Why should Democrats help Republicans out of their House Speaker crisis?

"Why should Democrats help Republicans out of their House Speaker crisis?"

Because unlike most republicans – the Anti-Freedom Caucus in particular – democrats are interested in pursuing sound, responsible governance.

Thank you! I've been waiting for the correct answer. However, I doubt it would even be appreciated.
"Why should Democrats help Republicans out of their House Speaker crisis?"

Because unlike most republicans – the Anti-Freedom Caucus in particular – democrats are interested in pursuing sound, responsible governance.

Let's not get crazy here.
Please Explain? Ok...

The GOP controls the House, and they choose the Speaker if the House, not loser liberals who were drummed out of power in historical, record-setting fashion last November.

It hasn't even been a week since the bews broke of Boehner syeppi g down. Too much is being made of all this. Did people really think Boehner would step down and a unanimously agreed upon replacement would instantly step forward? BE REAL!
Up to the democrats.
If they want someone that will be easier to deal with and close to their ideals they should participate.
This is not 'helping' the GOP - that is helping themselves BTW. If they want to whine then they can sit in the corner and deal with whatever the GOP comes up with - they dont actually need the help of the dems here.
You Democrat supporters should be asking yourself that one. ask why they would betray you by doing this. is there anything you ever question about your party and feel what they are doing is WRONG?

I'm a registered independent so I see plenty wrong in both parties, obviously. But the Dems aren't eating their own like your bunch.

Fox was making noises late last night that the coup de grace for Kevin McCarthy was an affair he's been having with a congresswoman, Ellers (or some such name).
So the party of family values had to boot him out. I suspect strongly that someone on the left put a note in Boehner's mailbox right before McCarthy's coronation. There was just too much "shock and awe" after Boehner adjourned the meeting.
Please Explain? Ok...

The GOP controls the House, and they choose the Speaker if the House, not loser liberals who were drummed out of power in historical, record-setting fashion last November.

It hasn't even been a week since the bews broke of Boehner syeppi g down. Too much is being made of all this. Did people really think Boehner would step down and a unanimously agreed upon replacement would instantly step forward? BE REAL!

The Constitution allows Democrats to vote for House Speaker.
Agreed but they have no business interfering in GOP internal business. If they want to run Pelosi, who caused them to lose the House to begin with, go for it. Dems won't take the seat.
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

And that would be a great slam but hell, there are Democrats that can't even read the legislation. They aren't writing it and they cannot even manage to read it.
Yeah the GOP needs a lesson on how to pass legislation from a party...
- Whose President violates / ignores the Constitution by by-passing Congress to try to force an illegal treaty into existence and by-passes Congress using his pen and phone to create laws
- Whose agencies, like the EPA, by-pass Congress to create laws
- Whise leader in the senate refused to let any legislation from the House come to the floor for discussion...

The American people recognized just how JACKED UP the libs are, which is ehy they gave them their historic, record-setting loss last Nov
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?

Why don't the Democrats vote for a Democrat Speaker of the House?
Yeah the GOP needs a lesson on how to pass legislation from a party...
- Whose President violates / ignores the Constitution by by-passing Congress to try to force an illegal treaty into existence and by-passes Congress using his pen and phone to create laws
- Whose agencies, like the EPA, by-pass Congress to create laws
- Whise leader in the senate refused to let any legislation from the House come to the floor for discussion...

The American people recognized just how JACKED UP the libs are, which is ehy they gave them their historic, record-setting loss last Nov

Sour Grapes make the best whine
Please Explain? Ok...

The GOP controls the House, and they choose the Speaker if the House, not loser liberals who were drummed out of power in historical, record-setting fashion last November.

It hasn't even been a week since the bews broke of Boehner syeppi g down. Too much is being made of all this. Did people really think Boehner would step down and a unanimously agreed upon replacement would instantly step forward? BE REAL!
You can't be serious.

The only thing 'historic' about the 2014 midterms was its extremely low voter turn out and the fact that House democrats received more votes than republicans:

“The Washington Post's Dan Keating did the work and found that Democrats got 54,301,095 votes while Republicans got 53,822,442. That's a close election -- 48.8%-48.5% --but it's still a popular vote win for the Democrats.”

House Democrats got more votes than House Republicans. Yet Boehner says he’s got a mandate?

Republicans retained control of the House as a result of red state gerrymandering, not the 'will of the people.'

And republicans continue to defy the will of the people by pursuing an agenda opposed by a majority of Americans.

Indeed, the Anti-Freedom Caucus, House republicans with the most contempt for sound, responsible governance, are at the most at odds with a majority of the American people, who want nothing to do with the extreme right's reactionary agenda of fear and ignorance.
CCJ, you blame 'low voter turnout' for the historic, record-setting BUTT-KICKING Democrats got. LOL!Losing can be explained that way, not a RECORD-SETTING LOSS. That's called 'REJECTION'!

Even DEMOCRATS would not turn out to support the Democrats because of what they had been doing.

Of course Obama put the nail in the Lib's coffin. That Narcissist had to make the entire election about HIM, declaring the election was about HIM, about HIS oolicies, and about HIS ideology! America responddd by REJECTING Democrats in RECORD-SETTING fashion.

...but whatever let's you sleep at night...
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

And that would be a great slam but hell, there are Democrats that can't even read the legislation. They aren't writing it and they cannot even manage to read it.
Congressmen, republicans and democrats, rarely write any legislation and most of them don't read it. A congressman may get the idea for a piece of legislation. He turns it over to staff to write a draft. Staff meets with lobbyists and other interested parties who contribute to the bill. It then goes to staff lawyers. Staff then meets with the congressmen to explain the the new bill and makes needed changes. Then assuming there is some real support, it goes to a committee. There are about 24,000 people who make up the congressional staff. These are the people who actually put the legislation together.
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

And that would be a great slam but hell, there are Democrats that can't even read the legislation. They aren't writing it and they cannot even manage to read it.
Congressmen, republicans and democrats, rarely write any legislation and most of them don't read it. A congressman may get the idea for a piece of legislation. He turns it over to staff to write a draft. Staff meets with lobbyists and other interested parties who contribute to the bill. It then goes to staff lawyers. Staff then meets with the congressmen to explain the the new bill and makes needed changes. Then assuming there is some real support, it goes to a committee. There are about 24,000 people who make up the congressional staff. These are the people who actually put the legislation together.

The problem is that this doesn't speak well for Democrats in 2016.

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If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
love it :D


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