Why Pelosi won't hold a formal vote on impeachment.

Pelosi will hold that vote after the inquiry process ends. .
Want to bet ?
Because it would give the minority party subpoena power to call their own witnesses to testify.

House Speaker Pelosi does not want to give subpoena power to House Republicans, says Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz, former chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

They had power to subpoena before the Dems won the House...

Why didn't they subpoena anyone then??

The previous 8 years, they issued over a hundred subpoenas --- who went to jail??

What's the previous 8 years have to do with anything here ?
Paul Ryan had one agenda- -tax cuts for his sugar daddy Koch brothers so he could retire a multi-millionaire.
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They just want to talk about impeachment and have inquiries and investigations for the next year until the election. The Dems have NOTHING when it comes to issues Americans care about. All they can do is scream about President Trump. It’s the only way to fire up their base.
Their "base" is dwindling. The only true core support they still have is the far, far, radical leftists.
Blacks and a pretty solid majority of women ( even my wife -- we're always debating about Trump and she won't watch Fox) hate Trump generally . And what about hispanics ? He might get 20% at the most.

Hispanic men are changing for ttrump
This indeed is men against women
The judiciary committee has to take a vote on it first, before it can ever be sent to the full House for a vote.

The separate committees doing inquiries now, will send their evidence gathered to the Judiciary Committee for them to sort out, then the committee has a vote, if yes on impeachment, it then goes to full vote.

I think the minority, gets subpoena power once impeachment is voted on in the Judiciary committee???
The judiciary committee has to take a vote on it first, before it can ever be sent to the full House for a vote.

The separate committees doing inquiries now, will send their evidence gathered to the Judiciary Committee for them to sort out, then the committee has a vote, if yes on impeachment, it then goes to full vote.

I think the minority, gets subpoena power once impeachment is voted on in the Judiciary committee???

The full house has to vote on any action

If not that will go against the main law of all house members votes equal

Those committee members would have more power than the other members

That is unconstitutional !!!!
This is why Nancy won't bring any impeachment. She knows damn well that if the democrats do, the voters are going to send the whole filthy bunch of them packing. They'll lose congress, the white house, and the senate will probably pick up seats... and then, THEN they're in deep, DEEP shit, and you can bet many of the corrupt deep state actors will wind up in prison.

I hate to disappoint you assfucks but we vote per person, not per acre.
This is why Nancy won't bring any impeachment. She knows damn well that if the democrats do, the voters are going to send the whole filthy bunch of them packing. They'll lose congress, the white house, and the senate will probably pick up seats... and then, THEN they're in deep, DEEP shit, and you can bet many of the corrupt deep state actors will wind up in prison.

I hate to disappoint you assfucks but we vote per person, not per acre.

That gets stop when the men votes opposite the women

The men will rise up and stop the unwise from electing crooks that weakens the nation
And all house members votes are equal
Committee votes to do an action breaks the law of all members votes equal
WHEN YOU’VE LOST MATT TAIBBI AND ROLLING STONE: The ‘Whistleblower’ Probably Isn’t: It’s an insult to real whistleblowers to use the term with the Ukrainegate protagonist.

“Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas, like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou.

It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower.”​

With Democrats its always lies, fakery and scams, all the way down.
And all house members votes are equal
Committee votes to do an action breaks the law of all members votes equal
Democrats think we have a rotating monarchy. They do not understand US or our system of government. They always assume that any power they have is dictatorial power.
Why all the Right Wing Butt Hurt ?
Feeling invincible after Trumps election in 2016......MANY on the right grilled and went to the movies and laughed off the midterms when democrats TOOK the House easily.
Then, there was a mass "retirement" of so called Republicans, ensuring the Dems a packed Democrat House.
If you consider yourself a Right winger and did not vote in the elections or the midterms, your hypocrisy rivals those on the Left you Bitch about.

All that is required for the Left to kick your ass is for you to do nothing.
The Pre-Impeachment of Donald Trump Never Stopped.

We all know why impeachment is really happening – and when I say all, I include especially the Democrats and their devoted media allies/leaders. They know because they live in fear of what they wrought and desperately want to hide it or bury it (under impeachment) before it is laid out before the public.​

I refer, of course, to the imminent exposure–at least we hope it is coming–of the predicates of the Russia Probe, easily the most despicable and seditious attempt to unseat a president in American history. This attempt to impeach or, at that point, to interdict began on or not long after June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy.​

What is happening now is merely a continuation of a process that started then. Trump was the first president to be “impeached” before he was elected–a neat trick if there ever was one. In a manner of speaking, the group or groups behind the Russia Probe wanted to pre-impeach him. And they never gave up, not even for a minute, even after the Mueller collusion investigation came up empty after two years and multiple millions spent.​

Such outrageous behavior makes one wonder how much more outrageous is the behavior it’s meant to cover for.
Why all the Right Wing Butt Hurt ?
Feeling invincible after Trumps election in 2016......MANY on the right grilled and went to the movies and laughed off the midterms when democrats TOOK the House easily.
Then, there was a mass "retirement" of so called Republicans, ensuring the Dems a packed Democrat House.
If you consider yourself a Right winger and did not vote in the elections or the midterms, your hypocrisy rivals those on the Left you Bitch about.

All that is required for the Left to kick your ass is for you to do nothing.
Trumps rallies are proving other wise and the actual votes of the last election in North Carolina
The Pre-Impeachment of Donald Trump Never Stopped.

We all know why impeachment is really happening – and when I say all, I include especially the Democrats and their devoted media allies/leaders. They know because they live in fear of what they wrought and desperately want to hide it or bury it (under impeachment) before it is laid out before the public.​

I refer, of course, to the imminent exposure–at least we hope it is coming–of the predicates of the Russia Probe, easily the most despicable and seditious attempt to unseat a president in American history. This attempt to impeach or, at that point, to interdict began on or not long after June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy.​

What is happening now is merely a continuation of a process that started then. Trump was the first president to be “impeached” before he was elected–a neat trick if there ever was one. In a manner of speaking, the group or groups behind the Russia Probe wanted to pre-impeach him. And they never gave up, not even for a minute, even after the Mueller collusion investigation came up empty after two years and multiple millions spent.​

Such outrageous behavior makes one wonder how much more outrageous is the behavior it’s meant to cover for.
Donald Trump has been trying to get himself impeached since he took office, breaking every ethics rule, every protocol every norm.... he has caused his own problems imo.
The Pre-Impeachment of Donald Trump Never Stopped.

We all know why impeachment is really happening – and when I say all, I include especially the Democrats and their devoted media allies/leaders. They know because they live in fear of what they wrought and desperately want to hide it or bury it (under impeachment) before it is laid out before the public.​

I refer, of course, to the imminent exposure–at least we hope it is coming–of the predicates of the Russia Probe, easily the most despicable and seditious attempt to unseat a president in American history. This attempt to impeach or, at that point, to interdict began on or not long after June 16, 2015, the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy.​

What is happening now is merely a continuation of a process that started then. Trump was the first president to be “impeached” before he was elected–a neat trick if there ever was one. In a manner of speaking, the group or groups behind the Russia Probe wanted to pre-impeach him. And they never gave up, not even for a minute, even after the Mueller collusion investigation came up empty after two years and multiple millions spent.​

Such outrageous behavior makes one wonder how much more outrageous is the behavior it’s meant to cover for.
Donald Trump has been trying to get himself impeached since he took office, breaking every ethics rule, every protocol every norm.... he has caused his own problems imo.
Again you are wrong dead wrong

Trump has won he has the real power

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