Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

Go work as a food server for a year, then get back to us...
Nope! If your gonna complain about not receiving a tip for doing the job you signed up to do then you need to find a better job, find a better employer, or go find a career nobody owes anyone anything as long as your food is paid in full customers shouldn't pay for tips PERIOD
Is welfare for the business owner. You are subsidizing the abysmally low wages they are paying their employees. If you want to really go deep on this check out how this situation developed as a tool to stick it to Black people.

A journalist quoted in Kerry Segrave’s 2009 book, Tipping: An American Social History of Gratuities, wrote in 1902 that he was embarrassed to offer a tip to a white man. “Negroes take tips, of course; one expects that of them—it is a token of their inferiority,” he wrote. “Tips go with servility, and no man who is a voter in this country is in the least justified in being in service.”
I disagree.
First, your quote expresses a racist view of tipping rather than showing that tipping or working for tips is racist.

GREAT tips bring great wait staff.
If you eliminate tips then there is no reason for wait staff to be great.
Sure, there's pride in doing a job well but kissing up to some asshole is no longer part of the job.
Take away the wait staff and where do assholes go to show they can be assholes?
Now for the lost income. What are we going to do about the income these workers will lose? Most will lose more than half their income. Ready for that?
Price increases? a huge increase in labor costs ...

I'm pretty sure tipping didn't start with slavery in the US.
I'd be willing to bet old Bill Shakespeare closed many a show with a line similar to "Be sure to tip your waitstaff."
In COUNTRIES with no tradition of tipping the service is FAR better.

In places that rely on tourism for a large part of their economic activity, service is FAR Better.

You're conflating correlation with causality.
It's been the norm longer than decades. And you're right, restaurant owners should be paying their employees a living wage. These are the same people that got the majority of PPP money when it was being handed out. The last time I checked, nobody has to eat out in a restaurant. That is a luxury. You can buy and prepare your own food. Why is my tax money going to bail out a luxury industry? The majority of the industry now is large corporate franchises. Fuck them, they shouldn't get one dime of tax payer money for anything.
I ate at Shorties BBQ in myrtle Beach in 2019. It was good.
I disagree.
First, your quote expresses a racist view of tipping rather than showing that tipping or working for tips is racist.

GREAT tips bring great wait staff.
If you eliminate tips then there is no reason for wait staff to be great.
Sure, there's pride in doing a job well but kissing up to some asshole is no longer part of the job.
Take away the wait staff and where do assholes go to show they can be assholes?
Now for the lost income. What are we going to do about the income these workers will lose? Most will lose more than half their income. Ready for that?
Price increases? a huge increase in labor costs ...

I'm pretty sure tipping didn't start with slavery in the US.
I'd be willing to bet old Bill Shakespeare closed many a show with a line similar to "Be sure to tip your waitstaff."
I gotta disagree back. :lol:

Yes its a racist view of tipping but that was the norm. Tipping was a practice brought over from europe to establish a caste system here in the US which of course the newly freed enslaved were at the bottom.

I agree great tips bring great wait staff. The point I was making is that I'm sure the wait staff would be great if the owners paid them better instead of having to rely on tips.
If you eliminate the tips and pay well you will keep your great staff. People shouldn't be forced to kiss up to some asshole so they can feed their family. Now if that's a known part of their job description then to each his own. As far as lost income we do nothing. There are plenty of other jobs that do not tip and those people seem to get by just fine.
Nope! If your gonna complain about not receiving a tip for doing the job you signed up to do then you need to find a better job, find a better employer, or go find a career nobody owes anyone anything as long as your food is paid in full customers shouldn't pay for tips PERIOD
When the wait staff signs on the tip level is part of the deal.
Some better, some worse, but overall part of the deal.
Take that away and the establishment loses its best staff.
Service goes in the toilet causing customers to quit coming
Causing the establishment to fail.

But, if you don't want to tip, don't and make a racket over it.
That dent in your hood was already there.
Why is my tax money going to bail out a luxury industry?
So that the industry doesn't take a loss for participating in a fascist overthrow of our Republic. It's the industry's reward for participating in the coercion.

^^^ Diagnosis: Boring Troll Desperately Seeking Attention ^^^
You are sensitive over the fact I asked why should we have to tip people for just doing their job? either you worked as a waitress for a number of years or never got tips
^^^ Diagnosis: Panic attack, Sensitive, Karen ^^^
Having dated several waitresses and barmaids I can assure you they remember the tipping habits of their customers. If you like to have good drinks and spittle free food you should tip. 20% is easy to calculate. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out.

I don't think I read where anyone said they could not afford to tip. The discussion is around why it is that the employee isn't paying their help as opposed to the customer.

Now in reality the customer pays either way. Either by tipping or higher costs.

To address the OP, you do not have to tip. There is no law that says you do.
Nope! If your gonna complain about not receiving a tip for doing the job you signed up to do then you need to find a better job, find a better employer, or go find a career nobody owes anyone anything as long as your food is paid in full customers shouldn't pay for tips PERIOD
I used to be a cook, and got paid $2.10 hourly. The waitresses were paid 1.00 hourly and relied on tips to cover the income. I made around $80 a week, some nights the waitresses would make $100. Gave 10% to the busboys, but to make $450 a week, yeah, they were pretty, but those that werent didnt get as large a tip..

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