Why the Millennials are making a deal with the Devil Bernie Sanders in Exchange for College?

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Bernie prevailed over Hillary because he has the Millennial support, whereas Hillary does not resonate with the young audience. As for Trump, he connects with majority of Republicans and independent voters which are not racist rednecks and hicks only, because they only make up a minority in the country, whereas the liberals would drown out the hillbilly votes. So, therefore, the other half of America can't be all xenophobia. This country is not returning back to the 60's of the South, or else Obama would have lost the election.

Trump Machiavellian tactics against Sanders Gandhi methods!

Just as Trump defeats his competitors in business, he will do the same with Bernie.

The Millennials love Bernie because he will pay for their College, but the problem with that is, there are not enough young voters attending college to make up for Bernie votes. There is enough intolerable Republican voters and unemployed independents who are fed up with illegals taking their jobs, flooding their neighborhoods with property value going down, and crowding the schools which causes their children to be schooled in trailers and diminish the school budget to upgrade. Bernie is adored by Socialist Democrats, but they are rare and not a forced to be reckoned with yet. Trump shares the same concerns with the majority of older Americans, white Americans, black upper middle class Americans, about how democrats operate this country like a dictator taking away American constitutional rights in exchange for illegals to have rights more than our children.


They don't allow us to protect our children with guns, but desire to provide them with a free education so they can turn our kids against us to hate the Constitution. The Nazis had Hitler youth snitch on parents that spoke against Hitler. This is a ploy to win the young minds, so the government can take control of the new generations, whereas they will owe the dictators their loyalty and relinquish their rights. Vote for Bernie and he will send you to college in exchange for taking away your constitutional rights. A Deal with the Devil. The brainwashed Bernie socialist youth cult will defend their National Socialist Party - Nazi Party like good little Nazi followers.
Drumpf wants to enrich the 1% in the US, Mexico and China.

Sanders wants to invest in the US.

Shouldn't be a hard decision for a true American to make.
Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

Just a week or so ago, I saw where 1/3 of all who enrolled in college dropped out. On my local ABC channel just this evening, there was a piece that reported that the number dropping out was now over 1/3 of enrollees. This is going to be another waste of money just like the waste in money from student loans in default. The people who want free college are those who for the most part have never even had the gumption to hold a part-time job at MacDonalds. They are game playing couch potatoes who probably never even played a high school sport. They would never ever consider joining the military and earning college benefits. These are the ones who will live in their parents' homes until they are thirty.
Why the Millennials are making a deal with the Devil Bernie Sanders in Exchange for College?

The answer is simple; Because nobody else does............
Several I have talked to believe 'our generation' has accumulated massive debt that we will pass onto them, f*ing up their future, so they believe for all that debt and trouble they are owed / deserve 'free' college and other 'free shite'.
Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

Not only the millennials, but the parents who have to pay for college. Don't forget about them!
Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

Not only the millennials, but the parents who have to pay for college. Don't forget about them!

Yes, that is the mindset. I shouldn't have to earn my own way because the rich folks and the corporations have all the money and should pay my way. I'm so glad I never felt that way. I was never filled with they type of jealousy and envy that made me covet what others had. I grew up working in the fields and realized that I would have to earn my own way in this world. I worked hard and paid for the college educations of my three kids. I don't see why I should pay anything toward educating someone else's kids. They didn't help me. I didn't expect them to. It must really make a man proud to expect someone other than himself to help pay for his own children's needs.
Yes, that is the mindset. I shouldn't have to earn my own way because the rich folks and the corporations have all the money and should pay my way. I'm so glad I never felt that way. I was never filled with they type of jealousy and envy that made me covet what others had. I grew up working in the fields and realized that I would have to earn my own way in this world. I worked hard and paid for the college educations of my three kids. I don't see why I should pay anything toward educating someone else's kids. They didn't help me. I didn't expect them to. It must really make a man proud to expect someone other than himself to help pay for his own children's needs.


Liberals need to stop being victims and blaming cops, Republicans, capitalism and banks and the 1%, as you call them for your failures and miserable life because you can't have power. You liberal socialists have a pity party and cry wolf when you feel life isn't treating you fair, so you point the finger at someone to fault, but it's your own. You're just trying to play the blame game and not take responsibility for being a real man. What grown man complains about another man holding them down, that's called a punk bitch ass pussy. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

They'll end paying for it in the long run. As well as their children, grandchildren, great children etc. will. Look how people today sold out their children already by supporting Obaminsurance scam. Like it was the Golden program going to SAVE US ALL. Our children just starting out in life are the ones who are going be hurt the most by these "FINES" set up in it if they don't PURCHASE insurance.
Like every Progressive, Bernie is an evil man who will gladly take a mortgage on your soul
The "free college" is a litmus test for immaturity and stupidity.

  • Nothing that the government provides is "free,"
  • The Federal government cannot force the STATES to provide free education to anyone; it simply does not have the power,
  • The President has no power to spend money on anything, let alone create a new entitlement,
  • Sending "more" yoots to college will serve no purpose other than to extend their adolescence into their 20's (assuming they don't drop out in a year or two),
  • History shows that things that are given for "free" are never appreciated or exploited (how many people are "thankful" for welfare, food stamps, or "free" public education?).

Now, if Bernie had said that he would work to ensure that the Federal government provide funding guarantees that would ensure that, say, the top 25% of HS grads in every state would get a place in a state college at zero tuition, then he might be on to something. But of course, gifts with strings attached are not an inducement to lazy or stupid people, so he would never propose such a thing. Democrats never appeal to people who are industrious, independent, or intelligent. Only the low-information slugs.
Several I have talked to believe 'our generation' has accumulated massive debt that we will pass onto them, f*ing up their future, so they believe for all that debt and trouble they are owed / deserve 'free' college and other 'free shite'.

Which they will be paying in taxes for the rest of their life, compared to paying it off themselves between 10 to 25 years and then be free and clear of the monthly payments to use as they wish.

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