Why post at all in the political forum?

I suppose they do. It just seems like mental masturbation to scream partisan stuff at people expecting to prove them wrong with no sense of rational debate. I realize the internet is whackadoo central...but you'd think that people trying to discuss ideas wouldn't devolve.

Just frustrates me because I'd actually like the conversation to progress.

Well it can be stimulating and a release of sorts. Also quite entertaining at times.
Posting here is part of my rehab program. I, masquerade, am survivor of internet addiction.

Over time I learned how to balance that of my real life with that of my life online. I set out on a quest to find a new place to voice my opinions, beliefs, frustrations, humor ( or lack there of ) along with reading the same from others. I found USMB and have slowly transitioned my way back into the posting world.

Sure, the nasty attacks happen, but they can happen on any forum. It's the chance one takes.
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Im still suffering from my internet addiction. It's actually paralyzing me at my job. I've got to have the internet to work, but I have my 5 or 6 forums that I frequent + facebook...and by the time I've cycled through...it's time to restart.

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