Why so much ammo?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, This would require a large amount of ammo
I go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm I take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that I use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (My minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) It would not be hard to see why I would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point I am trying to make?
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Aw, holy shit...

May I suggest some toilet paper for that holy shit?

i know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, this would require a large amount of ammo
i go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm i take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that i use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (my minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) it would not be hard to see why i would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point i am trying to make?

I show how a responsible gun owner should be and liberals say nothing. I guess with liberals their argument is total bull shit
I know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, This would require a large amount of ammo
I go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm I take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that I use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (My minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) It would not be hard to see why I would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point I am trying to make?

You understand most people don't shoot that much, right? Heck, cops dont shoot that much. Not maybe in their careers.
Now, I dont care how much ammo someone has or doesn't have. Ammo is the poor man's gold. But if you ask why people are amendable to ammo restrictions the reason is what you do is outside their experience.
I know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, This would require a large amount of ammo
I go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm I take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that I use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (My minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) It would not be hard to see why I would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point I am trying to make?

Nobody is saying how much ammo you can have. What they ARE saying is how much ammo you can have in your weapon prior to having to reload.

Do you REALLY need 30-100 rounds per magazine?

Even when I was in the military and part of the Security Forces, we didn't use high round magazines for practice, we used normal ones, because that was the kind we'd be carrying out on patrol.
A few years back when I was competing heavily, I would put 20,000 rounds a year downrange, no problem.
You're an ignorant paranoid lunatic.

oh really in your world of loonieville sane would mean insane. I'm whether stunned what in my post thread was ignorant paranoid or makes me a lunatic? Do you have any idea what those words actually mean? Just because I am not dependent on the government like you are I can view the world differently.
After all firearms are tools and to maintain a high standard and proficiency you must use those tools, you cannot do that and be force too have only a restricted amount of rounds at one time.
I keep about a thousand rounds on hand. That works out to under 100 rounds per weapon.

I don't feel I need to fire 500 rounds to remain competent. If I fire 6 rounds and see only 1 hole, firing more ammo only serves to burn gas and cash for a trip to the candy store.
My 7.7's cost about $2/round last time, the .308's about a buck. Yeah I can fire cheaper military rounds in the .308, but I want to know where the gun is shooting with my normal round.
The shotguns don't get fired regularly, but get cleaned and oiled about every 6 months.
Frequent firearms practice on that scale is wasteful, expensive masturbation.
I know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, This would require a large amount of ammo
I go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm I take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that I use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (My minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) It would not be hard to see why I would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point I am trying to make?

Nobody is saying how much ammo you can have. What they ARE saying is how much ammo you can have in your weapon prior to having to reload.

Do you REALLY need 30-100 rounds per magazine?

Even when I was in the military and part of the Security Forces, we didn't use high round magazines for practice, we used normal ones, because that was the kind we'd be carrying out on patrol.

I need exactly the same type of magazines the military has. When I was in the Air Force we used the same magazine at the range that we would carry while on duty. 30 round magazines. We carried 3 30 rounds magazines in a pouch and one magazine in the rifle.
I know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, This would require a large amount of ammo
I go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm I take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that I use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (My minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) It would not be hard to see why I would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point I am trying to make?

Nobody is saying how much ammo you can have. What they ARE saying is how much ammo you can have in your weapon prior to having to reload.

Do you REALLY need 30-100 rounds per magazine?

Even when I was in the military and part of the Security Forces, we didn't use high round magazines for practice, we used normal ones, because that was the kind we'd be carrying out on patrol.

I need exactly the same type of magazines the military has. When I was in the Air Force we used the same magazine at the range that we would carry while on duty. 30 round magazines. We carried 3 30 rounds magazines in a pouch and one magazine in the rifle.

What were you shooting? An assault rifle?

In the Navy, we used 15 round magazines, because otherwise the 9mm wouldn't fit in the holster.

I think you're lying. Any other AF security types out there who can verify they went on patrol with 30 round magazines?
Do you REALLY need 30-100 rounds per magazine?

1) It's a Bill of Rights, not a bill of needs;
2) You do if you compete in the shooting sports that I do;
3) They're perfect for wild hogs and varmints;
4) Ask the Korean store owners that used AR/AK platforms to defend their lives during the LA Riots;
5) It makes absolutely no sense to enact laws criminals simply will not follow when those same laws put law abiding citizens at a tactical disadvantage.

You want to make sentences tougher for those that use a firearm in the commission of their crime? No problem. But for those of us that hurt no one nor take what doesn't belong to us, what I want should not be yours to determine.
i know this question has been asked not sure if it has been fully addressed.
So here it goes.
A firearms owner to be responsible should at all times remain proficient with all his firearms, this would require a large amount of ammo
i go to the range at least once a month and shoot 600 to a thousand rounds per firearm i take to the range.
I take at least 5 firearms with me because no firearm is the same as another one even if they are the same make and model and caliber of firearm.
Now you add that amount of rounds that i use on the range plus the amount that is above my minimum level cut off point. (my minimum level is a 500 rounds per firearm.) it would not be hard to see why i would need a lot of ammo.
Now if there is a restriction of the amount of ammo you can have, how as a responsible firearms owner stay proficient and continue to be responsible?
Do other gun owners understand the point i am trying to make?

I show how a responsible gun owner should be and liberals say nothing. I guess with liberals their argument is total bull shit

I'm not a liberal, but I'll respond.

You sound like one of those fat rednecks who gets out of breathe lugging his guns and ammo 20 yards to the bench at the range. Then sits on his ass, uses the rests to shoot off of, at paper targets, while sipping coffee and/or alcohol between shots. Then leave...and feel good thinking you are prepared to take on a tyrranical government or zombie attack.

Big deal. You pulled the trigger over and over a bunch of times, ALL shots being done at your resting heart rate with no sensory overload.

In other words, you're training for a controlled, calm environment, like a shooting competition.

I bet you...know wait, I KNOW you didn't do any type of sensory overload training. Shooting on the move. I KNOW you didn't do any kind of shooting with high physical exertion (called "excercise") involved. No heart rate training. None of that.

You sat your fat ass down, fire off hundreds of rounds in comfort, left, called it a day and said you are now "ready".

So...no. Shooting 1,000 rounds of mindless repetition is NOT equal to shooting 100 rounds under stress conditions. And you didn't...and dont'...train like that.

(BigReb is now in a panic, searching for a backwoods militia group he can join, or, he'll be one of those folks who pays $2,000 to attend a 5 day tactical camp for civilians run by former military and police, who are more than happy to take his money).

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