Why Republicans Lose All the Time


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why Republicans Lose All the Time

14 May 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

You can have all the facts on your side and still lose an argument. How? Because the other side is not bound by facts, theyā€™re arguing emotion, and emotion always overrides facts. It sounds stupid, it is stupid, but itā€™s also true. Think about the things youā€™ve apologized for in your life ā€“ Iā€™d give you odds it was for things you said in the heat of the moment, not after thinking about the situation in a cool, rational way. That emotion factor is a big part of why Republicans always seem to get rolled when it comes to policy debates, but itā€™s not the only reason.

When your opponent isnā€™t bound by any sense of decency or reality, defeating them in debate is like boxing a cloud. Thatā€™s what Democrats are ā€“ a cloud ā€“ big and empty. But all too often Republicans feed them, arm them, seemingly do things someone interested in winning would never do simply because they want to be liked.

Congressman James Comer, who this week laid out a damning case of corruption and influence peddling against the entire Biden family, for reasons unknown, decided to toss in a ā€œthis is a bipartisan problemā€ at the end of his presentation. He threw in, ā€œIt is not ethical. And this is why we need legislative solutions. Our purpose here is to provide legislative solutions to prevent this unethical behavior from ever happening again.ā€

No, the purpose should be to weed out the corrupt and, whenever possible, remove them from office and prosecute them. More laws wonā€™t prevent people inclined to break laws from breaking laws, only consequences will. Has Chairman Comer not been paying attention to cities with progressive prosecutors?
When you change the focus of an investigation from exposing the corruption of certain people to ā€œeveryone does it, so we have to make it harder to do it in the futureā€ you lose your audience, and Republicans already have a hard enough time gathering an audience.
Otherwise unemployed and unemployable members of the Biden family were paid millions upon millions of dollars by foreign entities (companies and governments) for reasons no one has even bothered to try to explain, that should be Comerā€™s only focus for every word that comes out of his mouth. All three nightly newscasts, which reach more than 20 million people collectively, did not mention the story at all. Neither did the Washington Post. The New York Times, amazingly, looked at a situation where at least 20 different shell companies were set up to hide those payments and headlined their story, ā€œHouse Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.ā€
It shouldnā€™t have been, but it was a little unbelievable, even for the Times. What they think people who run no company that provides any good or service to anyone could do for foreign nationals that is worth $10 million is a question that remains not only unanswered, but also unasked. Thatā€™s a problem for Republicans.
Someone has to inform the public of what Democrats are doing, be it at the border, in corruption, in health care, in advocating for the mutilation and sterilization of kids, and it sure as hell isnā€™t going to be their cheerleaders in journalism. It falls to Republicans, or conservatives (to be more specific). Unless losing is the plan. Because that seems to be what theyā€™re all working toward right now.

The idea that Democrats are driven by emotion is totally erroneous and gives them much more credit than they deserve. They arenā€™t driven by ā€˜concernā€™, or ā€˜caringā€™, or a deeper love for and compassion for people or the planet.
Most of them are driven by other things, like resentment and a desire to ā€˜stick it toā€™ people and groups they dislike, and their delusions of having superior world views and knowledge. These are not the kind of people who have tears in their eyes frequently because they are hurting for others. These are the kind of people who have no problem dismissing and invalidating the existence of those they have disdain for. I give them zero credit for being empathetic emotional people.
So, who is going to run these ads on Maoist Democrat corruption, the Quisling MSM?
What we have going for us right now is less, and less people are even watching the MSM, MOST people are getting their information from the internet!! I am not so worried about ads being put out, I am VERY WORRIED about our election systems being corrupted and NOTHING being done about it by our side!! Our side of the isle have their heads in the sand, there is NO REASON in hell why it should take 2-3 weeks for our votes to be counted especially since voting goes on for a damn month in advance!! If voting goes on for a damn month the votes NEED to be counted immediately and registered immediately, PERIOD!!
The comment about the media is right on. My friends and I are well informed because we get our news from OAN and Newsmax. But what about everyone else? Obviously they are not well informed and this investigation might end up going nowhere because of it.

Why Republicans Lose All the Time

14 May 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

You can have all the facts on your side and still lose an argument. How? Because the other side is not bound by facts, theyā€™re arguing emotion, and emotion always overrides facts. It sounds stupid, it is stupid, but itā€™s also true. Think about the things youā€™ve apologized for in your life ā€“ Iā€™d give you odds it was for things you said in the heat of the moment, not after thinking about the situation in a cool, rational way. That emotion factor is a big part of why Republicans always seem to get rolled when it comes to policy debates, but itā€™s not the only reason.

When your opponent isnā€™t bound by any sense of decency or reality, defeating them in debate is like boxing a cloud. Thatā€™s what Democrats are ā€“ a cloud ā€“ big and empty. But all too often Republicans feed them, arm them, seemingly do things someone interested in winning would never do simply because they want to be liked.

Congressman James Comer, who this week laid out a damning case of corruption and influence peddling against the entire Biden family, for reasons unknown, decided to toss in a ā€œthis is a bipartisan problemā€ at the end of his presentation. He threw in, ā€œIt is not ethical. And this is why we need legislative solutions. Our purpose here is to provide legislative solutions to prevent this unethical behavior from ever happening again.ā€

No, the purpose should be to weed out the corrupt and, whenever possible, remove them from office and prosecute them. More laws wonā€™t prevent people inclined to break laws from breaking laws, only consequences will. Has Chairman Comer not been paying attention to cities with progressive prosecutors?
When you change the focus of an investigation from exposing the corruption of certain people to ā€œeveryone does it, so we have to make it harder to do it in the futureā€ you lose your audience, and Republicans already have a hard enough time gathering an audience.
Otherwise unemployed and unemployable members of the Biden family were paid millions upon millions of dollars by foreign entities (companies and governments) for reasons no one has even bothered to try to explain, that should be Comerā€™s only focus for every word that comes out of his mouth. All three nightly newscasts, which reach more than 20 million people collectively, did not mention the story at all. Neither did the Washington Post. The New York Times, amazingly, looked at a situation where at least 20 different shell companies were set up to hide those payments and headlined their story, ā€œHouse Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.ā€
It shouldnā€™t have been, but it was a little unbelievable, even for the Times. What they think people who run no company that provides any good or service to anyone could do for foreign nationals that is worth $10 million is a question that remains not only unanswered, but also unasked. Thatā€™s a problem for Republicans.
Someone has to inform the public of what Democrats are doing, be it at the border, in corruption, in health care, in advocating for the mutilation and sterilization of kids, and it sure as hell isnā€™t going to be their cheerleaders in journalism. It falls to Republicans, or conservatives (to be more specific). Unless losing is the plan. Because that seems to be what theyā€™re all working toward right now.

The idea that Democrats are driven by emotion is totally erroneous and gives them much more credit than they deserve. They arenā€™t driven by ā€˜concernā€™, or ā€˜caringā€™, or a deeper love for and compassion for people or the planet.
Most of them are driven by other things, like resentment and a desire to ā€˜stick it toā€™ people and groups they dislike, and their delusions of having superior world views and knowledge. These are not the kind of people who have tears in their eyes frequently because they are hurting for others. These are the kind of people who have no problem dismissing and invalidating the existence of those they have disdain for. I give them zero credit for being empathetic emotional people.
So, who is going to run these ads on Maoist Democrat corruption, the Quisling MSM?
What we have going for us right now is less, and less people are even watching the MSM, MOST people are getting their information from the internet!! I am not so worried about ads being put out, I am VERY WORRIED about our election systems being corrupted and NOTHING being done about it by our side!! Our side of the isle have their heads in the sand, there is NO REASON in hell why it should take 2-3 weeks for our votes to be counted especially since voting goes on for a damn month in advance!! If voting goes on for a damn month the votes NEED to be counted immediately and registered immediately, PERIOD!!

Curious. Take any issue and it is the RW using emotion. Letā€™s go easy this time. Abortion. Despite the fact. Scientific fact. Medical fact. That in 99% of abortions the Fetus is not viable at the time of the procedure. All we hear is how itā€™s murder and the Fetus will one day. In six months or so, be a child. Emotion trump facts. The RW believes it is Murder and wonā€™t consider anything else. They go with feelings instead of logic and science.

Take another easy one. The election of 2020. lennypartiv Proudly announced that he only gets his news from OAN and Newsmax. Two sites that continue to push the utterly discredited claim that the election was stolen. The proof? Prove it wasnā€™t they demand.

For Millennia the normal practice has been to prove your own claims. If I say that the Earth is round I need to have proof that it is. But now the standards have changed. The RW feels that the election was stolen because they donā€™t want to believe that that many people voted against the Savior in Chief. So they demand you prove they are wrong. Oddly this same standard is not applied to the arguments of the rest of the world. If they make a claim it must be proven. And even then they will deny it.

Feelings of hatred and jealousy guide the Right in every single issue. If you somehow got them to stop using Strawman arguments and False Equivalency they wouldnā€™t have anything to say. Ever.
To be fair to Republicans the belief that abortion is murder has nothing to do with viability. Life begins at conception and abortion ends that life. Those are facts. If you want to argue the righteousness of abortion it should be under the right to self defense. If no one has a right to touch you without consent they certainly don't have a right to gestate inside you.
The first two posts are perfect examples of why the GQP is underperforming.

Conservatism has been badly damaged by this bizarre, otherworldly circus, and that's not good for America.
There you go again Mac with that ā€œGQPā€ bs, meant purely to flame the OPā€¦

Your argument is a perfect example of an emotion based argument.

Are you not interested at all that we have a POTUS taking money from foreign entities through a complicated scheme of LLCā€™s, using family members, including minor grandchildren to hide the payments?

Now, tell us some more how independent you are, or simply ignore the question and run away with a ā€œthanksā€ā€¦.

Why Republicans Lose All the Time

14 May 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

You can have all the facts on your side and still lose an argument. How? Because the other side is not bound by facts, theyā€™re arguing emotion, and emotion always overrides facts. It sounds stupid, it is stupid, but itā€™s also true. Think about the things youā€™ve apologized for in your life ā€“ Iā€™d give you odds it was for things you said in the heat of the moment, not after thinking about the situation in a cool, rational way. That emotion factor is a big part of why Republicans always seem to get rolled when it comes to policy debates, but itā€™s not the only reason.

When your opponent isnā€™t bound by any sense of decency or reality, defeating them in debate is like boxing a cloud. Thatā€™s what Democrats are ā€“ a cloud ā€“ big and empty. But all too often Republicans feed them, arm them, seemingly do things someone interested in winning would never do simply because they want to be liked.

Congressman James Comer, who this week laid out a damning case of corruption and influence peddling against the entire Biden family, for reasons unknown, decided to toss in a ā€œthis is a bipartisan problemā€ at the end of his presentation. He threw in, ā€œIt is not ethical. And this is why we need legislative solutions. Our purpose here is to provide legislative solutions to prevent this unethical behavior from ever happening again.ā€

No, the purpose should be to weed out the corrupt and, whenever possible, remove them from office and prosecute them. More laws wonā€™t prevent people inclined to break laws from breaking laws, only consequences will. Has Chairman Comer not been paying attention to cities with progressive prosecutors?
When you change the focus of an investigation from exposing the corruption of certain people to ā€œeveryone does it, so we have to make it harder to do it in the futureā€ you lose your audience, and Republicans already have a hard enough time gathering an audience.
Otherwise unemployed and unemployable members of the Biden family were paid millions upon millions of dollars by foreign entities (companies and governments) for reasons no one has even bothered to try to explain, that should be Comerā€™s only focus for every word that comes out of his mouth. All three nightly newscasts, which reach more than 20 million people collectively, did not mention the story at all. Neither did the Washington Post. The New York Times, amazingly, looked at a situation where at least 20 different shell companies were set up to hide those payments and headlined their story, ā€œHouse Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.ā€
It shouldnā€™t have been, but it was a little unbelievable, even for the Times. What they think people who run no company that provides any good or service to anyone could do for foreign nationals that is worth $10 million is a question that remains not only unanswered, but also unasked. Thatā€™s a problem for Republicans.
Someone has to inform the public of what Democrats are doing, be it at the border, in corruption, in health care, in advocating for the mutilation and sterilization of kids, and it sure as hell isnā€™t going to be their cheerleaders in journalism. It falls to Republicans, or conservatives (to be more specific). Unless losing is the plan. Because that seems to be what theyā€™re all working toward right now.

The idea that Democrats are driven by emotion is totally erroneous and gives them much more credit than they deserve. They arenā€™t driven by ā€˜concernā€™, or ā€˜caringā€™, or a deeper love for and compassion for people or the planet.
Most of them are driven by other things, like resentment and a desire to ā€˜stick it toā€™ people and groups they dislike, and their delusions of having superior world views and knowledge. These are not the kind of people who have tears in their eyes frequently because they are hurting for others. These are the kind of people who have no problem dismissing and invalidating the existence of those they have disdain for. I give them zero credit for being empathetic emotional people.
So, who is going to run these ads on Maoist Democrat corruption, the Quisling MSM?
What we have going for us right now is less, and less people are even watching the MSM, MOST people are getting their information from the internet!! I am not so worried about ads being put out, I am VERY WORRIED about our election systems being corrupted and NOTHING being done about it by our side!! Our side of the isle have their heads in the sand, there is NO REASON in hell why it should take 2-3 weeks for our votes to be counted especially since voting goes on for a damn month in advance!! If voting goes on for a damn month the votes NEED to be counted immediately and registered immediately, PERIOD!!
The comment about the media is right on. My friends and I are well informed because we get our news from OAN and Newsmax. But what about everyone else? Obviously they are not well informed and this investigation might end up going nowhere because of it.
"My friends and I are well informed because we get our news from OAN and Newsmax".
The first two posts are perfect examples of why the GQP is underperforming.

Conservatism has been badly damaged by this bizarre, otherworldly circus, and that's not good for America.

America is done so it doesn't matter. Your man Biden just ran his demented mouth about why he really visited Ireland and ticked off maybe our only remaining allies.

Hope you're happy, Ol' Mac.
Curious. Take any issue and it is the RW using emotion. Letā€™s go easy this time. Abortion. Despite the fact. Scientific fact. Medical fact. That in 99% of abortions the Fetus is not viable at the time of the procedure. All we hear is how itā€™s murder and the Fetus will one day. In six months or so, be a child. Emotion trump facts. The RW believes it is Murder and wonā€™t consider anything else. They go with feelings instead of logic and science.

Take another easy one. The election of 2020. lennypartiv Proudly announced that he only gets his news from OAN and Newsmax. Two sites that continue to push the utterly discredited claim that the election was stolen. The proof? Prove it wasnā€™t they demand.

For Millennia the normal practice has been to prove your own claims. If I say that the Earth is round I need to have proof that it is. But now the standards have changed. The RW feels that the election was stolen because they donā€™t want to believe that that many people voted against the Savior in Chief. So they demand you prove they are wrong. Oddly this same standard is not applied to the arguments of the rest of the world. If they make a claim it must be proven. And even then they will deny it.

Feelings of hatred and jealousy guide the Right in every single issue. If you somehow got them to stop using Strawman arguments and False Equivalency they wouldnā€™t have anything to say. Ever.
We have had over one million abortions a year. And Progs would not leave well enough alone as they kept expanding the months abortions could be done. So, abortions are still legitimate Only it is up to each state. It is difficult to get points across with constant demonization from TV hosts and pundits and entertainment.
Republicans lose because democrats really have a much better handle on fraud techniques.
there is some truth to this, tyrants are better criminalsā€¦and they get blind loyalty from a cult they promise to provide for, and give someone else to blame for their problems.
Republicans lose because democrats really have a much better handle on fraud techniques.

The morally right have always been beaten by the evil lying vermin.

Still, I choose morally right. There are far more important things than winning an argument. We will always win by being more intelligent.

There you go again Mac with that ā€œGQPā€ bs, meant purely to flame the OPā€¦

Your argument is a perfect example of an emotion based argument.

Are you not interested at all that we have a POTUS taking money from foreign entities through a complicated scheme of LLCā€™s, using family members, including minor grandchildren to hide the payments?

Now, tell us some more how independent you are, or simply ignore the question and run away with a ā€œthanksā€ā€¦.
There you go again Mac with that ā€œGQPā€ bs, meant purely to flame the OPā€¦
I thought GQP was the Democratic Party.

(Grossly Queer People)
The idea that Democrats are driven by emotion is totally erroneous and gives them much more credit than they deserve. They arenā€™t driven by ā€˜concernā€™, or ā€˜caringā€™, or a deeper love for and compassion for people or the planet.
Most of them are driven by other things, like resentment and a desire to ā€˜stick it toā€™ people and groups they dislike, and their delusions of having superior world views and knowledge. These are not the kind of people who have tears in their eyes frequently because they are hurting for others. These are the kind of people who have no problem dismissing and invalidating the existence of those they have disdain for. I give them zero credit for being empathetic emotional people.

You know, maybe instead of making up what you think Democrats think, actually try talking to them instead of at them. It would be a welcome change of pace and you might learn something.

I voted Republican for years, until the GOP just became too crazy. Obama got elected and you all just lost your minds and still haven't found them.

What we have going for us right now is less, and less people are even watching the MSM, MOST people are getting their information from the internet!! I am not so worried about ads being put out, I am VERY WORRIED about our election systems being corrupted and NOTHING being done about it by our side!! Our side of the isle have their heads in the sand, there is NO REASON in hell why it should take 2-3 weeks for our votes to be counted especially since voting goes on for a damn month in advance!! If voting goes on for a damn month the votes NEED to be counted immediately and registered immediately, PERIOD!!

Except that it normally takes weeks to get a final vote count. Most states on election night are called on PROJECTIONS, not on actual vote counts. 2020 was unusual that more people voted by mail, but that problem could be solved simply by counting mail in ballots in advance, instead of counting them AFTER all the ballots cast on election day have been.

The real problem you guys have is that you only appeal to a small section of the population. If people truly voted their own interests, the GOP would only get the votes of the top 20% of income earners. The rest of us have no business voting for people who have put the interest of the investor class over the working class.

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