take it.

But would most homosexuals?

And if so, why?
Homosexuals can't have babies without heterosexual input. Sure, if they buy the eggs/sperm, they might select for it. Their choice.

Still, only about 2% of the population is homosexual.
What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

Going back to the thread topic, if there was a cure for homosexuality, I believe most parents would take it.

But would most homosexuals?

And if so, why?
Homosexuals can't have babies without heterosexual input. Sure, if they buy the eggs/sperm, they might select for it. Their choice.

Still, only about 2% of the population is homosexual.
Oh Christ all fucking mighty! Not that again!! What is the point? A lot of heterosexuals can't have babies without some form of help. And what the hell does any of that have to do with the % of gays in the population?
Oh Christ all fucking mighty! Not that again!! What is the point? A lot of heterosexuals can't have babies without some form of help. And what the hell does any of that have to do with the % of gays in the population?
Ummmm, did you ever take and, more importantly, pass a basic biology class?

The percentage of gays in the population would have a direct relation to the percentage of those parents who, given the choice, would choose their prodigy to be gay.

Secondly, you might consult koshergrl about something to calm you down.
Going back to the thread topic, if there was a cure for homosexuality, I believe most parents would take it.

But would most homosexuals?

And if so, why?
Homosexuals can't have babies without heterosexual input. Sure, if they buy the eggs/sperm, they might select for it. Their choice.

Still, only about 2% of the population is homosexual.

So, homosexuality sexual s might like to be "cured" of being attracted to the same sex so that they can have babies?

I guess. Maybe.
Going back to the thread topic, if there was a cure for homosexuality, I believe most parents would take it.

But would most homosexuals?

And if so, why?
Homosexuals can't have babies without heterosexual input. Sure, if they buy the eggs/sperm, they might select for it. Their choice.

Still, only about 2% of the population is homosexual.

So, homosexuality sexual s might like to be "cured" of being attracted to the same sex so that they can have babies?

I guess. Maybe.
No. "curing" homosexuality means they'd become heterosexual and, therefore, enter into a relationship capable of having babies. Hence why, IMO, most parents, given the choice, would select for heterosexuality since, for one, it's more likely to produce grandbabies.
Oh Christ all fucking mighty! Not that again!! What is the point? A lot of heterosexuals can't have babies without some form of help. And what the hell does any of that have to do with the % of gays in the population?
Ummmm, did you ever take and, more importantly, pass a basic biology class?

The percentage of gays in the population would have a direct relation to the percentage of those parents who, given the choice, would choose their prodigy to be gay.

Secondly, you might consult koshergrl about something to calm you down.
Errr excuse me! How the fuck do parents choose for their kids to be gay??! You need a basic course in common fucking sense!
Errr excuse me! How the fuck do parents choose for their kids to be gay??! You need a basic course in common fucking sense!
Proving you don't read the posts before you reply; dude, that was the point of discussion. If parents could choose the sexual preference of their child, would most choose hetero or straight? Why?

Next time try reading the posts before jumping to conclusions and getting your knickers in a bunch.
What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

It is not 2 % of the population that is homosexual, because most public school boys and juvy graduates have been subjected to homosexual "encouragement" which brings their number up to probably 20 %. What the LGBT movement wants is minimum 50 %.
Going back to the thread topic, if there was a cure for homosexuality, I believe most parents would take it.

But would most homosexuals?

And if so, why?
Homosexuals can't have babies without heterosexual input. Sure, if they buy the eggs/sperm, they might select for it. Their choice.

Still, only about 2% of the population is homosexual.

So, homosexuality sexual s might like to be "cured" of being attracted to the same sex so that they can have babies?

I guess. Maybe.
No. "curing" homosexuality means they'd become heterosexual and, therefore, enter into a relationship capable of having babies. Hence why, IMO, most parents, given the choice, would select for heterosexuality since, for one, it's more likely to produce grandbabies.
Duhhhh Gay people do in fact have children by a variety of means , just like heterosexuals do. You have zero information that indicates that most people want straight kids so that their parents can have grand kids. If anything, they want straight kids because of ignorant fucks like you who will harass and demean their gay kids.
What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

It is not 2 % of the population that is homosexual, because most public school boys and juvy graduates have been subjected to homosexual "encouragement" which brings their number up to probably 20 %. What the LGBT movement wants is minimum 50 %.
Do you ever run out of moronic horseshit?
Errr excuse me! How the fuck do parents choose for their kids to be gay??! You need a basic course in common fucking sense!
Proving you don't read the posts before you reply; dude, that was the point of discussion. If parents could choose the sexual preference of their child, would most choose hetero or straight? Why?

Next time try reading the posts before jumping to conclusions and getting your knickers in a bunch.
I read the post. "Given the choice". Why do you even bother to post that crap, if you don't think that they may have a choice? Again, what evidence do you have, what research can you cite that supports your claim? These days, most parents are far more advanced, enlightened and accepting than you are. Deal with the fact that you are a fucking dinosaur !
What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

It is not 2 % of the population that is homosexual, because most public school boys and juvy graduates have been subjected to homosexual "encouragement" which brings their number up to probably 20 %. What the LGBT movement wants is minimum 50 %.
It's less than 2% regardless how many kids you had pink sword fights with in school.

What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

It is not 2 % of the population that is homosexual, because most public school boys and juvy graduates have been subjected to homosexual "encouragement" which brings their number up to probably 20 %. What the LGBT movement wants is minimum 50 %.
Do you ever run out of moronic horseshit?

Most homosexuals are a result of learnt behavior, not birth. That is a fact. The lgbt movement suppresses this information, but still a fact. Everyone in school or working in the correctional system knows this by observation.
Most homosexuals are a result of learnt behavior, not birth. That is a fact. The lgbt movement suppresses this information, but still a fact. Everyone in school or working in the correctional system knows this by observation.
Awesome, then you'll be able to present your facts. Easy, peasy, eh?

The more I read your posts, the more I think you believe you are "turning" gay because of all the LGBT stuff you were seeing. Sorry, dude, but it doesn't work that way.
What if the actual case is, that homosexuality is a form of personality disorder and not independent of it? Then doctors could investigate it within the personality disorder category. This can be in the national interest too, because the most famous soviet spy ring, the Oxford four, was single handedly responsible for selling Britain's Cold War secrets to the soviets, and they were all homosexual Englishmen. It could be postulated that they would not have been under the compulsion of betraying their home country, had they not been homosexuals.
Human sexuality is already under "investigation". Dude, that's what scientists due is investigate. Homosexuality doesn't have to be declared anything for it to be researched.

It is not 2 % of the population that is homosexual, because most public school boys and juvy graduates have been subjected to homosexual "encouragement" which brings their number up to probably 20 %. What the LGBT movement wants is minimum 50 %.
It's less than 2% regardless how many kids you had pink sword fights with in school.


Much much higher than 2 %. Everyone knows at least a few. That puts it to minimum 10 %, but the reality is most likely more like 20 %.

Most homosexuals are a result of learnt behavior, not birth. That is a fact. The lgbt movement suppresses this information, but still a fact. Everyone in school or working in the correctional system knows this by observation.
Most homosexuals are a result of learnt behavior, not birth. That is a fact. The lgbt movement suppresses this information, but still a fact. Everyone in school or working in the correctional system knows this by observation.
Awesome, then you'll be able to present your facts. Easy, peasy, eh?

The more I read your posts, the more I think you believe you are "turning" gay because of all the LGBT stuff you were seeing. Sorry, dude, but it doesn't work that way.

Ask anyone from an institution or a school. Easy indeed.
Much much higher than 2 %. Everyone knows at least a few. That puts it to minimum 10 %, but the reality is most likely more like 20 %.

Most homosexuals are a result of learnt behavior, not birth. That is a fact. The lgbt movement suppresses this information, but still a fact. Everyone in school or working in the correctional system knows this by observation.
You hope it's 20% so you'll feel more "normal".

Americans Greatly Overestimate Percent Gay, Lesbian in U.S.

When you come up with actual scientific information, as shown in the article linked below, then I'll concede you are acting upon more than just your personal opinion.

More Evidence Regarding the Causes of Homosexuality

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