Why the Decline of Marriage in America?


Jan 30, 2011
New England
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

It is a direct result of the de-emphasis of religion/values and the decline of a belief that we are responsible for those around us and not just ourselves only.
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

I can tell you why I am not getting married again, marriage really only benefits the woman. She gets to show off her expensive engagement ring and brag to her friends and get to feel good about herself by not looking like a slut while the man is stuck paying for all that and losing his freedoms, and god forbid a divorce happens the man loses EVERYTHING, he is lucky to see his kids every other weekend and has to pay out the ass for child support and alimony, with all these odds stacked against the men why would we would want to engage in this risky act of terrorism called marriage? no thank you, at least if you just live with a woman you can just call it quits without spending thousands of dollars of your own money and losing half your possessions while she is out partying with her new boyfriend spending your money.
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

The government got involved. That's what happened.
I think that the decline of marriage can be directly linked to the rise of women's liberation. When women were expected or even forced to be subservient, to not join the workforce, to meekly take abuse, etc. it was easier to keep marriages intact. Men needed women to do the domestic duties, women needed men to earn the money. Now that that isn't necessarily the case, people are more willing to give up on marriages.
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

Yes to the reasons in your last paragraph, and I will add, popular celebrity influence to those. Also men used to marry for regular sex and women for financial stability and those reasons no longer exist....
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

Yes to the reasons in your last paragraph, and I will add, popular celebrity influence to those. Also men used to marry for regular sex and women for financial stability and those reasons no longer exist....

Especially since men have more sex when their single than they do when they are married.
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So basically we're all in agreement that it's mostly the social and cultural changes in America that have brought about the de-emphasis of marriage in this country, right? The prevalance of women in the workforce, the loss of gender roles, the availability of sex outside of a committed relationship, etc.... having lead to these changes.

Ok, then how about this.... Are these changes Good, Bad, or Indifferent to American society, culture, and the country as a whole?
So basically we're all in agreement that it's mostly the social and cultural changes in America that have brought about the de-emphasis of marriage in this country, right? The prevalance of women in the workforce, the loss of gender roles, the availability of sex outside of a committed relationship, etc.... having lead to these changes.

Ok, then how about this.... Are these changes Good, Bad, or Indifferent to American society, culture, and the country as a whole?

Because marriage has turned into a failure we have seen alot of children grow up in broken homes, so I think thats a bad thing.
So basically we're all in agreement that it's mostly the social and cultural changes in America that have brought about the de-emphasis of marriage in this country, right? The prevalance of women in the workforce, the loss of gender roles, the availability of sex outside of a committed relationship, etc.... having lead to these changes.

Ok, then how about this.... Are these changes Good, Bad, or Indifferent to American society, culture, and the country as a whole?

Because marriage has turned into a failure we have seen alot of children grow up in broken homes, so I think thats a bad thing.

I agree with this.
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?
Woman has thrown off her shackles and declared her liberty from 'men' like you
The most effectual way to destroy a civilization, is to undermine the family unit and let the society collapse upon itself.

This is best achieved using a two-fold approach:

First you use economic incentives to encourage women to have children out of wedlock while undermining the economy so that the average single earner cannot easily support a child, let alone multiple children. Now you're an entire generation without proper parenting and guidance. This ensures that the youth will be diligent in following their programming in step two. Any other economic pressures you can use to prevent the family unit from forming or from spending 'quality time' together furthers the progress made in phase one.

Secondly, you use a vast machine to encourage sexual promiscuity, demonize the opposite sex and the family unit (see: Betty Friedan, Planned Parenthood, anything else Maddie ever cites), and encourage a culture of sexual openness whilst undermining traditional courtship, which once served to ensure faithfulness and commitment in a relationship. The objective is to see an entire generation which freely spreads STDs, encounters pregnancy out of wedlock very often- and can be easily taught that abortion is the easy answer, thereby helping to devalue human life and further undermine the traditional values which innumerable civilizations have been built upon, and which consciously rejects anything once deemed good in favour of the thrill of self-destruction.

Ms. Lukas says women lost the sexual revolution. In this she is incorrect. More accurately, the neofeminists and their ideological and intellectual kin [remember their roots in Marxist feminism] are succeeding in destroying the Western civilization that they view as the source of all the world's ills. They do this because it is the commandment of their neo-Marxist faith, and because the imagine a Marxian Utopia afterwards, where not only gender roles, but sex itself, labour, capitalism, and Western culture no longer exist.

The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

Some people just don't want to have to pay money to get rid of a dud.
If you think your marriage may end in divorce, why are you getting married in the first place?

I see the Prenup as nothing more than a bit of simple, basic insurance. It protects both parties from the sheer and utter incompetence that is the current civil legal system in this country. It especially protects the Man in the case where he is not at fault for whatever brings about the end of the marriage.

Not that I ever expect to get married, but if I were there would definitely be a Prenup involved. It's just a little bit of protection. Especially since in my case, the wife is not likely to be adding extensive financial assets to the pot.
I'm a charter member of The Ignore List, so the sad little booby who started this thread won't see this post (unless he peaks, which wouldn't surprise me in the least).

In any case, for the intellectually curious, the following is one of the more interesting pieces I've read regarding the decline of Western Civilization, the role of men, and consequently marriage, etc.

The Futurist: The Misandry Bubble
The institution of Marriage has taken a major hit in the United States in the last half century. With the prevelance of divorce, couples living together without being married, and people waiting longer to get married, marriage has apparently lost a lot of its luster for many people.

Why do you think that is? Does it have to do with the de-emphasis on religion; changes in American culture and society; legal issues; or something else alltogether?

I don't think it has anything to do with anything.. except kids have seen the pain that divorice causes on so many.. and want to make sure that they are truely in love before they commit their entire life to someone else..

According to new census numbers..

We may be walking down the aisle later in life but new census data shows married couples in the U.S. are staying together longer than they have in decades.

New figures show the majority of couples who marry do it once and honour their vows.

The newly-released 2009 data shows roughly 75 per cent of those who have married since 1990 reported they had reached their 10-year anniversary.
That's up about three percentage points for both men and women who married a decade earlier in the 1980s, when divorce rates had peaked.

US census shows more couples are staying together | Mail Online
If you think your marriage may end in divorce, why are you getting married in the first place?

I see the Prenup as nothing more than a bit of simple, basic insurance. It protects both parties from the sheer and utter incompetence that is the current civil legal system in this country. It especially protects the Man in the case where he is not at fault for whatever brings about the end of the marriage.

Not that I ever expect to get married, but if I were there would definitely be a Prenup involved. It's just a little bit of protection. Especially since in my case, the wife is not likely to be adding extensive financial assets to the pot.
Easier to just leave the State out of my relationship in the first place.

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