Why Trump Won. (Two Pictures Says It All)


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
These two pictures says it all about the two campaigns. The stars came out for Hillary while Trump continued to meet with working class Americans. The key to the election was working class Americans in the rust belt. Trump knew this which is why he largely ignored California, Illinois and New York. He all but conceded these 3 states. It was a brilliant campaign strategy and the right message for America.

Democrats can complain all they want about the election, but the pictures depict one candidate meeting with a working class American while the other candidate is out of touch with the middle class.

Sure, no doubt you can easily dig up pictures of Trump posing with stars from the entertainment industry. But if you do, then you are in denial about the messages the two campaigns were sending and who they were talking to.


Trump's always said that the folks who like him most are the workers. I think he's been saying that for like 40 years now.
The key to Trump’s success isn't anything he did. Trump won because of the total contempt and disdain democrats have for working people and white people in particular.

Because the victims are white, obama chose to ignore the terrorist attack in Ohio. Trump is there today again assuming the role of president early.

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