Why the Clinton lawyer was acquitted.

Aside from the fact that the jury pool is about 95% Democrats, the reason that Michael Sussman was acquitted for lying to the FBI is because the FBI was in on the whole Russia hoax to begin with.

Durham is just getting warmed up kids.

But since any other charge he brings will have the same jury pool, how does this get better for him?

He also has the problem of the statue of Limitations. He has to bring charges within a certain amount of time.
Aside from the fact that the jury pool is about 95% Democrats, the reason that Michael Sussman was acquitted for lying to the FBI is because the FBI was in on the whole Russia hoax to begin with.

Durham is just getting warmed up kids.

yep, the big case coming up is the Russian agent the clinton campaign hired for putin’s propaganda
But since any other charge he brings will have the same jury pool, how does this get better for him?

He also has the problem of the statue of Limitations. He has to bring charges within a certain amount of time.
Will Peter Strzok or James Comey go to jail ?
Highly doubtful....... but would they like to go over all of this again in 2023 before a gop-controlled Senate hearing or just get it over with now ?
Will Peter Strzok or James Comey go to jail ?
Highly doubtful....... but would they like to go over all of this again in 2023 before a gop-controlled Senate hearing or just get it over with now ?

You guys have had Strrzok and Comey in front of Congress... for what little good it did.

Somehow I get the feeling Sussman didn't have to lose his house to pay for attorneys like Michael Flynn and others.

Flynn wouldn't have either... if he just kept with the original plea he had reached.
You guys have had Strrzok and Comey in front of Congress... for what little good it did.

Flynn wouldn't have either... if he just kept with the original plea he had reached.
"You guys " ?
Us Americans tired of the political bullshit you mean ? Who are tired of a blatantly dishonest media and corrupt justice system.....us guys ?
Aside from the fact that the jury pool is about 95% Democrats, the reason that Michael Sussman was acquitted for lying to the FBI is because the FBI was in on the whole Russia hoax to begin with.

Durham is just getting warmed up kids.

The reason that Sussman was acquitted was because the prosecution had only one witness. There were no independent notes traken of the meeting so it was one person's word against the other's. Durham wanted to delay the trial until late Summer.

Durham may be warming him in a jail cell if he keeps this up.
Are you trying to tell us Durham let the defense walk all over his cross examination of jurors?
This is a chess game Durham can't lose.
He gets paid no matter what the outcome is, and even in the worst case scenario, it's a stalemate..... but still a worthwhile and important turn of events for the American people to finally learn the truth that will come out in all of it eventually.
This is a chess game Durham can't lose.
He gets paid no matter what the outcome is, and even in the worst case scenario, it's a stalemate..... but still a worthwhile and important turn of events for the American people to finally learn the truth that will come out in all of it eventually.

Actually, all Durrr-ham is doing is proving why Special Prosecutors are a terrible idea.

Any other prosecutor would have been called off by this point, spending three million dollars and all he has to show for it is one guy admitting he edited an email.
Aside from the fact that the jury pool is about 95% Democrats, the reason that Michael Sussman was acquitted for lying to the FBI is because the FBI was in on the whole Russia hoax to begin with.

Durham is just getting warmed up kids.

All fixed based on who you know
America ls garbage
"You guys " ?
Us Americans tired of the political bullshit you mean ? Who are tired of a blatantly dishonest media and corrupt justice system.....us guys ?
You guys who keep complaining about it and never do anything about it
I mean the clowns you keep sending to Washington.

The fact that you support a piece of shit like Strzok says volumes about you, Joey! He's another Lois Lerner...someone who used their office to influence an election. There is a palpable stench coming from Washington from ALL of the people associated with the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House!
The fact that you support a piece of shit like Strzok says volumes about you, Joey! He's another Lois Lerner...someone who used their office to influence an election. There is a palpable stench coming from Washington from ALL of the people associated with the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House!

Gee, Strzok thought a guy like Trump, a guy who mocked the parents of a slain officer in Iraq, was unfit to be president. Just like the majority of Americans did.

Then they made him president AFTER he lost by 3 million votes.

He proceeded to denigrate the institution of government, failed to respond to an national health crisis, eventually resulting in one million deaths, wrecked the economy, and had riots in the streets.

But Oh noes, you had to pay $5.50 for gas while waiting in the drive through to buy a $5.00 cup of coffee.

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