Why the hypocracy?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Why do Arabs / Muslims show such outrage when Israel targets Islamic terrorists, or when Korans are burnt, but are totally silent when an Islamic terrorist group blows up 100's of Muslims in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria slaughters its own civilians by the 100's? Where's the outrage and rioting for that?
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Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?

Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.
Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?

Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.

Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal?

No, but beheading is common.

Is there a point here?
Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?

Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.

Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal?

No, but beheading is common.

Is there a point here?
Reach up and feel the top of your punkin.You'll find the point.
Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?

Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.

Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal?

No, but beheading is common.

Is there a point here?

What you said is totally irrelevant and another desperate comparison. Mexican drug gangs are killing each other and then beheading the dead bodies. There is gang warfare right here in the US. Comparing attrocities by Muslims who blow up hundreds if not a thousands of innocent people to daily crime occurrences throughout the world has absolutely no relevance to the topic, which is the subject of the first post in this thread. If you have reading comprehension problems let me reiterate, why are Arabs and Muslims totally silent to the daily barrage of murders of 100's of its innocent civilians by fellow Muslims, yet when a country like Israel or the US strikes at Islamic terrorists or burns Korans, they go crazy and start eating their underwear? Selective outrage and hypocrisy or faux outrage?
Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?

Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.

Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal?

No, but beheading is common.

Is there a point here?

The point is, of course, that the Muslim/Arab street barely raises an eyebrow when Muslims are massacred by other Muslims but flies into murderous xenophobic frenzies if a Muslim is killed by a non Muslim.
Why do Christians kill Christians by the hundreds in places like Mexico?
The question here is not 'Why people kill people'.

The question is why the Arab world stay silent when Arabs kill Arabs however when Israel kills Arabs they scream at the top of their lungs.

Take Syria for example, in the last year Assad killed more Arabs then Israel did in the last 10 years.
The Arab world and world in general stayed relatively silent about what's happening in Syria. However they were very quick to respond when Israel retaliated against Palestinian rocket attacks.The funniest thing is that Assad himself was one of the Arab leaders to condemn Israel at the same time he massacres his own people.
Why do Arabs / Muslims show such outrage when Israel targets Islamic terrorists, or when Korans are burnt, but are totally silent when an Islamic terrorist group blows up 100's of Muslims in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria slaughters its own civilians by the 100's? Where's the outrage and rioting for that?

Its pretty hard to riot against yourself
Not a relevant comparison. Is the mexican govt slaughtering its own civilians? Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal? Crime reports in different countries have nothing to do with the topic. We have crime and gangs here in the US, and many other countries. This is what I call a desperate comparison by someone trying to hide the truth. We are talking about Arab / Muslim outrage and lack thereof when it's Muslims slaughtering fellow Muslims by the hundreds if not thousands. which makes all their whole outrage premise bogus and not worth responding to.

Are Mexicans strapping on a suicide bomb and blowing up hundreds of civilians for a religious or ideological goal?

No, but beheading is common.

Is there a point here?

What you said is totally irrelevant and another desperate comparison. Mexican drug gangs are killing each other and then beheading the dead bodies. There is gang warfare right here in the US. Comparing attrocities by Muslims who blow up hundreds if not a thousands of innocent people to daily crime occurrences throughout the world has absolutely no relevance to the topic, which is the subject of the first post in this thread. If you have reading comprehension problems let me reiterate, why are Arabs and Muslims totally silent to the daily barrage of murders of 100's of its innocent civilians by fellow Muslims, yet when a country like Israel or the US strikes at Islamic terrorists or burns Korans, they go crazy and start eating their underwear? Selective outrage and hypocrisy or faux outrage?

What you said is totally irrelevant and another desperate comparison.

in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria

Where is your relevance?
The Community Organizing Crackhead on the right is fighting for Equal Justice, PBUH.[/QUOTE]

I always wondered, what led Barry Soltero to change his name to Barack Hussein Obama during his college years? It seems as if he completed his conversion to Islam by adopting a Muslim name. If he claims that he's been a Christian, why did he CHOOSE such a Muslim sounding name, at a time when he was clearly an educated, informed adult? This is yet another of those questions the media refuses to delve into.

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