Why the renewed rw war on the First Lady?

Why the renewed rw war on the First Lady?

Because the racist knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers are once again reminded that an intelligent black woman will spend four more years in the White House while being catered to like a queen.
Must've had the embers stoked by Fox & Friends. Amiright? :dunno: Whatever the reason, it makes the rw'ers who are perpetuating it- skye, misty, etc... extremely petty :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:

NEWSFLASH!!! First Ladies aren't elected. ;)

She embodies nearly everything the right hates in a woman.

Mind of her own

oh boy..
where would we be if we didn't get that they are black thrown in our faces all time
I wonder how all the white people who voted for Obama like it?
From page 2:
Stay Classy, Shelly.

What a fucking cow that woman is

I think science should check her DNA, she may actually be the missing link.

Michelle is the perfect example of, "you can take the girl out of the hood......but you can't take the hood out of the girl.

And, of course, they dragged out that invented bullshit about "all that for a damn flag".

our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.
Must've had the embers stoked by Fox & Friends. Amiright? :dunno: Whatever the reason, it makes the rw'ers who are perpetuating it- skye, misty, etc... extremely petty :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:

NEWSFLASH!!! First Ladies aren't elected. ;)

She embodies nearly everything the right hates in a woman.

Mind of her own

oh boy..
where would we be if we didn't get that they are black thrown in our faces all time
I wonder how all the white people who voted for Obama like it?

Gee, you thought Obama was born outside the country too...
I wonder how all of the black people who didn't vote for Romney liked that?
332-206 beeotch.
Must've had the embers stoked by Fox & Friends. Amiright? :dunno: Whatever the reason, it makes the rw'ers who are perpetuating it- skye, misty, etc... extremely petty :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:

NEWSFLASH!!! First Ladies aren't elected. ;)

I don't know why the blather from the left on here about George W Bush not attending the inauguration?

One side bitches about the other side and then the other side bitches back at the other side and around and around we go.

Same stale politics being offered by the same stale people imo.

Gotta love these places.

Add this to various threads around the board.:tongue:


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From page 2:
Stay Classy, Shelly.

What a fucking cow that woman is

Michelle is the perfect example of, "you can take the girl out of the hood......but you can't take the hood out of the girl.

And, of course, they dragged out that invented bullshit about "all that for a damn flag".

our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.

Oh please, if I cared enough I could gather a bunch of LWer quotes to prove it is all the same BS just from another perspective. F'n hypocrites.
She embodies nearly everything the right hates in a woman.

Mind of her own

oh boy..
where would we be if we didn't get that they are black thrown in our faces all time
I wonder how all the white people who voted for Obama like it?

Gee, you thought Obama was born outside the country too...
I wonder how all of the black people who didn't vote for Romney liked that?
332-206 beeotch.
you don't know what I thought...and 48% of the people voted against your dear leader this last election..He only got 50%
so you might want to look in a mirror to see a beeotch
Must've had the embers stoked by Fox & Friends. Amiright? :dunno: Whatever the reason, it makes the rw'ers who are perpetuating it- skye, misty, etc... extremely petty :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:

NEWSFLASH!!! First Ladies aren't elected. ;)

She embodies nearly everything the right hates in a woman.

Mind of her own

Do you believe what you just posted or are you on left wing auto pilot?
From page 2:

And, of course, they dragged out that invented bullshit about "all that for a damn flag".

our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.

Oh please, if I cared enough I could gather a bunch of LWer quotes to prove it is all the same BS just from another perspective. F'n hypocrites.

You seem to have a lot invested in this thread, deflecting from the obvious. The fact is there was a lull in the rw hate directed at the First Lady and it has resumed recently. Whats so hard to understand about that :dunno: Stop wasting my time :fu:
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From page 2:
Stay Classy, Shelly.

What a fucking cow that woman is

Michelle is the perfect example of, "you can take the girl out of the hood......but you can't take the hood out of the girl.

And, of course, they dragged out that invented bullshit about "all that for a damn flag".

our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.

none of you whiners were here during Bush, so you don't even know the things they said about Laura Bush..wasn't pretty just like some say about Michelle..but you all can cry us a river over it
Saw the same deal with LWers on Mrs. Bush. SSDD.

Got links?

Didn't think so.

Dude I have posted online for years on numerous boards and yes some on the left and some on the right play the same stupid ass BS games. If you think I am going to go on some lame ass search and quote to prove to you the obvious that every honest non-hack knows think again.
Seeing Michelle today is a shock for Republicans. She's beautiful, smart, very popular. She is the new Jackie, cons know it.

Jealousy is bringing this out in them again especially after Barack's big win.

It's tough for them, I'm sure. They'll get over it one day when they get a good candidate. IF they get a good candidate.
From page 2:

And, of course, they dragged out that invented bullshit about "all that for a damn flag".

our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.

none of you whiners were here during Bush, so you don't even know the things they said about Laura Bush..wasn't pretty just like some say about Michelle..but you all can cry us a river over it

Feel free to quote them...unless you're lying of course which would surprise no one since you have a long history of it.

332-206. Beeotch.
For crying out loud. Now there's a thread that conservatives are waging a war on the First Lady? Give me a break.

She was caught out rolling her eyes as Speaker Boehner attempted to engage her in a conversation at an Inaugural event.

So what? The world's not going to stop spinning and the sun is going to rise again tomorrow.
While I think that we should "pull our punches" to some degree when discussing the First Ladies...I do think that anything they do in the public sphere is up for comment, critique, and downright criticism.

I feel that the disgusting comments regarding Laura Bush's teenage and college years I read on this site were unbelievably out of line, just like I view the rude comments about Michelle Obama's body, hair, attitude, etc.

I do think, however, that comments regarding Michelle Obama's "Just Move" campaign and decisions she makes that relate to that are fair game. I feel that trips she takes are fair game. I feel that when she makes a comment that reflects (or may reflect her opinion) regarding issues that I care about...she's fair game. She is the First Lady. She represents our nation. She chose that lifestyle by marrying a man who chose to run successfully for President of this nation.

I think that, for the most part, it is fairly easy to tell the difference between legitimate criticism and partisan meanness. I think, however, that each side tends to get a bit more defensive of "their" First Lady...which is, perhaps sadly, natural.

your post is too long and you're, for all intensive purposes, a n00b
Must've had the embers stoked by Fox & Friends. Amiright? :dunno: Whatever the reason, it makes the rw'ers who are perpetuating it- skye, misty, etc... extremely petty :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:

NEWSFLASH!!! First Ladies aren't elected. ;)

She embodies nearly everything the right hates in a woman.

Mind of her own

When you're right, you're right and you're so right.. :D
our beloved rw'ers here at USMB.

none of you whiners were here during Bush, so you don't even know the things they said about Laura Bush..wasn't pretty just like some say about Michelle..but you all can cry us a river over it

Feel free to quote them...unless you're lying of course which would surprise no one since you have a long history of it.

332-206. Beeotch.

go do your own research, I don't jump through your hoops, maybe your men do.
While I think that we should "pull our punches" to some degree when discussing the First Ladies...I do think that anything they do in the public sphere is up for comment, critique, and downright criticism.

I feel that the disgusting comments regarding Laura Bush's teenage and college years I read on this site were unbelievably out of line, just like I view the rude comments about Michelle Obama's body, hair, attitude, etc.

I do think, however, that comments regarding Michelle Obama's "Just Move" campaign and decisions she makes that relate to that are fair game. I feel that trips she takes are fair game. I feel that when she makes a comment that reflects (or may reflect her opinion) regarding issues that I care about...she's fair game. She is the First Lady. She represents our nation. She chose that lifestyle by marrying a man who chose to run successfully for President of this nation.

I think that, for the most part, it is fairly easy to tell the difference between legitimate criticism and partisan meanness. I think, however, that each side tends to get a bit more defensive of "their" First Lady...which is, perhaps sadly, natural.

your post is too long and you're, for all intensive purposes, a n00b

gem is not a noob, you are though

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