why stop with mexicans?


May 5, 2014
what not let ALL the 4 BILLION people who'd LOVE to live here just COME ON IN, what the hell, standing room only will be GREAT, along with all the pollution and other problems. NO other country on earth would tolerate even TEN PERCENT of the illegal immigration (over 1 million per year) that the US just smile at! all other countries would machinegun them at the border, INCLUDING mexico.
And for the record....one roomie of mine is Hispanic. She was born in my town. When the new roomie filled out his app and left it with me, she asked me specifically if he was legal. I said yes. He was born in mexico city, came here at 4 years of age, went thru the procedures to become a citizen. She said "GOOD! Because it is unfair to the rest of us that did that, when others sneak".

Mexicans work their asses off. Especially legal ones becasue they have to make up for the illegal ones in the minds of those who think ALL mexicans come here just to sell drugs. The majority come here to start a new decent life.
what not let ALL the 4 BILLION people who'd LOVE to live here just COME ON IN, what the hell, standing room only will be GREAT, along with all the pollution and other problems. NO other country on earth would tolerate even TEN PERCENT of the illegal immigration (over 1 million per year) that the US just smile at! all other countries would machinegun them at the border, INCLUDING mexico.

exactly, why not, let them be counted and vote, and if the people who want freedom win, we can get rid of russian, mexican, chinese, african, and middle eastern governments and just say no to anything but another state of the united states of america.

too bad the poor in mexico could not vote to become a state of the united states of america, or even cuba.

and why not brazil, they would be better off with someone as terrible as our democrats in charge.

certainly the children of africa would be better off if protected at least as good as our laws protect our children here.

so, just saying everyone wants freedom, we can support a lot more, and if its in the tens of millions coming from lets say mexico, then we should simply take that as a vote, and vote to own mexico.

We could move the white house to mexico city, let them live in the third world they do not seem to speak out against, which given we have 30 million of them here illegally, seems our government has a huge say in mexico.
We could stop inviting people from all over the world to come here. Maybe we should have done that a few generations ago.

But then, you wouldn't be here.
what not let ALL the 4 BILLION people who'd LOVE to live here just COME ON IN, what the hell, standing room only will be GREAT, along with all the pollution and other problems. NO other country on earth would tolerate even TEN PERCENT of the illegal immigration (over 1 million per year) that the US just smile at! all other countries would machinegun them at the border, INCLUDING mexico.

exactly, why not, let them be counted and vote, and if the people who want freedom win, we can get rid of russian, mexican, chinese, african, and middle eastern governments and just say no to anything but another state of the united states of america.

too bad the poor in mexico could not vote to become a state of the united states of america, or even cuba.

and why not brazil, they would be better off with someone as terrible as our democrats in charge.

certainly the children of africa would be better off if protected at least as good as our laws protect our children here.

so, just saying everyone wants freedom, we can support a lot more, and if its in the tens of millions coming from lets say mexico, then we should simply take that as a vote, and vote to own mexico.

We could move the white house to mexico city, let them live in the third world they do not seem to speak out against, which given we have 30 million of them here illegally, seems our government has a huge say in mexico.

We ought to with all the cash we send down there to prop up the peso and the govt..
the hell they wouldn't. Ask ANY mexican what they'd do if somebody came in and stole 10 milion of THEIR jobs.
what not let ALL the 4 BILLION people who'd LOVE to live here just COME ON IN, what the hell, standing room only will be GREAT, along with all the pollution and other problems. NO other country on earth would tolerate even TEN PERCENT of the illegal immigration (over 1 million per year) that the US just smile at! all other countries would machinegun them at the border, INCLUDING mexico.

I agree 100%

This reminds my of when the area just north of the Rio Grande, was under Mexican rule and white squatters and illegal white aliens, began converging on the large area now owned by the United states called "TEXAS."

The lackadaisical effort by the Mexican government eventually emboldened these "parasites" to the point were they felt empowered by their own greed and declared Texas their own property!!!!!!

This could once again manifest itself and the lesson of Texas could be easily forgotten.

Make a stand now or get get your ass kicked by a bunch of terrorist shouting "remember the Alamo!"
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the hell they wouldn't. Ask ANY mexican what they'd do if somebody came in and stole 10 milion of THEIR jobs.

Yes - It already happened; The Texas Declaration of Independence by of the Republic of Texas from Mexico in the Texas Revolution.
Pretty sure the Irish, germans, asians and Italians weren't greeted with open arms either back in the day. But they came anyway. Hence...my presence. Lucky youse guys. :lol:
the hell they wouldn't. Ask ANY mexican what they'd do if somebody came in and stole 10 milion of THEIR jobs.

Get your facts straight.

First, its not just Mexicans.

Second, we have INVITED people from all over the world to come here for jobs that Americans either cannot or will not do.
I think that we should have clear immigration standards (which we do) and get those people that we would benefit from. If you have something to offer, awesome, I would be glad to welcome you into the country. But we should not make it OK for people to sneak their way and then later just give them a pass because they were good at flying under the radar.
Illegal immigration creates a lot of problems, nevertheless it is market driven.
US mínimum wages are about 10 times higher than in latin america. Employment is the main driver for ilegal immigration in the US.
There are only two ways of stopping illegal immigration:
1) Establishing controls at the hire points
2) Reducing the difference between US mínimum wages and the mínimum wages in latin america.

One must also remember migration is a two way street .

U.S. retirees living well in Mexico - CNN.com

These retirees are legal , but once again driven off country by market choices.
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Give us your weak, your tired, your poor.

Tell u what....get off of knob hill and come down here to southern california and see for urself.
When the country was going through the industrial revoution, we NEEDED imigration.
We simply do not need it now. There arent enough jobs for the American citiezns right now and you want to let more in??? from a third world corrupted country and central America???? People like you jut dont get it and have become just as an important part of this huge problem than the illegals are.
Illegals drive down wages.
Illegals drive down working conditions.
Illegals drive down benifits.
Illegals take YOUR tax dollars for medical.
Illegals take YOUR tax dollars for the legal system.
Illegals have no respect for America and only want to turn
the US southwest into aztlan.(look it up.)
Im sitting in McDanalds right now and spanish is all aroud me. The people behind the counter are speaking it as well!! They dont want us or our language.
Every day....aaaaaall day....spanish mexican, guatamalan costa rican and all the rest from down there.
Come to beautiful southern California.....
....and learn spanish.
Illegal immigration creates a lot of problems, nevertheless it is market driven.
US mínimum wages are about 10 times higher than in latin america. Employment is the main driver for ilegal immigration in the US.
There are only two ways of stopping illegal immigration:
1) Establishing controls at the hire points
2) Reducing the difference between US mínimum wages and the mínimum wages in latin america.

One must also remember migration is a two way street .

These retirees are legal , but once again driven off country by market choices.[/quote]

You want to lower the minimum wage???
Ill tell you what...when the H1B1 visa holder from pakistan comes to your workplace....and your bosss says that you have to train this.....person....that is making 33 percent less than you are, lets just lower YOUR wages after you train that person and get fired.
It seems that some people need to be put into the sewer and smell it before they believe there is a sewer there.
what not let ALL the 4 BILLION people who'd LOVE to live here just COME ON IN, what the hell, standing room only will be GREAT, along with all the pollution and other problems. NO other country on earth would tolerate even TEN PERCENT of the illegal immigration (over 1 million per year) that the US just smile at! all other countries would machinegun them at the border, INCLUDING mexico.

That's what Bill Gates wants.
No...I'm not exaggerating.
That's what Bill Gates wants.

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