Why our troops are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
One in four Iraqis who was alive in March '03, is currently dead, displaced, maimed, or in prison.

If this country had been invaded in '03 by some extraterrestrial superpower and 25% of your countrymen suffered the same fate as Iraqis today under the American occupation, would you drop a dime on your neighbors or help load the rockets?
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Best explanation I've heard recently for our invasion and occupation of Iraq:


Ray McGovern
offered this assessment in an op-ed he wrote a few years ago, I believe.

Can you guess which "letter" caused him the most grief?

(It's NOT the O or L)
This was posted on military.com "point/counterpoint" discussion group.

A soldier in Iraq said that an Iraqi friend he works with, woke up one night to hear and see rockets being fired by terrorists from his neighbor's backyard! The troop said that his friend "took no action" He said that "most Iraqis don't have telephones but most possess a rifle and ammunition in their home."

My Comment: Can you believe that this troop describes an Iraqi civilian “friend”with a rifle in his home ; who refuses to shoot at terrorists who are firing rockets next to his backyard at night- rockets that kill our troops and probably little children as well- describes his Iraqi co-worker as HIS FRIEND !!?? Neither does his "friend's" armed neighbors take any action!

What kind of military do we have that can't train and encourage Iraqi CIVILIANS to kill terrorists IN THEIR OWN BACKYARD !??.

“Our”military can encourage Americans to send our troops “CARE PACKAGES” with candy and goodies from home-but doesn't request that Americans send even a couple of walkie talkies or cell phones so this troop's “friend” can at least contact authorities if they don't have telephones and are too cowardly to take action themselves.!

The U.S. Military brass and all the grunts over there should be ashamed of themselves. Here you have an Iraqi civilian who is the best recon man the U.S. military has, and they refuse to take advantage of his services! The US military obviously refuses to take advantage of civilian information and FIREPOWER at all !
What a horrible example of the kind of people we are fighting for.. What a perfect example of the incompetence of those in charge: right up to the Commander-in-Chief !!

I would guess that the same situation exists in Afghanistan also.

Mike Corman

[email protected]

For suggesting that Iraqi and Afghan civilians are cowards and that American boys shouln't have to go fight and die for cowards, I was banned from posting on military.com

I received this from military.com:

We're sorry, but your IP address ( has been banned by this community. This means that you may not login or register as long as you are online with this IP address.

Banning over this may have been over the top. However, I'd be willing to guess that you did get wrnings before.

But lets put that aside.

What training do you have that gives you better insite than the professional soldiers with years and years of 1st hand know-how?
Best explanation I've heard recently for our invasion and occupation of Iraq:


Ray McGovern
offered this assessment in an op-ed he wrote a few years ago, I believe.

Can you guess which "letter" caused him the most grief?

(It's NOT the O or L)

Oil; we didn't get any and the price didn't even go down, so that's not right.
Israel; Iraq and Israel don't bother each other, so that's wrong.
Logistics; On who?
What training do you have that gives you better insite than the professional soldiers with years and years of 1st hand know-how?

Well, for one- I've trained freedom-loving innocent civilians to fight their own battles That's my son and two grandsons! If they got into a fight or even a verbal fight with classmates- I didn't run over to their school and fight their battles for them.

Why don't you tell me about the training that your so-called "professional soldiers" received which taught them to disarm innocent foreigners on their streets. Having been in Vietnam- tell me about the training that taught soldiers (grown up men) to yell 4-letter words at little Vietnamese kids. How about the helicopter training which taught pilots to swoop down and scare innocent farmers into falling into their rice paddies!? Should I also mention shooting water-buffalo and beating up a rickshaw driver because he was too tired to give a 300 lb U.S. troop a ride !.

Maybe you don't want to talk about that training or you never witnessed those kind of actions.

Just tell us about the "professional" training and thinking behind the failure to get foreign civilians to fight their own bad guys!

Why our troops are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan .

Its seems probable that the troops are dying so that some businesses and their political allies can become stinking rich. Would you let your son die or loose his legs for the sake of Haliburton executives and their political friends? :confused:
Maybe we should ask the troops over there why they are dying for a country full of cowards who refuse to fight their own bad guys.

If someone was launching rockets from my backyard and killing innocent men women and children- I and my wife would put an end to it- quickly.
Maybe we should ask the troops over there why they are dying for a country full of cowards who refuse to fight their own bad guys.

If someone was launching rockets from my backyard and killing innocent men women and children- I and my wife would put an end to it- quickly.

What if a foreign millitary was attacking your neighbourhood with tanks and thousands of troops and all you had was small arms, would you resist knowing you and your family will probably be wiped out? Just asking...:eusa_whistle:
This was posted on military.com "point/counterpoint" discussion group.

A soldier in Iraq said that an Iraqi friend he works with, woke up one night to hear and see rockets being fired by terrorists from his neighbor's backyard! The troop said that his friend "took no action" He said that "most Iraqis don't have telephones but most possess a rifle and ammunition in their home."

My Comment: Can you believe that this troop describes an Iraqi civilian “friend”with a rifle in his home ; who refuses to shoot at terrorists who are firing rockets next to his backyard at night- rockets that kill our troops and probably little children as well- describes his Iraqi co-worker as HIS FRIEND !!?? Neither does his "friend's" armed neighbors take any action!

What kind of military do we have that can't train and encourage Iraqi CIVILIANS to kill terrorists IN THEIR OWN BACKYARD !??.

“Our”military can encourage Americans to send our troops “CARE PACKAGES” with candy and goodies from home-but doesn't request that Americans send even a couple of walkie talkies or cell phones so this troop's “friend” can at least contact authorities if they don't have telephones and are too cowardly to take action themselves.!

The U.S. Military brass and all the grunts over there should be ashamed of themselves. Here you have an Iraqi civilian who is the best recon man the U.S. military has, and they refuse to take advantage of his services! The US military obviously refuses to take advantage of civilian information and FIREPOWER at all !
What a horrible example of the kind of people we are fighting for.. What a perfect example of the incompetence of those in charge: right up to the Commander-in-Chief !!

I would guess that the same situation exists in Afghanistan also.

Mike Corman

[email protected]

For suggesting that Iraqi and Afghan civilians are cowards and that American boys shouln't have to go fight and die for cowards, I was banned from posting on military.com

I received this from military.com:

We're sorry, but your IP address ( has been banned by this community. This means that you may not login or register as long as you are online with this IP address.

because the hopes of a oppressed people depended on us for their liberation

Maybe we should ask the troops over there why they are dying for a country full of cowards who refuse to fight their own bad guys.

If someone was launching rockets from my backyard and killing innocent men women and children- I and my wife would put an end to it- quickly.

What if a foreign millitary was attacking your neighbourhood with tanks and thousands of troops and all you had was small arms, would you resist knowing you and your family will probably be wiped out? Just asking...:eusa_whistle:

I know my neighborhood better than your ficticious invaders. I have an underground cave to hide in. At night I would go out and kill the invaders. They can't stay in their tanks 24/7/365. Just like the Muhajadeen did to the Russians and the V.C. did to the Americans- your invaders would get tired and LEAVE. You need to read your history books! An ARMED CITIZENRY always wins out in the end !

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