Why the Judicial Over-Reach in Travel Suspension is a Constitutional Crisis


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I was going to the grocery store and both my country music station were playing some rap shit, so I put the radio on a talk station and Rush Limbaugh was on talking about why these activist judges were possibly starting a Constitutional Crisis by over-ruling Trump on a purely Executive branch matter that the Judicial Branch has no authority to rule on.

I disagree only in that I think that the crisis has ALREADY started the moment that a judge asserts authority over a purely Executive Branch decision. No laws were broken or even cited by these judges, instead they have said that they think Trump is a bigot and therefore no matter what the law says, anything he does in regard to Muslim countries is bigoted and a violation of the First Amendment.

That is what we have come to in our country, friends. We have had judges in the past rule that taxes have to be raised, that students have to attend specific schools dozens of miles from home, we have had judges that have ruled Constitutional amendments to be unconstitutional, etc.

Now we have this, for the first time liberal activist judges have ruled that a power and authority clearly given solely to the Executive branch is potentially under judicial review.

Where does it stop?

What is to prevent these Marxist libtards from shopping around/bribing some idiot activist judge from ruling that a military action has to be stopped because it has a disproportional impact on minorities and is therefore a violation of the 14th Amendment? Or that a Presidents cabinet has insufficient diversity? Or that a Declaration of War is unconstitutional? There is no rational limit to the power of the Judiciary if rulings like this go unpunished.

The judicial branch has outgrown its robes as defined by the Constitution, and Republicans have to start impeaching these idiots or our Republic is going to fall into confusion, bedlam and legal chaos.

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