Why Should Anyone Have Faith in Our Democratic Processes?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

We have PROOF of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, and the Dims still deny it like the fraudulent whores they are, and the GOP playfights, using the scandal to get bills passed for their corporate masters liike Big Tech.

The American people are treated like mushrooms so the Oligarchs can rip us off even more.

We need an honest Emergency Powers Period for the POTUS for a short time to clean out the nest of vipers in DC and return to us a strong and principled democratic Republic.

The democratic processes in our country are beyond repair now.
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Your loser guy LOST MFer.


We have PROOF of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, and the Dims still deny it like the fraudulent whores they are, and the GOP playfights, using the scandal to get bills passed for their corporate masters liike Big Tech.

The American people are treated like mushrooms so the Oligarchs can rip us off even more.

We need an honest Emergency Powers Period for the POTUS for a short time to clean out the nest of vipers in DC and return to us a strong and principled democratic Republic.

The democratic processes in our country are beyond repair now.
Let's just say I have more faith in the election process than those that get elected.

See, something positive about elections!

We have PROOF of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, and the Dims still deny it like the fraudulent whores they are, and the GOP playfights, using the scandal to get bills passed for their corporate masters liike Big Tech.

The American people are treated like mushrooms so the Oligarchs can rip us off even more.

We need an honest Emergency Powers Period for the POTUS for a short time to clean out the nest of vipers in DC and return to us a strong and principled democratic Republic.

The democratic processes in our country are beyond repair now.

Remember the four boxes of liberty? Apparently the soap box and ballot box have failed. The next one is the jury box and should that fail, all that remains is the cartridge box, I hate to say. We're getting dangerously close to the last one.

Four boxes of liberty - Wikipedia

We have PROOF of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, and the Dims still deny it like the fraudulent whores they are, and the GOP playfights, using the scandal to get bills passed for their corporate masters liike Big Tech.

The American people are treated like mushrooms so the Oligarchs can rip us off even more.

We need an honest Emergency Powers Period for the POTUS for a short time to clean out the nest of vipers in DC and return to us a strong and principled democratic Republic.

The democratic processes in our country are beyond repair now.
Let's just say I have more faith in the election process than those that get elected.

See, something positive about elections!
At least one Trumper not willing to kill democracy. Glad to know where the line is.

We have PROOF of MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, and the Dims still deny it like the fraudulent whores they are, and the GOP playfights, using the scandal to get bills passed for their corporate masters liike Big Tech.

The American people are treated like mushrooms so the Oligarchs can rip us off even more.

We need an honest Emergency Powers Period for the POTUS for a short time to clean out the nest of vipers in DC and return to us a strong and principled democratic Republic.

The democratic processes in our country are beyond repair now.
There is no reason to have faith in our Elections. Democrats have always cheated but this year they took it to a new and unseen before level.

Without Voter ID, In Person Voting, and Limited Verifiable Absentee Balloting where a unique ID and block chain based water mark assigned to each ballot for each verified voter, there is No Republic.

Secure Voting, and the concept of 1 man 1 vote has been undermined, and no one should accept the results of these elections.

My opinion is that they are so corrupt they need held again only under exponentially elevated scrutiny and security.

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