Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
Again for one state. And I'm hearing you say sovereignty is not a reason?

Not just 'one state'. The first state to secede. With the other 'confederate' states following North Carolina's lead.

Lets take the Declaration of Secession for Georgia. First two sentences.

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

Declaration of Secession Georgia

How about Mississippi? Again, front and center, nailed in the first two sentences.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.

Digital History

How about Texas?

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

Digital History

Do you notice a pattern? Or more accurately, are you going to have to ignore harder?
Southerners have a unique culture, accents, and don't agree with Northerners on a great many topics. As such, you'll consistently see Northerners talking down on Southerners out of had. This brings out a great deal of mutual dislike.

LOL....Southerners have different cultures than the North- but even Southerners can't agree on their 'unique culture'. The Southerner from coastal Charleston and Savannah is not the same as the Southerner in central Alabama is not the same as the 'Southerner' in east Texas.
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

No. In order to secede....you have to succeed.

They didn't.
They did for a number of years.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
Again for one state. And I'm hearing you say sovereignty is not a reason?

Not just 'one state'. The first state to secede. With the other 'confederate' states following North Carolina's lead.

Lets take the Declaration of Secession for Georgia. First two sentences.

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

Declaration of Secession Georgia

How about Mississippi? Again, front and center, nailed in the first two sentences.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.

Digital History

How about Texas?

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

Digital History

Do you notice a pattern? Or more accurately, are you going to have to ignore harder?
Yes, I do notice a pattern of editing.
Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
Again for one state. And I'm hearing you say sovereignty is not a reason?

Not just 'one state'. The first state to secede. With the other 'confederate' states following North Carolina's lead.

Lets take the Declaration of Secession for Georgia. First two sentences.

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

Declaration of Secession Georgia

How about Mississippi? Again, front and center, nailed in the first two sentences.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.

Digital History

How about Texas?

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

Digital History

Do you notice a pattern? Or more accurately, are you going to have to ignore harder?
Yes, I do notice a pattern of editing.

I'm giving you the first sentences of the Declarations where the thesis of their argument is listed. As for the Texas declaration of secession, I'm giving you the first paragraph listed by the source offered.

How much do you have to ignore? I mean, other than flat out refusing to read the documents in question.

I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Clearly the majority of slaves in America were freed before the enactment of the 13th Amendment

Well manumission had been happening since the late 1700s across the South. No telling how many slaves were freed by their owners. Slaves did not become constitutionally free citizens until the 13th, 14th and 15th were ratified.

And again- the majority of slaves in America were freed prior to the enactment of the 13th Amendment- which was enacted 8 months after the end of the Civil War, and the majority of slaves were freed from slavery.

Former slaves and the remaining legal slaves did not become full citizens until the 13th Amendment was enacted.

And I will repeat... Manumission had been happening since the mid 18th century across the South. You can keep saying the slaves were freed if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy but history documents they were freed when the US ratified the 13th Amendment.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Now, the "majority of slaves" lived in the South because that's where you grow cotton. From 1861-1864 the South was not controlled by the Union, it had declared independence and established it's own government. President Lincoln had no way to implement his EP in the South. He proclaimed it, he couldn't implement it.

Until the Emanicpation Proclamation the slaves were seized under the Confiscation Act of 1862. They weren't free, but they were the property of the United States government. Which lead to an odd situation where for about a year, the US government owned thousands of slaves.

We won't mention the tens of thousands of slaves who died during this period of disease, neglect and malnutrition while in custody of the US government. We also won't mention the Union Army using slave labor to bury bodies and clean up the aftermath of war.
Clearly the majority of slaves in America were freed before the enactment of the 13th Amendment

Well manumission had been happening since the late 1700s across the South. No telling how many slaves were freed by their owners. Slaves did not become constitutionally free citizens until the 13th, 14th and 15th were ratified.

And again- the majority of slaves in America were freed prior to the enactment of the 13th Amendment- which was enacted 8 months after the end of the Civil War, and the majority of slaves were freed from slavery.

Former slaves and the remaining legal slaves did not become full citizens until the 13th Amendment was enacted.

And I will repeat... Manumission had been happening since the mid 18th century across the South. You can keep saying the slaves were freed if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy but history documents they were freed when the US ratified the 13th Amendment.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Now, the "majority of slaves" lived in the South because that's where you grow cotton. From 1861-1864 the South was not controlled by the Union, it had declared independence and established it's own government. President Lincoln had no way to implement his EP in the South. He proclaimed it, he couldn't implement it.

Until the Emanicpation Proclamation the slaves were seized under the Confiscation Act of 1862. They weren't free, but they were the property of the United States government. Which lead to an odd situation where for about a year, the US government owned thousands of slaves.

We won't mention the tens of thousands of slaves who died during this period of disease, neglect and malnutrition while in custody of the US government. We also won't mention the Union Army using slave labor to bury bodies and clean up the aftermath of war.

And like your 'Lincoln Campaigned on Abolition' idiocy, is this another 'fire and forget' claim. Where you make it....and then spend the next 4 posts telling us why you can't back it up?
Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
Again for one state. And I'm hearing you say sovereignty is not a reason?

Not just 'one state'. The first state to secede. With the other 'confederate' states following North Carolina's lead.

Lets take the Declaration of Secession for Georgia. First two sentences.

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

Declaration of Secession Georgia

How about Mississippi? Again, front and center, nailed in the first two sentences.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.

Digital History

How about Texas?

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?

Digital History

Do you notice a pattern? Or more accurately, are you going to have to ignore harder?
Yes, I do notice a pattern of editing.
Ok I read them myself.. WTF was wrong with the people that wrote those documents, effing slavers.

That said, the north invaded the south.
LOL....Southerners have different cultures than the North- but even Southerners can't agree on their 'unique culture'. The Southerner from coastal Charleston and Savannah is not the same as the Southerner in central Alabama is not the same as the 'Southerner' in east Texas.
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

No. In order to secede....you have to succeed.

They didn't.
They did for a number of years.
No. They rebelled.

Not one country recognized them as a country.

In order to secede....you have to succeed.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

No. In order to secede....you have to succeed.

They didn't.
They did for a number of years.
No. They rebelled.

Not one country recognized them as a country.

In order to secede....you have to succeed.
No they seceded success is only momentary. One day this country will fall.

I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

No one sent any armies- North or South- to murder millions of people. Nor were millions of people murdered.

We know one thing for sure- because of the actions of Abraham Lincoln, all of slaves in the United States were freed from legal slavery- through Lincoln's Emancipation Act- most were freed- the remaining were freed because of the 13th Amendment which passed Congress with Lincoln's active support.

We also know one other thing- the Confederate States seceded to protect slave ownership rights, the Confederate Constitution spells out protections to slavery rights

In all such territory, the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress, and by the territorial government: and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories, shall have the right to take to such territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the states or territories of the Confederate states.[32]

We know for a fact that there was no legal slavery after the Secession was prevented. And that the Confederate slave owning states were willing to fight to protect their rights to own human property.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

No one sent any armies- North or South- to murder millions of people. Nor were millions of people murdered.

We know one thing for sure- because of the actions of Abraham Lincoln, all of slaves in the United States were freed from legal slavery- through Lincoln's Emancipation Act- most were freed- the remaining were freed because of the 13th Amendment which passed Congress with Lincoln's active support.

We also know one other thing- the Confederate States seceded to protect slave ownership rights, the Confederate Constitution spells out protections to slavery rights

In all such territory, the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress, and by the territorial government: and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories, shall have the right to take to such territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the states or territories of the Confederate states.[32]

We know for a fact that there was no legal slavery after the Secession was prevented. And that the Confederate slave owning states were willing to fight to protect their rights to own human property.
blah blah blah... the north sent armies to the south.. and it wasn't to give them hand jobs.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?

Where did you read that?
Citation please.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

No one sent any armies- North or South- to murder millions of people. Nor were millions of people murdered.

We know one thing for sure- because of the actions of Abraham Lincoln, all of slaves in the United States were freed from legal slavery- through Lincoln's Emancipation Act- most were freed- the remaining were freed because of the 13th Amendment which passed Congress with Lincoln's active support.

We also know one other thing- the Confederate States seceded to protect slave ownership rights, the Confederate Constitution spells out protections to slavery rights

In all such territory, the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress, and by the territorial government: and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories, shall have the right to take to such territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the states or territories of the Confederate states.[32]

We know for a fact that there was no legal slavery after the Secession was prevented. And that the Confederate slave owning states were willing to fight to protect their rights to own human property.
blah blah blah... the north sent armies to the south.. and it wasn't to give them hand jobs.

LOL......and the South tried to secede from the Union- and it wasn't just so that they could continue to get blowjobs from their slaves- they also needed them to pick cotton.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?

Almost two and a half million men fought for the Union.

Only about about 2% were draftees.

About 6% were substitutes paid by draftees.

It was by and large -- a hugely Volunteer, and American army.
Once again- the areas in red were the areas where slaves were immediately freed by the Emancipation Proclamation- despite the revisionist history that some are trying to create-

I'm going to attempt to ask you again and then I am giving up... HOW do you free something that you don't have in your possession to free?

Already answered.

Once again- the areas in red were the areas where humans (not things) were immediately freed by the Emancipation Proclamation- despite the revisionist history that some are trying to create-

The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves that were under Union protection at the time- and freed the slaves held by the rebels as the Union troops put down the rebellion.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?

Where did you read that?
Citation please.
I've read it in books.. but I'll cite for you to wiki since that's easy to google.

Opposition to the American Civil War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Between July 1863 and April 1865, four national drafts resulting in a call of 776,829 men took place, but of these men only 46,347 were held to service. Although most men who opposed and dodged the draft did so legally, many still refused to report to the draft office and illegally avoided it. Between July 1863 and December 1864, 161,224 men failed to report to service under the draft. The large amount of draft dodgers indicated the amount of opposition to fighting in the war."
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?

Almost two and a half million men fought for the Union.

Only about about 2% were draftees.

About 6% were substitutes paid by draftees.

It was by and large -- a hugely Volunteer, and American army.
That's because the volunteers were volunteering as they came off the boat from Europe. Welcome to America, you're an American now, get in this line for your paycheck and musket. The draft was small because the north dodged the draft.
Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south..

What the hell are you talking about?

Just like in the Confederacy, troops were promised their pay and not much else. There were no promises of 'blood' or of 'property' or of 'booty'. The fact of the matter was that immigrants to the United States settled largely in the North- and there was a vast supply of able immigrant young men who could use a paying job, fighting for their newly adopted country.

Have you ever even read a history book?
Yes. I read that Americans from the north did not want to kill their brothers in the south and that the North had to instead turn to Europeans. What have you read?

Where did you read that?
Citation please.
I've read it in books.. but I'll cite for you to wiki since that's easy to google.

Opposition to the American Civil War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Between July 1863 and April 1865, four national drafts resulting in a call of 776,829 men took place, but of these men only 46,347 were held to service. Although most men who opposed and dodged the draft did so legally, many still refused to report to the draft office and illegally avoided it. Between July 1863 and December 1864, 161,224 men failed to report to service under the draft. The large amount of draft dodgers indicated the amount of opposition to fighting in the war."

And where does that say that "Americans from the North did not want to kill their brothers in the South"?

Considering that the vast majority (92%) of American troops volunteered to fight- what was your point?

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