Why the President's first reaction was to lie about Benghazi.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Obama said Wednesday that Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden remain the "number one threat" to US security. He spoke after a new voice recording emerged from the terror group's leader in which bin Laden called for a holy war to restore "Jerusalem and Palestine."

Said Obama: "We're going to do everything in our power to make sure that they cannot create safe havens that can attack Americans. That's the bottom line."

In an October 7 debate during the presidential campaign Obama said that if elected, his administration "will kill bin Laden. We will crush Al-Qaeda." Bin Laden is widely believed to be hiding in the mountainous border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Bush had earlier vowed to catch bin Laden "Dead or Alive," and placed a 25-million-dollar bounty on the Al-Qaeda leader's head. Striking back at bin Laden and Al-Qaeda was the reason for the US-led 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

In a late Wednesday interview with CBS News, Obama signaled a more measured approach to catching the ever-elusive bin Laden, refusing to deliver any "dead or alive" ultimatums.

"I think that we have to so weaken his infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function," Obama said.

"My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. But if we have so tightened the noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives, then we will meet our goal of protecting America."

* * * *
-- AFP: Obama pledges to succeed where Bush failed on bin Laden

And I believe THIS shallow thinking is exactly WHY the President lied about Benghazi.

How could America be attacked by al qaeda like that if we had achieved the goal of protecting America by killing bin Laden?

How could that be?

Well, no problem. Pesky FACTS get in the way, he does what so many uber-libs do. He just lies.

(I lifted this post from a different thread, because I think it stands alone and I don't want to derail that thread with this side-topic).
We were attacked again on 9-11 which means he DIDN'T keep America safe. His appeasement policy has cost American lives, treasure, and our sense of security once more. Islamic militants know they have a friend in the WH. Hell, the logs prove that out along with Obama's choice of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I don't believe this man is simply ignorant. I believe he's purposeful in everything he does.
We were attacked again on 9-11 which means he DIDN'T keep America safe. His appeasement policy has cost American lives, treasure, and our sense of security once more. Islamic militants know they have a friend in the WH. Hell, the logs prove that out along with Obama's choice of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I don't believe this man is simply ignorant. I believe he's purposeful in everything he does.

Of course.

And I can't say it is reasonable to place all the blame on this President. All I AM saying is that HIS focus on GETTING Osama bin Laden couched, as it was, in terms which argued that America would THEREBY be "protected" was patently silly. It was shallow thinking. It lacked foresight.

Just how OBVIOUSLY wrong he was became quite clear to him after the 9/11/2012 ATTACK on our diplomatic office in Benghazi. And with that rush of insight, the man found it expedient to

The truth is killing Bin Laden was never going to make the Islamic jihadis put down their bombs and go home, Bush said after 9/11 that this was on terror would take decades. I believe him.

Yet, when W acknowledged that "getting" that one fucking evil scumbag was not his main priority, he got derided for it (and to this day the libs still take cheap pot shots over it) by a lot of libs who lack the capacity for critical thinking.

We all wanted bin Laden dead or captured. And (due credit to the incumbent), bin Laden is now dead.

But it was NEVER the be all and end all of our war against the terrorists.

W was right. President Obama was wrong. Again.
Pub dupe haters!! Try getting a grip and not supporting YOUR lying charlatan pundits and GOP, not to mention th fundie a-holes whose film made this all happen. You're all a bunch of disgraceful a-hole idiots. Read something. LOL
He didn't lie about it. You people need to come back to reality.

We are the ones talking about reality. You are the one running from it.

He did lie about it.

It's what liars like him do.

Yes and he was born in Kenya and he's gay.

We get it. You're stupid. Carry on.

False comparison which is just another way that morons like you choose to lie.

We get the fact that you are fully dishonest and a lying pussy.

Muddle on, ya bitch.

Meanwhile, your lies carry no weight.

The President was CAUGHT in his lie.
We are the ones talking about reality. You are the one running from it.

He did lie about it.

It's what liars like him do.

Yes and he was born in Kenya and he's gay.

We get it. You're stupid. Carry on.

False comparison which is just another way that morons like you choose to lie.

We get the fact that you are fully dishonest and a lying pussy.

Muddle on, ya bitch.

Meanwhile, your lies carry no weight.

The President was CAUGHT in his lie.

Quote the lie.

Quote the proof that it was a lie.
He didn't lie about it. You people need to come back to reality.

We are the ones talking about reality. You are the one running from it.

He did lie about it.

It's what liars like him do.

Yes and he was born in Kenya and he's gay.

We get it. You're stupid. Carry on.

The gay part I believe is true, he is a card carrying member of man's country, a gay bath house in chicago. It's reported he prefers white men. He must be a closet racist also.
Pub dupe haters!! Try getting a grip and not supporting YOUR lying charlatan pundits and GOP, not to mention th fundie a-holes whose film made this all happen. You're all a bunch of disgraceful a-hole idiots. Read something. LOL

Suprise, suprise coming from you, obama himself could tell you he lied and you still wouldn't believe it. You would call him a liar, good little soldier! Lol
Yes and he was born in Kenya and he's gay.

We get it. You're stupid. Carry on.

False comparison which is just another way that morons like you choose to lie.

We get the fact that you are fully dishonest and a lying pussy.

Muddle on, ya bitch.

Meanwhile, your lies carry no weight.

The President was CAUGHT in his lie.

Quote the lie.

Quote the proof that it was a lie.

Damn are you stupid or just being deliberately obtuse.

We've been over this lots of times, you deflecting pussy.

The President did NOT identify the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism.

He CLAIMED that Mitt was wrong when Mitt said that he (the President) had not done so for two weeks. He CLAIMED (falsely, since like you he's a lying cock sucker) that he had said it in the Rose Garden. He demanded that Mitt check the transcripts. Candy played her part (albeit improperly) and AT the debate "affirmed" the President's BULLSHIT.

Only LATER did Crowley "correct" her own fucking misstatement.

As I already told you -- and as the transcript fucking CONFIRMS -- the President's 9/12/2012 reference to "acts of terror" in CONTEXT shows that he was referring back to the 9/11/2001 attacks to which he had just made reference.

You ARE, in the main, a lying piece of shit like The ONE. And not in the main, too. Entirely.
You're a total moron, dupe. Change the channel. LOL!

Fuck yourself up the ass with a rasp you piece of shit. Nobody was talking to you. You are one of the most useless clumps of shit to post at USMB. Almost everybody flinches from you illiterate blather when you vomit -- err -- post here.

Suck a bag of dicks, you useless motherfucker.

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