Why Putin Wants Trump To Be President

Putin does not want Trump. Trump has been negotiating and making deals his whole adult life, and loves America.
Hillary has been beaten, bamboozled and run over by Putin time and time again. He wants Hillary, of that there is no doubt.

Trump loves Trump. Lets be honest.

And America.

As long as he can brand it "America by Trump" with a big gold sign.

The "why" is irrelevant in this case.
Putin does not want Trump. Trump has been negotiating and making deals his whole adult life, and loves America.
Hillary has been beaten, bamboozled and run over by Putin time and time again. He wants Hillary, of that there is no doubt.

maybe Putin was tired of cleaning up Hillary's mess in the Middle East?

I'm sure that figuring out how to turn the mess to his advantage won't be much of a challenge to him
MSNBC: Do you like Vladimir Putin's comments about you?

TRUMP: Sure! When people call you brilliant, it's always good. Especially when the person heads up Russia!

(NOTE: Putin did not call Trump "brilliant". He called him "talented".)

MSNBC: He's also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously, that would be a concern, would it not?

TRUMP: At least he's a leader.

(NOTE: At least he's a leader? What the...fuck?!?!)

MSNBC: Again, he kills journalists that don't agree with him.

TRUMP: Well, I think our country does plenty of killing also.

(NOTE: Holy fuck! Trump just drew a moral equivalency between the US and Putin killing journalists!)

Completely irrelevant.

In what way is this irrelevant?

It does nothing to back up his claim.

Putin is already doing it! He is turning those countries back into satellites and he'll close down the borders if too many people try to leave. That's an Iron Curtain. Why wouldn't Putin root for Trump when Trump is obviously admiring his leadership style and equivocating about defending our NATO allies against Russian invasion? Trump will destroy everything that Europe and America and the world have fought to build in order to keep the peace. It will eventually lead to nuclear war.
Trump's words are very relevant, friend.

Wow! You have quite the imagination.
If Trump is elected, you can kiss the Ukraine goodbye. You can kiss Georgia goodbye. You can kiss South Ossetia goodbye.

There will be a new Iron Curtain.

Trump will bend over and offer his anus to Vladimir's fist.

Drumpf is clearly incompetent. It's no secret why Putin would want this small fraction of a man as President
When asked about Putin's aims on the Ukraine, here is how Trump responded:

"As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That isn't even a sentence. The man can't complete a thought! His mind skips and jumps and has little seizures.

The man is a fucking retard.

Basically, his response to Putin's aggressiveness is that he likes Putin!

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!
"...if Putin goes in, and I got to know him very well..."

What the ever loving FUCK is that!?!?!

If Putin "goes in"??? WTF?

That's a total huckster move. Jump from answering about the invasion of Ukraine to his boy-crush of having shared a STABLE with the great Putin.

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!
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Donald Trump is funny when he is elected som new president in fact he second alerted or he win also second 2020 then American can for Democrat 1 of 2 pieces 2024 are Heinrich I will 1 of 2 part, second I cannot know.
Why Putin Wants Trump To Be President

He wanted to know if Donnie swallowed, and Trump said sure, for you.
Your one of the biggest idiots on the board. Trump hasn't said anything that makes that case.

Yeah, and Obama isn't a Muslim Double Agent, but that doesn't stop your side from completely lying about everything.

Listen, Putin wants to rebuild his geo-strategic assets by accumulating more neighboring territory. This is no secret.

Putin would much rather play global chess against Trump, who is much easier to exploit based on his ignorance and inability to control his emotions.

Everybody knows this save the people being manipulated by Trump - the angry uneducated white male who, like Trump, doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia, and can't explain the historical significance of say Pinochet or the Shaw, and can't speak intelligently about Reagan's Cold War alliances in the middle east.
Your one of the biggest idiots on the board. Trump hasn't said anything that makes that case.

Yeah, and Obama isn't a Muslim Double Agent, but that doesn't stop your side from completely lying about everything.

Listen, Putin wants to rebuild his geo-strategic assets by accumulating more neighboring territory. This is no secret.

Putin would much rather play global chess against Trump, who is much easier to exploit based on his ignorance and inability to control his emotions.

Everybody knows this save the people being manipulated by Trump - the angry uneducated white male who, like Trump, doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia, and can't explain the historical significance of say Pinochet or the Shaw, and can't speak intelligently about Reagan's Cold War alliances in the middle east.
Only dishonest retards like you put words into people's mouths because that what "their side" says. You don't know what Putin wants, you lying leftist shit.
Why Putin Wants Trump To Be President

He wanted to know if Donnie swallowed, and Trump said sure, for you.
Kinda funny since obama rolled over on everything Russian.

such as ?
Syria, Ukraine, Iran, all worked out in Russia's favor.

so how did Obama roll over?
Watch the news dumbfuck. His red line in the sand in Syria was a joke then Putin stepped in.
Why Putin Wants Trump To Be President

He wanted to know if Donnie swallowed, and Trump said sure, for you.
Kinda funny since obama rolled over on everything Russian.

such as ?
Syria, Ukraine, Iran, all worked out in Russia's favor.

so how did Obama roll over?
Watch the news dumbfuck. His red line in the sand in Syria was a joke then Putin stepped in.
Only dumbshits don't understand what putin wants, obscene child.
Kinda funny since obama rolled over on everything Russian.

such as ?
Syria, Ukraine, Iran, all worked out in Russia's favor.

so how did Obama roll over?
Watch the news dumbfuck. His red line in the sand in Syria was a joke then Putin stepped in.
Only dumbshits don't understand what putin wants, obscene child.
Go lick a dog pecker, you don't know who or what he wants. You aren't half as smart as you think you are.

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