Why the Left is in love with AI

And thats the liberal/Leftist mindset in a nutshell. All those politicians believe the little citizens all need to be managed through a central government.
In times past it was realized that it was the citizens who could be counted upon. It was the citizens who built the country and who created the government. Of course now with the dumbing down of the population through their education programs and news media, its becoming more fact that people management is needed.
Look what Democrats have done to the city of San Francisco. Billions of dollars thrown at that place and the homeless rule the streets

If you read his post you would know that is not the kind of managing he is speaking of. He was referring to trains running on time, traffic lights that actually help the flow of traffic instead of making it worse.
AI is unquestionably better than humans at the tasks they are properly trained to do. They have no ego and cannot be bought off. There is a valid argument for letting them take over the daunting task of managing large bureaucracies.

They don't need to be bought off, they are programmed from inception to do what their masters want.
Fossil fuels is better in terms of price for our energy demands, and it can be used to grow food as well.

In fact, there is a whole slew of things fossil fuels can do for us, assuming we have the technology to exploit it.

But all of a sudden you see such technology in action as a problem

Funny that.
You may have replied to the wrong post. I have no issue with technology but I realize it is amoral. It can be used for good or bad, it is up to us to determine how and when it is used.
It's exactly the same thing and has the the same purpose to increase efficiency and productivity.
No, it's not.

AI is for non-repetitive tasks.
Automation is for repetitive tasks based on commands and rules.

AI involves learning and evolving.
Automation does not involve learning and evolving.

AI interacts with humans and it learns from experience and compares the situations and then works according to them.
Automation has no interaction with humans and it works on instructions.

It is possible for AI systems to “understand” data.
An automated system collects data.
Of course it has benefits. That is how it is sold to people.

And of course, there is not stopping it, because there is no stopping people seeking the benefits

But as with other technologies that also have benefits, what price will we pay for them?

This one does in fact have potential to equal nuclear science or human directed genetic engineered evolution.

In Switzerland on Friday, the United Nations held the world's first press conference featuring a panel of nine artificial intelligence-enabled humanoid social robots that fielded questions from reporters.

During the AI for Good 2023 global summit conference, the robots stated that they could "lead with a greater level of efficiency and effectiveness" but assured that they would not rebel.

In short, controlled superior intelligence that can also inject propaganda where needed. It's like having a tool like Joe Biden, only, AI won't go on an embarrassing rant about children sitting on his lap stroking his hairy legs at a local pool.

This is our future.
AI is the perfect tool for misleading and gaslighting the public. That is what the DemoFascist Party is all about.
No, it's not.

AI is for non-repetitive tasks.
Automation is for repetitive tasks based on commands and rules.

AI involves learning and evolving.
Automation does not involve learning and evolving.

AI interacts with humans and it learns from experience and compares the situations and then works according to them.
Automation has no interaction with humans and it works on instructions.

It is possible for AI systems to “understand” data.
An automated system collects data.
AI does not actually think and understand things. It's still just a computer program that is really good at managing a very large data set.
AI does not actually think and understand things. It's still just a computer program that is really good at managing a very large data set.
I don't even trust my code without a butt load of testing, much less a learning algorithms that the creators don't understand.

"AI algorithms are also increasingly used by companies and institutions, from creating smart voice assistants to generating automatic language translations. But along with the growing adoption of AI is the problem that AI models are not well understood — much of the time, people don’t know why AI models make certain determinations.

And it’s not just the average person off the street who doesn’t understand — even the researchers and programmers creating them don’t really understand why the models they have built make the decisions they make.

“If you cannot adequately describe what your algorithm is doing, that seems problematic,” said Bryan Routledge, associate professor of finance at Carnegie Mellon University.

Not being well understood by its own creator is a strange phenomenon of AI, but it’s also the reason for its power and success — using AI methods, people can create something that’s self-training and able to perform certain calculations beyond people’s capabilities."
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AI does not actually think and understand things. It's still just a computer program that is really good at managing a very large data set.
Today you minimize AI, next month you'll claim it knows everything.
I don't even trust my code without a butt load of testing, much less learning algorithms that the creators don't understand.

"AI algorithms are also increasingly used by companies and institutions, from creating smart voice assistants to generating automatic language translations. But along with the growing adoption of AI is the problem that AI models are not well understood — much of the time, people don’t know why AI models make certain determinations.

And it’s not just the average person off the street who doesn’t understand — even the researchers and programmers creating them don’t really understand why the models they have built make the decisions they make.

“If you cannot adequately describe what your algorithm is doing, that seems problematic,” said Bryan Routledge, associate professor of finance at Carnegie Mellon University.

Not being well understood by its own creator is a strange phenomenon of AI, but it’s also the reason for its power and success — using AI methods, people can create something that’s self-training and able to perform certain calculations beyond people’s capabilities."
I know there are problems but the skynet scenario of the AI turning against humanity seems to be the wrong thing to worry about. The thing to worry about is greedy idiots trying to use it for things it's not suited for.
I know there are problems but the skynet scenario of the AI turning against humanity seems to be the wrong thing to worry about. The thing to worry about is greedy idiots trying to use it for things it's not suited for.
I don't believe they will become sentient nightmare evil beings. (That will be for the humans controlling them)

"AI technology is used to accomplish two categories of tasks: either tasks humans are good at doing but do slowly, or tasks humans are incapable of doing. For instance, humans are great at recognizing and labeling images. AI models can be trained to do that as well — not necessarily better than humans, but much, much faster.

On the other hand, AI models can also be used to help make predictions — something people do not do well.

“Who’s going to be involved in a shooting, or who’s going to not graduate from high school on time, or who’s going to be unemployed long term — humans are not very good at that problem,” Ghani said.

Understanding how AI models make their decisions is particularly important for those types of predictive use cases because humans aren’t able to verify whether the model is working correctly. Unlike image categorization, where humans can simply look at the images to check whether they have been labeled correctly, predictive AI gives outputs that humans can’t verify for themselves.

“So when an explanation comes from the system, we don’t really know whether it’s correct or not because we don’t have that understanding. If we did, we wouldn’t need a computer to help us solve that problem,” Ghani said. “Because we’re not trying to be efficient — we’re trying to be better than humans.”
Enjoy the AI boom and tech boom

Democrats embrace tech, republicans fight tech

This is why the democrats have better economies with lower deficits, whereas republicans have bad and weak economies with mega debt and deficit.

Tech and infrastructure will power the US economy during Biden's presidency

You got that last line from a fortune cookie

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